View Full Version : X-mag/SFL breaches.... How is it looking availability wise?

01-31-2003, 06:14 PM
I know that there is a lot going on at AGD these days with the X-mag rush, ULE parts etc.

But do you have an idea of a date that AGD USA will have breach modules for sale? They are already being made and distributed with X-mags, but as a SFL owner I still don't have access to a warp breach.

At the moment I'm contemplating using a 90* adaptor, but that's not the point of having the interchangeable breaches.

I know it's a small issue compared to a lot of what else is in the works. But as the saying goes "If you want something done. Ask someone who's busy to do it." It's kind of funny how that works, but it does. I think it's an enertia thing :)

Thanks for any info.
