View Full Version : Tank Question

01-28-2003, 07:14 PM
Hey guys,
I got a new crossfire tank and I still have an aci tank. The aci tank blew a o ring inside during a game so I cant fill it up now. So I have some opitions. I wanna get money to buy a freak so I am gonna sell the aci. I talked to some people about fixin it and they said that they can fix it for 20 and thats without parts. The guy said its proably only gonna be an o ring so parts wouldnt be expensive. Or I can get a new reg for it (because the one on there now is the old style) whitch would cost 40. The big problem is going to be shipping. They are all the way out in california and i'm in pennislvania. My other opition would be sell it now and just have the next guy fix it. Well what do you guys think I should do, and what do you think I can get for it? Thanks alot.

01-29-2003, 08:29 PM
Does anybody have any suggestions?

01-29-2003, 09:04 PM
sell the ACI, you can only use 1 tank at a time, and unless you play out in the middle of east bumblef*ck egypt, you would have to stop to get it filled during a game, so the only time it's really practical to have 2 is if you are playing out in the middle of no where and 1 tank won't last you. i dig crossfires too, mine works flawlessly.