View Full Version : AO'ers In Monterey peninsula/ CA/ area lets get a game on!

02-01-2003, 04:47 AM
Ok you AOers, lets get a game goin. I live in Pacifc Grove,CA the closest field is 15 - 20 mins away (Jailhouse Paintball (http://www.jailhousepaintball.com/)).
If any yall "locals" (try 200 mile radius lol)get this ping, ping back lets try to hookup at the field. I want to get a whole bunch of us, 20 at least to represent. Furthermore, it would be killer, eventually, if we can set up a private game for AO'ers and friends of. Anyway just a headsup. Hope to hear from yall!

02-01-2003, 03:44 PM
MAN!! 88 bucks for marbs?? are they crazy u might want to find a better feild with cheaper prices, if u wish to get more ppl to come and play 88 bucks is just outragous.

02-01-2003, 04:11 PM
Is the guy who runs Breakout the same guy who runs Woodstalk? That guy was a jerk. I played at woodstalk once and refuse to go back.

Also, the webpage is horrible. It looks like an 8 year old made it.

02-01-2003, 08:02 PM
Yeah they arent the best prices, but for once in a while type play it aint bad. I figure you just gotta do more with less. There another place about 45 min from Jailhouse called TAG (http://www.adventuregame.com/index.html)
Its funny tho' Ive meet folks that play at jailhouse that come from San Fransisco, San Louis Obispo ect. They all say it is worth it. In any case, LittMag, Chonky u "Locals?" And yes, their website sucks mega butts.

Yes i belive Woodstalk is somehow associated with Jailhouse, im guessing it is the same proprieter.

02-01-2003, 08:25 PM
Why don't you come to San Jose? There's a new field that's pretty nice. Santa Clara Paintball (http://www.fairgroundspaintballpark.com/)

02-01-2003, 08:37 PM
Kevmag that looks like a pretty sweet field, them supairball setups remind me of a well manicured golf course! Are there any more pics of the field? How is the staff there, and facilities? I might hafta roll out there sometime in the next coupla months. What is the FPS they play there? What kinda equipment they rent out, They rent out HPA tanks?

02-01-2003, 09:03 PM
Check out Sacpaintball.com (http://www.sacpaintball.com), I think they have pics of the field posted in the albums section.

Rentals are Tippmann C98 with CO2. I did not see any HPA tanks for rent, though they do have someone with a compressor (4500psi fills) providing all day air.

The field limit is 270 or 275fps.

Reffing has been good, in my opinion. The field does a good job separating the different skill level players. It seems like every advanced player shoots a GZ or Dragon Timmy.