View Full Version : bko bushy are they good?

01-31-2003, 10:55 AM
i was looking in to the bko cuz i want to get a cheap electro and i shot a regular bushy and they arent that bad i was knocking people out like crazy it was nice how much different from the original is the bko cuz for 260 at paintballgear that isnt bad and i dont want a spyder or somethign cuz i already have a mag and to me that is like a down grade. i would like to get an angel or emag but i dont got that kinda money but anyone who has a bko bushy or knows about them plz reply thanks oh yeah and any other cheap electro recomendations will be greatly appreciated.

im out like a fat kid in dodgeball

01-31-2003, 11:32 AM
"Holy run-on sentence, Batman!" :D

If I were you, which I'm not, I would save up some extra cash and get an E-Mag or an Angel, sonce that's what you really want. In fact, that's what I've done. Tunaman can hook you up with a SWEET E-Mag for a SWEET price. PM him and see what he'd charge you, then squrrel away some chas till you have enough.

You won't be disappointed. For the most part, with guns you get what you pay for (at least price RANGE-wise). An $800+ gun will be TONS better than a $200 electro, trust me. ;)

Later ~ Jonesie

01-31-2003, 11:42 AM
I agree with jonsie, save your money until you can get what you really really want, whether it be that new 2k3 angel lcd, or an x-mag. just save bro, you will be glad you did in the long run. Also, i have herd some problems with the bko's

01-31-2003, 03:24 PM
you guys should do some research before you spam on something.

I have had an rightfeed cocker, black dragun, 2 impulse's one with vision and without, and now a bko and orracle, and to tell you the truth for the price they are great guns.

The shoot straight fast, and accurate. The problems that you are talking about have been fixed(reg-preset, and ball detent), and the new ones come the 2k3 frame, which is more ergonomic and 3 point pivoting same as 2k3 bushy, space frame, they also have the option for a anti-chop eye for 100 bucks, also the boards in them are the same as a bushy board, and almost all upgrades(except ram) to a bushy can be put on a bko, they are also capble of 20 bps, and shoot stock 2k2 14.9 bps and the new ones might be higher.

01-31-2003, 03:37 PM
Im sry to say but my first electro was a bushmaster2k2,
and i have to say this it was the worst gun a have ever owned. They had serious recoil and to me the ate up lots of air, but what the other ppl in this thread said save up go with a emag/x-mag or even a angel in the long run u will be SUPER happy with yourself.

01-31-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by wallace9111
you guys should do some research before you spam on something.

I have had an rightfeed cocker, black dragun, 2 impulse's one with vision and without, and now a bko and orracle, and to tell you the truth for the price they are great guns.

yeah, for the price it might be good, what else can you get for the price of 260 dollars? a TRICKED OUT spyder? if all you can muster up is 260 dollars, then i say what the hell, go for it, but you mentioned you already have a mag. sell that mag, and put that 260 dollars with it, and you are well on your way to a REALLY good gun, which you will be happy you bought instead of a BKO

01-31-2003, 04:35 PM
i can not believe i am the only one defending this gun. they are air effiecent, stock they shoot 1000 on 3k and with aka mods they get 1200 shots on 2000 p.s.i.

Not everyone can get 800 for an emag or angel.

I think you will enjoy it a lot. There are more upgrades for a Bko than there are for an Emag.

Anti-chop eye for cheap, tons of mods and upgrades, for the price you get a fast gun that is nice.

I know this is an AGD forum but do not be so biased, there are other guns out there.

01-31-2003, 04:40 PM

this is what is called fact and not opinion, try to do some guys

"tons of recoil and air ineffient" right!

01-31-2003, 05:32 PM
i am pretty much torn between two worlds cuz this mag was my first gun and i have alot of money in it and i know i couldnt get get as much outta it as i really wanted cuz it doesnt have a retro or warp those are the money makers but i think i will just try to get rid of the mag and save up and get a angel the new ones are niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for 850 i am kinda half way there i just hate saving money ok but thanks for all you guys help the bko does seem prettty good though

01-31-2003, 05:47 PM
well all i got to say is U GET WHAT U PAY FOR! brak is right basicly a suped up spyder, but u can make it a nice gun but bye the time u purchase all the mods/upgrades for it u might as well bought an angel or a emag trust me i played with it twice and sold it. Trust the ppl here go with a emag or angel etc....
have a good day

01-31-2003, 06:04 PM
THey are not "suped up" spyders, completely different and saying something like that shows ignorance.

They are actually a similar model bushmaster/impulse, but oh wait don't tell anyone that it might just ruin the secret.

What you are paying for is a good gun, icd does not make crap. I can not believe people that have brains in their head would spout off crap without any evidence to back it up, and saying it is a "suped up spyder" is a perfect example.

Also you do not need to upgrade, 14.9 stock and a great gun, the new frames are great. But if you do choose to upgrade just aka mods thats it 90 bucks at most and you get the effiency of a viking. Or if you want a pds eye and you get a anti-chop system better than vision. Look im not saying that this gun is better than more expensive electros but it defiently holds its own. Also lets talk about weight if you are a front player this gun is for you only weighing in at 2 lbs 3 oz, this is one of the lightest guns on the market. TOP THAT!!!!

Goldie D Pimp
01-31-2003, 07:29 PM
The bko is way above anything in it's price range. I really recommend them. They are much nicer than any sear tripper on the market today.

My opinion probably doesn't mean much though.

01-31-2003, 09:40 PM
I would take that mans opinion if you care. Goldie can you explain why you like the gun, maybe give some one a seasoned point of view and fact can be had for all