View Full Version : Anyone have parents that think your psycho for spending so much on paintball?

01-30-2003, 11:42 PM
I noticed that the X-valves are back in stock and I want to get one badly, but If I ask my dad if I can buy one, he will say "What the Heck, 225 is crazy!" and since I am kinda supposed to save for a car, but I make 250 every 2 weeks so I don't think its a big deal, but you know how parents are, they think your crazy for spending cash like that for a paintball gun, Whats in my mind right now is that, should I just use the classic valve and get a lvl 10 or get the x-valve, becuase I really want to be able to shoot out the competition, and my friend just got a 2k2 Cocker and I gotta show him what mags are all about heheh

01-30-2003, 11:48 PM
i have to talk to my parents like every day for a week or 2 just to get them to let me get something... annoying but i can see where they're coming from...

Gitaroo Man
01-30-2003, 11:49 PM
Well my parents won't let me buy a pball gun soo.....

01-30-2003, 11:51 PM
yesyesyesyesyesyse YES!!
wow i am in EXACTLY the same boat!! st00pid parentals... of course, it'lll probly end up helpin me in the end... but i'd rather COMPLAIN RIGHT NOW WITH THE REST OF YOU!!! *waaaaahhhhh*

01-30-2003, 11:51 PM
Well the reason my dad would know about how much it is and all is becuase I don't think you can buy anything from the AGD store through money order, if they do accept money orders, then hell I would buy one, but if they only accept credit cards, then I would have to use my dad's and he would ask me, what is it for, I tell him a 225 dollar valve, wonder what he will say? :confused: :D But technically I work my azz off EVERY weekend becuase my dang work doesn't really let weekends off so I think I should be able to buy something that I want with MY OWN money if I want to

01-30-2003, 11:56 PM
lets see, my parents think everything is expensive... i mean, they thought that a 75 dollar mag (someone offered it to me cheap because they felt like I should have one for trying so hard to get into paintball) was expensive. I mean, I have yet been allowed to buy a paintball part, but I hope that changes soon.

01-31-2003, 12:18 AM
I got the set of parents that try to get me out on the weekends to go play. Always asking me if I've got a game organized (no commercial field) for the weekend or anything. They let me build my field on the only available land on... our land (right in full view of the road, but far enough away so that cars are in no danger at all.), so they let me kill off large sections of grass with bunkers and generally ruin the look of the place... lol...

So yeah, why did I reply? I dunno... completely off the topic... maybe for a different viewpoint?

(On the other hand, the rest of my family thinks a $300 Mag and $500 Autococker are crazy... whereas my parents are like - just so long as you have the money for it)

01-31-2003, 12:47 AM
I had a lengthy reply in progress but somebody sent me a link which i accidently clicked and lost the text. Basically my parents are behind my playing paintball 100% as long as my grades are fine. They are willing to help pay for things such as tourneys when i have to travel because they do the same for my sister who plays softball. I tend to get along with them well and find them supportive of my paintball career.

01-31-2003, 12:58 AM
Because of paintball I'm broke. Oh well, you know what they say about money, you can't take it with you....:D

01-31-2003, 01:34 AM
Actually, yes. My parents do think I'm crazy for spending as much as I do (which isn't much by most standards in paintball). I also have a job....and I don't live at home...and I'm 25.

Actually my dad kinda understands, somewhat. He's a gun/shooter collector, so he understands the value, but when you take $800 for a paintball gun, he imagines what a nice REAL gun you mighta had.

01-31-2003, 02:54 AM
I kinda made an attempt to keep my parents out of my Spending for Paintball life.... they get kinda upset that I spend so much....

My father has never supported my paintball career.. and my mother has only just begun to kinda accept my gift.... hhhahahah... err... yah...

~da "parents are odd" baller

01-31-2003, 04:28 AM
When I was but a wee lad, my dad thought PB as great. As he told me after HS, "I never had to worry about you getting into drugs, all your money went into paintball".

