View Full Version : AGD KIds: Pro?????

01-28-2003, 11:19 PM
The AGD Kids had our meeting with Mr. Tom Kaye tonight and there was a big discussion on weather or not the Kids should go Pro for the 2003 season. So we thought we should hear what the AOers thuoght. So let me hear your thoughts and opinions on the topic.

01-28-2003, 11:25 PM
well, what level are you now? first what i think you should do, is play well in the lowe ranks, and totally dominate, and well, get all that hype behind you, i mean look at trauma, they have so much hype behind them, that their name on a marker makes it fly outta the store. Go the trauma route.

01-28-2003, 11:28 PM
You all are in the rookie division, right? (atleast you were at world cup) Like Magman said, make a name for yourself first then move on to a higher division. I know you all place really well but a big jump like going pro may not be the best thing right now. :) Either way, Good luck in whatever you all decide! :D

01-28-2003, 11:36 PM
Well we sorta have a deal about going pro and that would make us better faster and we have been playin Am tourneys latley. Also us going pro will make a name for us real fast.and get an all mag team compeating in the pro level.

01-28-2003, 11:42 PM
If you guys feel like you can hold your own then by all means! don't let us stop ya! :)

01-28-2003, 11:42 PM
From all I've seen and heard, the Kids are a damn good team.

With new tournie series being added, competition is spreading out instead of being focused in one place. Makes it easier for a team to do better in events when that even isn't stacked with ALL the pro teams.

I think that the only people who know if you are ready for pro is you guys, though.

Good luck whichever way you decide.

01-28-2003, 11:44 PM
Well Jay, whatever you guys decide to do, good luck!. I'm also awaiting a rematch. I heard rumor that you guys are coming back to Blackrain. True??

01-28-2003, 11:50 PM
i admit, going pro would be cool, but rookie to pro, is one hell of a jump. Take it from me. IM a novice player, technically im a step above you(ranked that way) and i find amateur to be my next step soon, but there is no way, even if offered the chance, that i would turn pro tomorow.

I understand you guys are good, but how do we have to base that? off of your previous competition? which was rookie. I agree with clare agreeing with my post. Stick to the ranks, there there for a reason, if you go pro and suck, there is no going back, your stuck there. Then, you may give the mag a bad name. You need to consider all aspects.

I personally want you guys to go through the ranks( i alwa want to play you guys, but thats besides the points. THere are still some tough teams you have to face, Think of Kapp Kids and Philadelphia eclipse, and some of the others. Also look at strange, they kicked in amateur for a little, then they went pro, there doin huge.

ANd again, i refference to trauma.

Also, remember what happened last time an agd team was going to turn pro? didnt they get trounced in novice? im just saying, lions are awesome, im just giving you some feed back thats all. Good luck kids. Hopefully you will make the right decision

01-29-2003, 12:40 AM
Going pro can be real expensive too.

01-29-2003, 01:22 AM
If they are Pro, it actually gets cheaper. Most Pro teams don't have to pay entry fees, and paint is usually covered as well. Equipment is covered too. Although they already have that. Perhaps new X-Mags though.
The bulk of the costs comes in in traveling, and practices.
When you travel, you leave your job, have to pay for transprotation, lodging, food, and incidentals. Leaving your job, for some people, is more than all those other things put together. This is definately a BIG step no matter what backing they have.
Good luck Jay, make AGD proud.
Any news on the Lions???

01-29-2003, 01:29 AM
I can't really say to one thing or another since I'm not in your guy's situation. I know that I couldn't imagine going from rookie to pro that's for sure but what I think doesn't really matter, it's what you feel like you're capable of doing. If you guys feel you can make it in the pro ranks then by all means go for it, we know ya got skillz. Good Luck with whatever decision you make.

01-29-2003, 02:14 AM
Well guys we started thinking about it after the past couple of months after us winning a am tourney and then placing fourth after beating out which is now the pro team Brimstone Smoke. We took some advice from the owner of Brimstone who said after playing the way we did against his team that we should start to go places and play at a much higher level of competition. He stated that if we could walk over his team like that we should be able to handle it and at least be competitive. So we just might go for it.

01-29-2003, 03:21 AM
Also Thordic is very right that is the same idea we had.
With all the top level pro teams from last year moving on to play Xball we figured why not go for it. Now is the time.

I also strongly feel that we will be at a competitive level with the other 5 man pro teams. So if we are at least that it will not give a bad rep to AGD.

I posted this up to see what your opinions were and to find out if we had support of the AGD community.


