View Full Version : AGD/AO giveaways & RONN STERN IMPACT PRACTICE

01-30-2003, 03:38 PM
Ronn Stern and his team IMPACT will be traveling to Paintball Central in NC on FEB 8 & 9 to play againest the locals and learn / teach some new tricks.

Show up for your chance to put some paint on RONN. He will also be doing some autograhing and other art stuff at the store Sat evening for about two hours.

Shannon Mahone captain of IMPACT and head outside promoting ELF at AGD will be on hand as well to give away some signed AGD posters and other AO/AGD goodies.

If you can think of a really cool contest, we may be able to give away some warp feeds...post your ideas here...


Shannon will also be able to answer any questions about SPRINT's 3-g unlimited wireless web service that you can hook up your laptop for mobile surfing...

Shannon is under contract arangements right now to have Sprint be AGD/Impact's offical wireless provider for their 2003 season...

01-30-2003, 03:44 PM
I think my team's practice just moved from the 16th to the 9th :)

01-30-2003, 04:55 PM
Contests Hmmm??

here are some ideas

-paintball eating contes (whoever eats a whole hopper in the shortest amount of time)(got that from skirmish USA)
-Sharp Shooing contest (setup small targets at the 50, give the contestants a limited number of balls, and who ever can knock all the targets down in the shortes amonut of time)(or whoever can get teh best score...like in darts)
-go one on one with one of the IMPACT team members
-coolest gun contest (IMPACT and RONN himself are the judges)
-Fastest Trigger Finger w/o using burst, Response, or fully modes(whoever can shoot a hopper in the shortest amount of time)(break it into groups for a fair chance 1. electros 2. mechanical 3. pumps)
-"the matrix contest" (put one or more people out in an open area and let them run around for a 30 secs while others are shooting at them, lets see if they can dodge paint!!!...who ever takes the least or most shots wins)

those are just some ideas...

01-30-2003, 05:10 PM
*-Pgp challenge. Give each person a pgp with ONLY 10 rounds and do a 1 against 1. Or, for more fun have a camp attendee with the pgp go up against an instructor with his semi :D

*-Front Player challenge. hold a race to the 50 to see whos the fastest front player. (stopwatch)

*-Front player challenge 2. Have 5 people sweetspot the field while he races to the 50.

-Hold a race to see who can field strip their gun the fastest

-Pod filling race

-You could have awards for best front, mid, back, and tape player

01-30-2003, 06:26 PM
so far I like the who can field strip their gun the fastest but maybe we should make them do it blind folded...

01-30-2003, 06:31 PM
Thats a great idea lol

You might be able to incorporate spinning them till their super dizzy...

01-30-2003, 06:32 PM
Oooh....Me pulls blazer out and field strips it in 1.5 seconds.

01-30-2003, 07:03 PM
/me goes gets GTV1 rental from the field package.....returns

ic an do it blindfolded in 45 secs flat...and that includes oiling it(youd be amzed what us bored field managers will do in our spare time)

01-30-2003, 08:16 PM
Hmmm, we could make it dissassemble an then reassemble...

Another idea:

Contestants get a gun that has a problem, and they have to race to fix it.
-You could tell them the problem or you could make them figure it out
-you could promote it with mags!

01-30-2003, 08:19 PM
oh..that 45 includes reasembly too :)

PS: WOHOO! 1800 posts!

01-30-2003, 09:19 PM
-You could blindfold the contestant and make him identify guns and gear by touch.

01-30-2003, 09:34 PM
Or you could disassemble the markers before hand and not let the contestants see or know about the parts in any way. Bring them in blindfolded, and have them assemble AND identify the gun at the same time. Should be REALLY interesting.


01-30-2003, 10:39 PM
Try putting a tippmann 98 togeather blindfolded :confused:

01-30-2003, 11:06 PM
i'm there! plus i get to pick up my free tshirt that i won at the X-Mas big game at PBC, and i get to get Kev to install my LX kit!

I'm all for the paint eating contest due to my lack of speed:(

01-31-2003, 12:07 AM
well... one time on jay leno i seen this thing where this guy got paid to destroy his car. for a big prize, why dont you dare people to destroy their pball gun? :)

01-31-2003, 12:08 AM
nah,IMO that would be REALLY hard to do, if not impossible. Try putting an angel together blindfolded...

i doubt people would do it... unless the prize was a new gun ;)

nuclear zombie
01-31-2003, 08:31 AM
- one person vs. team impact see who can last the longest

01-31-2003, 10:23 AM
how about a contest to see who does the coolest moves in a game?

01-31-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by agdemagman69
nah,IMO that would be REALLY hard to do, if not impossible. Try putting an angel together blindfolded...

Thats my point,,, would still be fun to watch tho.


01-31-2003, 06:10 PM
lol yeah, it would be fun

Pimp Greensocks
02-03-2003, 01:17 AM
Hey shannon, how about the contest is I want a warp feed so give me one. Come on help a brother out. Maybe i'll lighten up on ya at the field and help ya out at practice this weekend :)

Oh yeah get back at me about that gun sponsorship, Im ready for my Emag yo.