01-31-2003, 08:18 AM
my mom is behind me 100%. she even started playing like last month. as for the money. she doesn't mind. but i recently gave her 80 dollars in ones(plus other bills) for the edge kit for my gun

01-31-2003, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by banzaimf
When I was but a wee lad, my dad thought PB as great. As he told me after HS, "I never had to worry about you getting into drugs, all your money went into paintball".

that's a good one.... but mosty of us can manage that on the side... lol... and my rents are buggin cuz they say i'm suppose to save for a car and i have no job... so they don't even know what i buy... they should have never game me my own visa/debit card... muahahaha!

01-31-2003, 09:08 AM
I always monitor my children’s spending, from paintball, to anything else. For me, it is not so much WHAT they spend it on, but why they spend it. It seems some times that they spend JUST to spend.

The money comes in and they (kids in general) have to run right out and spend it. I try to instill in them that they need to be careful how they spend their money. Is it on something that will last? Is it because they just want to go out with their friends to the mall and since everyone else is spending money, they need too as well. Etc.

Another thing that can get to me at times is that they (kids in general, not mine) feel that every dime they get is THEIRS. Let me explain…..

When a parent makes money, it is not THEIRS. It pays for rent/mortgage, car payments, food, utilities, etc. all for the family. And THEN if there is something left over, it is usually put aside for emergencies. But when a child makes money, what does it go for? Hmmmm

Now with this said, I am NOT saying that children should pay their parents money (not that at times this is not warranted). But it used to be that when a child worked, that it was a GIVEN that some of their money went back into the family budget. This has changed. And believe it or not, if a child brings in even $200 a month and it is all THEIRS, they make more than many of their parents do, after paying all the bills. Oh, but YOU earned that money, right? And YOU should be able to spend it any way you want, right? ;)

Like I often say, there are two sides to the coin. And I think that if kids gave back to their families, they would not be met with such reluctance when they want to buy things for themselves. I don’t expect it, but I find it refreshing when my kids buy dinner some times, or save up for birthday gifts for their siblings, and me and Mom. It shows that they are not only thinking about themselves.

Would I let my kids buy paintball gear? YOU BET! Because they earned it, and I am not talking about the money. ;)

01-31-2003, 09:15 AM
my parents don't know how much I spend on paintball. part of it has to do with the fact that I am older than dirt and I don't need to tell them and the other part is that I don't really know how much I spend on paintball. :D

01-31-2003, 09:25 AM
It only gets worse as you get older.

I am 30+ have a tech job, two houses, kids and a wife that can't understand why I can have all the paintball stuff I have and still need anything. She thinks her spyder compact is comparable to my mags.

When I was in high school I raced motocross. My dad had 3 practice tracks for me and my brother. Years later he confided in me that as long as he heard bikes cutting practice laps, he new we weren't getting into any trouble. So parents supporting their children's activities appearantly can work.

As for my dads take on my paintball expenses. He says that he has his cars to restore and I have my paintball to play so it's a wash since neither is a necessity

01-31-2003, 12:51 PM
My parents don't care. I'm 23, haven't lived with my parents (barring one summer) since I was like 17 or 18. They know it makes me happy and that I pay all my bills and (other then school loans and a car payment) aren't in TOO much debt. You only go around one time right? Follow three simple rules!

1. Do what's right.

2. Do what's fun and makes you happy.

3. Make sure rule 2 doesn't interfere or take priority over rule number 1.

That's it! :D

01-31-2003, 12:58 PM
just dont tell them the accual price youre accualy paying. my mom still thinks that paint cost 30$ a case

01-31-2003, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by DeathscytheSK
Anyone have parents that think your psycho for spending so much on paintball?
No, but my wife does! ;)

01-31-2003, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by hitech

No, but my wife does! ;)

have you tried getting her to play and get involved

01-31-2003, 01:52 PM
My parents used to live in an old army barracks that they rented for like 20 bucks a month w/ out heat, so they still think everything is overpriced. I just gotta argue enough and reason with them and i can usually spend my own damn money. Of course I shouldn't have to argue if its my money but o welllll.

01-31-2003, 03:29 PM
My parents haven't straight out said that they don't want me spending money, but they try an pressure me alot. My dad always says that when he was a kid, his dad didn't help him or bother him about his interests, but ofcoarse, he and his dad(my grandad) both loved Golf. I, for most intents and purposes, hate golf and have made that known. And in all honesty, I love my dad with all my heart, but I think he decided that he is just gonna not have interest in whatever I do besides golf.

