View Full Version : rate of fire???????

01-30-2003, 06:19 PM
what is rate of fire???is it the average that the gun can shoot or the max of the gun .........

01-30-2003, 06:26 PM
Not really both although I guess it is a matter of interpretation. ROF(rate of fire) is how fast you can shoot a.k.a BPS(balls per second). ROF on firearms would be single round, burst, and full auto settings you can choose from.

01-31-2003, 10:26 AM
It can be applied 2 ways, the first being what Remmington said; the amount of rounds you fire per minute.

The other being, the maximum amount a marker(firearm, etc.) can be fired in one minute.

BPS (Balls per Second) is most commonly used in paintball.