Oh yeah This is John, I finally got the motivation to make an account on here, i've been reading it for a while now.

02-04-2003, 12:18 AM
lighten up on me at practice? YOU must be on crack...monkey !!!

How is that scar I gave you from the crazy kewl bunker move I pulled on you and Joe during practice? Is it still bleeding?

what about the game after that when I majicly moved bunkers with out you ever seeing me...sneaky, sneaky...then you ran down the feild like a streaker shooting at the wrong bunker...

I felt so bad for you I could only manage to shoot you once out of guilt I might crush your tender spirit to win...just fooling good buddy

Everything is going good at AGD...they are helping us out this year because I work for them and I have put my name on the line for this team.

The complete details of their support will always be changing depening on weither we can win some events and expand the knowlege base of their product line...the more we win and promote for them the more we can get in help from our sponsors some of which will be outside of paitnball. I used to be sponsored by HOOTERS and plan to re-kindle that one for starters...free food at events is always good for the soul and the eye candy aint bad either...

I have big plans for this team but It will take alot of dedication from ALL of the players who gets invited to join and the only person who can do that is RONN STERN.

You need to come to practise in greensboro this weekend and show him your stuff and ask him if you can join. Everyone has to meet RONN before I have anything to do with it, Joe and mike met him at the cup and he approved of them officaially joining the team.

Then I call the shots as to who starts and so on...which I will judge peoples performance on and off the field before I make my final decisions...it will be fun but it will be hard work as well because I have three world titles already and I am not doing this for any other reason but to win, win, win and that means the best players start even if I have to sit myself some games...

by the way have you learned to tell time yet??????????????

02-04-2003, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
I think my team's practice just moved from the 16th to the 9th :)

You should have the FSE-LX by then.
Unless you're SURE, DON'T get into any
field strip contest's.
And don't even think about Destroy the Gun.
:( :( :D :D

02-04-2003, 12:50 AM
so are you givin away warps here? :D

Pimp Greensocks
02-04-2003, 11:54 AM

I told you my VL timer got stolen at the gay *** alamo. Now all i can count is my fingers and toes 21 as usual. And as for that bunker, the first one was beautifully done but there was nothing i could do about it but rely on joe's baldness. And the second, the fact that i wanted to stitch you so bad made me not really care about where u were.

Fun stuff tho. As for that Ronn Stern thing, he's gonna wanna ask me to join the team. :) AND who is josh silverman????

Actually I might not be able to go to pb central, im like broke, I dropped my cell phone and it sucks @ss now so i have to get a new one. GIve me a call i left you a voice mail last night.

PEACE, oh yeah hows that one shot on the back of your head?

nothing but love brotha

02-04-2003, 12:41 PM
it is all cool bro...

josh silverman is the assitant editor of Paintball 2 xtremes...and a realy cool likeable guy that I have known forever...

practise at central...I am broke as well but trying to figure out how I can afford some paint to practice. I suggest you ride up with me or JOE no matter what just to meet Ronn even if you do not play this weekend just so he can see you face to face.

I remember getting hit in the back of the neck buy smooth when I was like the last guy against three or four...is that the one you are talking about???

I hate missing practices at planet now that we got some numbers to play againest...


Pimp Greensocks
02-06-2003, 07:44 PM
Nah i mean off the break when i went to the 50 and u were on the 40 and i one shotted you in the head.

anyway as for meeting Ron himself i guess ill just use my broken phone for a while and play this weekend. I think i might skip the CFOA tho, too many bills.

get back at me, and when do i win my warp feed again?


02-06-2003, 10:00 PM
bla bla bla bla bla...you will win a warp when you win a warp....what have you done for AGD or the team lately???

nothing in life is for free you should know this by now man

02-06-2003, 10:01 PM
air is free!

02-06-2003, 11:00 PM
uh, what's the contest going to be?

02-07-2003, 05:02 AM
well ok....drum roll....the contest will be either who can eat the most paitnballs in a set period of time or who can assemble their gun the fastest or who is the fastest runner or who can run/shoot the gauntlet the fastest which is a five target shoot out simulating a paintball game.........

which one do you like the best?????????

remember time is our enemy and which ever contest we pick needs to be able to be comleted quickly so all who want to play can and I think we are going to have over 50 people their maybe even close to 100.

I am going to start a new thread with a poll...

02-07-2003, 05:19 AM
lol eating paintballs the fastest lol thats great but... i wonder what it would do to your insides after about 20 lol

02-07-2003, 09:41 AM
so nobodys getting a warp here?

02-07-2003, 04:04 PM
Yes I want to give one away at Impact's practice at central this weekend and was checking with AO members to see what contest they liked the best but their was not a for sure contest picked by AO yet...I think everyone likes the how many paintballs can be eaten one so far...it is still up in the air as to which contest we are going to host at practice. I will decide Sat at high noon at practice...

02-07-2003, 05:06 PM
PAINTBALL EATING!! i have no running speed, so paintball eating is my thing! PLEASE!