But either way, I usually have to hide my paychecks so may parents don't know whether I am buying things or not(they check my check book on occasion).

01-31-2003, 03:34 PM
My parents did till I showed them that I wont stop ;)

And my dad plays now so its MUCH easier to buy PB stuff

01-31-2003, 06:06 PM
hehehe i counted up the retail value of my markers and since 1989 i have over $14000.00 in gear never mind the cases and cases and cases of paint

01-31-2003, 09:05 PM
well, when i started a few years ago, my dad bought my brother and i starter spyders, and he bought himself a Spyder SE. He told us that we needed to pay for as much paint expenses as we could, and performance upgrades were on us. of course, we pushed the envelope, and simply couldn't tweak anymore to our liking. so i then bought my own minimag, and then eventually sold it and moved to a black emag, and then my ULE-mag. so far on marker expenses for the ULE alone, i've spent $1445 (and ive worked it out that i have saved 50% on retail). i've easly spent triple that upgrading my spyder/minimag/emag.

after i got my minimag, i convinced my dad (through performance alone), that mags were superior to spyders and that he should consider 'upgrading'.

so i hooked him up with some sweet deals (mucho kudos to RogueFactor for them), and he ended up saving 50% of what i paid for the same marker. so i guess we're even on the level of expenses.

now i must point out that i've only held one summer job, and before that i made $15 a week. i really dont know how i came up with the money, and i'm surprised that my parents trust me enough to not consider that i may have paid illegally (not that i ever have,, nor ever will).

i must also admit that i have spent a lot on PB, and some call me crazy for it. i'm sometimes known at school as "the guy that spent $1500 on a paintball gun that shoots 20 BPS".
but im happy my parents know that im not a drug dealer. and i know that PB has kept me out of a lot of trouble.

01-31-2003, 09:33 PM
yea, everytime i get something in, my dad is like, now what do you need that for?

01-31-2003, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by DeathscytheSK
and my friend just got a 2k2 Cocker and I gotta show him what mags are all about heheh

Exactly, how bad mags are compaired to cockers.


02-01-2003, 03:48 AM
This is how I see it, I spend 225 for the X-valve, and then my gun will be able to take on any gun at the field and I won't feel like I will need a better gun to be able to play against them, and I will have this gun alot longer, so I don't really see it as a big deal, but man I hate it when you want to plan on buying something then something else comes to your mind and you gotta choose, right now I got both the X-Valve and a 42cc motored Go-ped that goes 37 mph in my mind, Hard to choose...

02-01-2003, 01:22 PM
my mom used to think i was crazy 4 spendin that much..my dad still think i am... but like they used to no let me buy nothin.. but now they see how much im into it and they treat it just like anyother sport...my sister does cheerleadin and they spend like 600 bucks on 1 uniform.. and thats just retarded.. so they let me spend my money on what i want now....

02-01-2003, 01:26 PM
hey man i got a go-ped to i doubt mine goes 37 but like i used to ride it all the time but now it just sits in my garage and i never really use it.. id get the x-valve if i were u thats just my sugestion...i mean go-peds r fun but ull get tired of it.... and ull allways use that valve

02-01-2003, 01:33 PM
I got involved at 18, so it's a little different for me.

They probably think I spend too much, then again my dad is so into cars (as in 14 or 15 of em) that 3 paintball markers dosen't seem so bad, and can be attributed to family pattern insanity;)!!!

other wise they're all for it. Paintball and drag racing communities are very similar in their nature.

02-01-2003, 03:16 PM
I wish my son (or even my daughter) would spend some money on paintball. I can't get him to play.

02-01-2003, 04:36 PM
well i wish i could get my dad to play....i tryed gettin my older brother to.. he liked it..but and said no its too expensive and dont wanna spend the money.. and im workin on gettin my lil bro into it.. but he never has any money.. but hes played a few times and likes it alot

02-01-2003, 04:58 PM
my parents didnt like it too much, when i started. i now have anytime access to the ol' credit card, and rarely need it with my paypal stuff. :D