If you feel this is the worst idea ever tell us; and also if you feel that this is a good thing for AGD and you support it then let us know that to!!!!


The AGD Kids

01-29-2003, 07:17 AM
i say do it. if you think youll get massacred the first few years, i guess thats fine, cause your learning.

01-29-2003, 07:31 AM
even though i hate to say it.... i agree with magman... i think you should work your way up and make a name for yourselves then jump up to pro, if you think your ready know think of how good you'll be next year...just a thought...

01-29-2003, 07:54 AM
This is just my opinion,


Last I looked there was only like 13 pro teams (this was before the big psp and nppl bit and the introduction of xball). So not to bash the pro level, but it seems easier to make a name for yourself at pro level. There are a ton of amateur teams out there, and even more novice and rookie.

Plus on the otherside of the coin, it can never be said that you play down. Go for it man, if you guys think you can handle it, then do it.

Chris Geiger

01-29-2003, 10:32 AM
Go Pro

01-29-2003, 11:15 AM
the thing that confuses me is you said 5 man.... well unless your going to be doing xball, the olny real other place to have competition is in th NPPL and that wopuld be 7 man... i guess your going to need a few other players.

I also understand there will be less competition team wise, but there is still great tallent there. I refference Dynasty.

Going pro is a cool thing to do, and i think that is what is cloging your minds. Your young, as am I an the thoughtr of being this young, and turning pro is mind boggling to you! it seems like the coolest thing in the world, well it wont be once you get there. Pro paintball isnt like it seems. And i think you would be setting yourselves up for a big dissapointment.

Also, if you make a name for your self, you can gain more sponsorships, which would make it easier on your switch to pro, and easier on AGD.

just take it slow youing grass hoppers!

01-29-2003, 11:20 AM
Ok, I only play college
so far, but am soon to
graduate and have been
considering this type
of question for 2 years.

From what I've seen while
thinking about this, the
biggest difference seems
to be on field trigger
time against better opponents.

You simply get better or leave.

It seems that playing better
people more often breeds better
play from you.

Go pro, get some practice, kick
some tail, thank AGD.

I take my sonic bushy out
99 times, but when my sluggo
is done and I put on the
hyper frame, who knows.


01-29-2003, 11:23 AM
If I read correctly they play amateur right now, magman, not rookie.

Go for pro!! Make us proud!!

01-29-2003, 11:32 AM
Ive always been one to say "Take the challenge"

I always want to see people do their best and well, the Pro level is the best. Go for it boys. Youve got a supporter in me

01-29-2003, 11:48 AM
I am a devoted AOite, but I don't know your record. What events did you win at Am level, and besides Brimstone, who have you played. Is the Brimstone team you played have the same members now that they are pro? Does one man's opinion mean that much to you? Even 'lock, and 'lanche have lost to an Am team once and a while, but that Am team didn't turn pro because of it.
I guess I'm saying I'm with the make a name for yourself crowd. Get in the publications and on web sites other than this one. Then go pro. Once you go pro, you can't go back.

my 2

Load SM5
01-29-2003, 12:12 PM
In my opinion.....

If you guys can go pro and be competative (and only you guys know if you can) then I say go for it. Just be honest with yourselves as to your ability to pull it off. If you can go in and play well and honest, and look good doing it then it will be nothing but positive for AGD.

It'll certainly stomp out the "If mags are so good why don't pro's shoot them?" argument

01-29-2003, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by the123
If they are Pro, it actually gets cheaper. Most Pro teams don't have to pay entry fees, and paint is usually covered as well. Equipment is covered too. Although they already have that. Perhaps new X-Mags though.
The bulk of the costs comes in in traveling, and practices.
When you travel, you leave your job, have to pay for transprotation, lodging, food, and incidentals. Leaving your job, for some people, is more than all those other things put together. This is definately a BIG step no matter what backing they have.
Good luck Jay, make AGD proud.
Any news on the Lions???

I was under the impression that all this was free because you had sponsors who would pay for it. I was just saying that if you go pro you better have sponsors lined up if you wanna be real succesful.

01-29-2003, 12:41 PM
Now G-rock makes a good point it easy to make a name for yourself in the pro division. People remember the 8-10 pro teams that play an event, but do they remember who even took third or fourth in the am division?????

