View Full Version : Nedd Help Adjusting My Trigger Pull (emag)

01-29-2003, 09:24 PM
hello, i am having trouble with my emag, i just bought it and cannot shoot fast at all. is this normal!?!? i think i should adjust teh pull but am not sure how to do that. i want the distance to be really short but the pull itself to be nice and crisp, sort of like a click. if someone could walk me through how to do that it would be very helpful,

also will AGD hand out EMAG trouble shooting videos for free??

01-29-2003, 09:37 PM
Okay to first set the lenght sperate the trigger frame from the rail/mainbody. on you selector switch on the inside of the frame there is a set screw. screw this out till you get the length you want. next play with your magnet stack by adding/subtracting magnets. this is located forward of the selector switch. you can also put in some small orings or plastic anything as a spacer to get an even lighter pull if thats what you want. reasemble your marker. turn on and put in emode with the safety on (no need to air it up) pull the trigger. if you hear the solenoid click your good to go but most likely it wont. take a small allen wrench(probably the same one you used to adjust the set screw) and on your trigger on the bump in the middle of the groove there is a place to adjust the HAL effect sensor magnet( makes gun cycle). pull your trigger and hold it in. screw that screw clockwise until you here the solonoid click. stop adjusting and make sure when you release the trigger it moves far enough to clear the sensors range test a couple of shots. air up and rip. I think thats it. hope it helped


01-29-2003, 09:47 PM
thank you very much I will tell you if i have any more problems.

01-29-2003, 10:16 PM