View Full Version : Making Sandwiches...

02-01-2003, 02:39 AM
Hi, I dunno about you guys, But I like making sandwiches, and I make 'em DAMN good If I don't say so myself.

One of my favorites is:

1 Chicken Patty,
2 Slices american cheese
2 slices Salami
1 slice Pepperjack cheese
2 Slices Smoked Turkey
Parmesan(sp?) Cheese

I recently tried out the ultimate BLT at Arby's and It was pretty good. I was thinkin' I'd make something simmilar, but use bacon from a real butcher shop, pepper it up with fresh ground pepper-corns, Iceburg Lettuce, Tomato, and lettuce...

My motto for making sandwiches is: "If you can fit it in your mouth without having to compress it with your palms, there's something wrong with it"


Anyone else got any good sandwich Ideas?

02-01-2003, 04:48 AM
Well, when I used to work at Dairy Queen the sandwhich I used to love to make went like this.

3 slices of baccon
2 onionrings
1 slice of Cheese
1 Piece Fried Chicken
1 Slice Mozzerella
1 Piece Grilled Chicken
1 Slice of American Cheese
All topped with ranch and bbq sauce on a whole weat bun.

Now that's a sandwhich.

02-01-2003, 05:39 AM
1 Footlong Garlic imbued slab of Bready goodness
Enuf swiss cheese to kill a cow
A little less than that of Pepperjack
a dead and partially dead cows worth of roast beef
Unhealthy slather of mayo!
Parmesan cheese
lettuce + tomato for karma

Heat and Inhale

02-01-2003, 10:38 AM
1 foot long sub

4 pieces of bacon
4 pieces of smoked turkey
4 peices of smaked chicken breast
4 peices of ham
4 pieces of mozarella (sp)

Now thats a damn good sandwhich.

02-01-2003, 10:49 AM
put a slice of white bread on a plate, put 2 slices of your fav cheese, pile on real rost beef that was cooked by my grandma, put a slcie of white bread on top of that, then soak it all in brown grave and eat it with a knife and fork.

02-01-2003, 10:52 AM
Sub from jersey mikes...NO OTHER (Subway blows)

12" Roast Beef freshly sliced
freshly sliced provolone cheese and swiss cheese
oil and vinegar
black pepper

that makes for a mmm mmm good meal

Tony Arrivo
02-01-2003, 11:11 AM
Vegan :D

Cooked tofu in peanut oil

02-01-2003, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Tony Arrivo
Vegan :D

Cooked tofu in peanut oil
hmmm sounds liek i dont want to eat that ;)

Tony Arrivo
02-01-2003, 11:18 AM
thought i'd post a vegan sammich, seeing as how there's probably more vegans than just me on thie forum.

and by the way, I wouldn't want to eat your sandwich either.:p

02-01-2003, 12:48 PM
i like mine like this:

a whole bunch of shreded kraft cheese
shreded turkey

then i microwave it for 40 seconds and its all done! goood stuff...

02-01-2003, 12:52 PM
Im off to Jersey Mikes right now in fact.... aaahhh

02-01-2003, 05:01 PM
Oh, here's another one:

10oz of Pastrami
3 slices swiss cheese
rye bread :) :)

Oh man.. pastrami.... *DROOOOL*

02-01-2003, 09:03 PM
3 slices of wheat, toast
about 3/4 inch pile of sliced/smoked turkey on the bottom
as much bacon you can fit without them overlapping
fresh lettuce on the top
2 slices of gouda cheese
and a light spreading of good dijon mustard on the underside of the top slice of bread.


02-02-2003, 01:09 AM
Ack all thoes toppings can suck it.

Give me meat, cheese, bread, and ketchup, depending on the sandwich. MAYBE, MAYBE some mayo.

Mmmmm stick to the simple good tastes :)

02-02-2003, 03:32 AM
Footlong sweet french bread
Mayo, salt, pepper
Lettuce, Tomato, bread'n'butter pickles
About 3 pounds of roast turkey
Horseradish sauce

My standard all-day paintball outing meal. Makes breakfast, lunch, dinner. Along with a few gallons of ornage gatorade...ownage...

02-02-2003, 10:58 AM
Sandwich freaks.
Turkey, Mayo, and occasionally some hard salami on white bread is good enough for me :rolleyes:

02-02-2003, 12:58 PM
Now...you are gonna have to follow me closely on this one.

Peanut butter and Jelly. I will write it in the order that it appears on the sandwich, from top to bottom.

-1 slice of bread.
-a thin layer of grape jelly. (it being on top denotes that you put the peanut butter on FIRST, then the layer of jelly.)
-a somewhat thick layer of peanutbutter. (smooth...OR crunchy)
-1 last slice of bread.

I am currently applying for the patent on this bad boy.

02-02-2003, 04:40 PM
I just stick to the basics: meat, bread, and ocassionally a slice of cheese (only provologne). I find that putting all that other stuff on takes away from the taste of the meat and bread, which are the best part! :)

02-03-2003, 12:27 AM
My Dad keeps bringing home these subs he gets from some sub shop thats near where he works (about an hours drive, I'm not going to make the trip). So delicious, now i'm thinking about going and getting one from the fridge.
Mmmm, Sandwich

02-03-2003, 12:47 AM
I made this bad boy at the dining hall the other day.

You take 2 fried chicken patties and use them as the bread. The inside of the sandwich is like this, Bacon, Pizza, and more bacon. So it goes, fried chicken pattie, bacon, pizza, bacon, and fried chicken pattie.

I thought it was awesome, I dipped it in ketchup too. I'm thinking of trying it again, but with some beef added in the middle somewhere.

Just a warning though, it will give you gas. It's perfect for those real classy nights when you sit around, drink beer, watch cartoons, and try to light farts.

02-03-2003, 03:40 AM
Vegan sandwich? How did you play paintball before the synth shell?

I've got a few favorite sandwiches.

One of the best was once pushed on the Warpig chat to become the official paintball sandwich. It was basically a PB&J, but instead of bread, you used toasted eggo waffles. Good stuff.

Another great creation is a grilled cheese. Use cheddar instead of the nasty American cheese, and put a thin sliced tomato between two slices of the chedda.

Home made honey mustard is awesome on ham sandwiches and BLT's.

Fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches are tasty! You cook it like a grilled cheese. Build it with slices of banana between two peanut buttered slices of bread. Sometimes I like to add honey, but it can be really messy. Very tasty though.

I love sandwiches. Long live muenster cheese!

02-03-2003, 03:56 AM
My friend always tell his GF "Woman, go make me a sandwich." In light gesture, of course. :)

02-03-2003, 04:45 AM
1 piece of bread
roast beef
That sauce that tastes really good with steak its like 78 or sometin
another piece of bread

its simple yet good... I'm allergic to milk so cheese = poopy :( :D