01-29-2003, 12:48 PM
People will remember a "Pro" team getting slaughtered a lot more than than an Amatuer Team whipping others like ragdolls. Don't be too hasty and bite off more than you can chew. Try a couple of events as AM's and if you smoke the competition then make the jump at Chicago or Jersey...all it can do is show your skill over the top ranked AM's, most of which are more than capable of beating pro teams.

just my $.02

01-29-2003, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Jay
I also strongly feel that we will be at a competitive level with the other 5 man pro teams.
I think you just answered your own question. If you (and the rest of the team) feel that way, then play pro. I'll bet that you have the support of AO, but I'm not sure why that matters.

brian terry
01-29-2003, 02:14 PM
yo jay i talked to milt brimstone smoke today .they are not going pro till 2004.they got some new players so they need to see what they got befor doing pro.by the way good luck at the tourney me and one of my guys was going to play in it but the team we was going to play with got there other 2 players to go hehehe .maybe next time bro.

01-29-2003, 06:00 PM
If you think you can play there, go for it.

But going there to get better faster isn't a great way to promote AGD products. You wouldn't want to be the team WITH 'MAGS getting whooped on.

Note I haven't ever seen you guys play- so I am talking pretty general here. The jump seems pretty big and putting a new team into Pro wouldn't be a great AGD PR move. ;)

01-29-2003, 07:45 PM
how old are these "kids"

01-29-2003, 07:59 PM
(assuming you are playing super 7)
Go pro if the following is true:

You don't mind not playing any amateur events in your local area. You will be basicly banned form playing any amateur events across the nation.

All you are planning to play is this series' pro events or any pro events for that matter.

undrstand you are playing for money and you will now have to either watch the amount you win for tax purposes (but oh the deductions are probably sweet!)

but if this series is the teams true dedication then do it and here is why:

expenses wise it is the only way that makes sense. If you guys are paying your own way it will only cost you 200 or 100 dollars more. Hotel, food , transportation and paint are relatively the same no matter which division you play. So the only hampering factor is the entry fee. (which did go up this year and there are less people per team so cost per player went WAY up)

entry fees are as follows: pro-1650 (236/player), amateur 1550(221/player), novice 1450( 207/player), rookie 1350 (193/player)
a 43 difference per player between playing pro for 20,000 in cash vs playing novice 10,000 in inflated high MSRP in prizes

After paying around 600/player if you pay your own way, the extra 43 bucks seems the way to go.

but that is just my opinion/logic ;)

01-29-2003, 08:51 PM
can you get ahold of me
ask for dan holms
we have three great teams between the lions, pride and the kidz... this season is the season we all are going to shine... get ahold of me... id like to talk to you about your plans for the team... and what both of our teams can do to hit the top...


01-29-2003, 09:18 PM
Espo: you said getting beat in pro is a learning experience. In pro if you get beat its NOT a learning experience. in the pro division these are the options of your team:A:break up B:lose all ur players C.Go back to a lower division or D:Win.

Getting beat and learning from your mistakes happens when your just starting out, or enterting a tourney for the first time, not in pro. There are maybe 150 pros out of the 7 million players worldwide so pros are expected to be at the top of their game not learning from their mistakes.

AGD Kids you have all the Mag users behind you no matter what choice you make but PLEASE THINK before you decide to move to pro
:D Good luck!

01-30-2003, 01:46 AM
i dont think you guys undstand that the reason we are going to play pro is because tom kay wants us to. he says now is the time because all the top pro teams are moving to x-ball. and if we do terrible the first couple times we can always move back down as long as we dont place real well.

01-30-2003, 11:17 AM
Well heck! TK has seen you play and it is his product name on the line. If he thinks you can do it, why not! Go Kids!

01-30-2003, 11:18 AM
agdkid#3 that still does not change my views. If it was you or tom wanting to do it it doesnt change my views.

The thing that gets me, is every one seems to forget the jax warriors, yea, agd's old factory team. Yea they used to be really really hot! but alas, thats not on the subject.

Jay and the kids, you cna even see, brimstone smoke has decided not to turn pro, and you may want to do it for the same reason they chose. They got new players. Now you need ot realize, you guys need more players as well. If your doing super 7, you need 7 men and those are 2 other players, who your team needs to get used to before. Dont forget this. PLease let us know what the decision and turn out was

01-31-2003, 02:46 AM
Alright guys we are playing 5 man amatuer at this years mardi gras. we decided that if we can do good at the am events we will jump to pro some time later in the season. thanks for all of your input.

We will go pro sometime soon though just gonna stick in the am div. to get a feel for where we want to be this year.

brian terry
01-31-2003, 03:08 AM
good move.

Load SM5
01-31-2003, 07:53 AM
Good deal...see you guys in 'Nawlins :D