View Full Version : Whos parents are supporting them alot through their paintball career?

02-01-2003, 02:01 PM
I kind of like it, my dad supports it so much with me. I quit wrestling for paintball, thinking he would be a little mad, but he wasnt. He now comes to every tourny with me, takes me to fields anytime I want, and buys me some equipment. I think its cool to have parents support their child when paintball isnt that big of a sport yet :) :cool:

02-01-2003, 02:14 PM
And you are depressed? Boy...you need a reality check! Alot of kids would give their right arm to be in your shoes. Your dad must be a great guy...please go right now and remind him how much you love him for all the great things he does for you. This will make both of you feel great too!:D ;)

02-01-2003, 02:17 PM
both of my parents support me greatly! my dad drives me all over(and even wants to play sometime) and my mom keeps me in check with my spending:D

02-01-2003, 02:19 PM
I support my son in everything he does. He did karate, I was there every day for him and got his equipment for him, and helped him practice. He played soccer, and I got all his gear, set up a practice field for him and his teammates in our back field. He started playing football last year, and the same thing….. We play paintball…. Same same, got our own field, equipment, help his friends, etc…..

(Note: I do the same for my daughters too.)

02-01-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
And you are depressed? Boy...you need a reality check! Alot of kids would give their right arm to be in your shoes. Your dad must be a great guy...please go right now and remind him how much you love him for all the great things he does for you. This will make both of you feel great too!:D ;)

lol...but that was cause of friends/girl friend/school related stuff :(

Any ways, yeah hes a really good person. He always takes his time out for me, like if I want to go to a store etc, mainly for paintball, he'll stop what hes doing and take me.

02-01-2003, 02:40 PM
oooh, 666 posts... :eek:
i WISH my parents were like that...i think my dad's starting to warm up to the idea, but i still hafta buy mostly everything for myself.

02-01-2003, 03:23 PM
I think my parents do... They let me deface our yard (we live out-of-town, just so you know) so I could have a practice field, buy me the odd case of paint (or for tournaments they usually get me a box of All-Stars...), and managed to get me an Outkast Autococker for Christmas.

I'm thinking that this will come to a gradual end when I get a job (soon!), and I'm not complaining - it gets pretty expensive for them, and I'm 99.9% sure that they've got better things to spend money on. (That and the local small business sponsors we're trying to get ought to help.)

02-01-2003, 03:31 PM
heh...well..my parents sign my insurance waivers...thats about it....i buy my own paint, guns, gear, etc...

02-01-2003, 03:46 PM
u guys suck i have to pay for all my stuff

02-01-2003, 04:05 PM
my parents support me... they dont so much agree with me spending obseen amounts of money all the time but they will let me get a new gun every couple of years, wich i pay for most if not all ( maverick pump for 3 years, then a VM for 2 and now my mag , already 1 year old but plan on using it much longer than 2 yrs) they buy me stuff for my birthday and Xmass, gave me rides to work at the field and my dad has started to show interest in trying playing...

02-01-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
And you are depressed? Boy...you need a reality check! Alot of kids would give their right arm to be in your shoes. Your dad must be a great guy...please go right now and remind him how much you love him for all the great things he does for you. This will make both of you feel great too!:D ;)

He's just looking for attention.

02-01-2003, 04:52 PM
well when i 1st started my parents wouldnt spend much money at all on paintball every upgrade i got i bought...when i wanted to play i had to pay 4 everything...now my mom supports me more..sence im on a team she'll pay for all my expensives to travel and that stuff ..she treats it liek she would any of the other sports i play..but i still pay 4 my upgrades..but she supports me a whole lot more than she used to

02-01-2003, 04:52 PM
Not really... they dont let me buy anything.. they always complain about how i need to (brain fart) need to... umm FIGURE OUT MY PRIORITIES. they dont understand that i like it..

but they dd buy my gun/tank/new hopper when i got my RT

02-01-2003, 05:14 PM
My parents are great...We have a pretty flat open back yard and they let me make a speedball field out of it...They don't mind as long as we don't hit the house. They take me to the store just about every weekend and sometimes they even pay for my paint/air.

02-01-2003, 05:20 PM
I would say that my parents are very supportive. I cover all the expenses now that I have a job but back in the day they would get me like 500 balls if I really wanted to play. Now I have sweet fields at my house and whenever we get together my mom will buy us chips and drinks(I lover her soooo much). They also look like their listening which means a lot. I know that they hardly ever listen because one time I told my Dad something really important but he did'nt do it because he said he heard something that sounded like paintball at the begining and did'nt listen which is really funny. It means so much because they have no interest in it but they still stand there and pretend that they do. I'm proud to say that I love my mom and dad if they do or don't support me fully. You only have so much time in life peeps, don't wish that you would have said "I love you" that one extra time.

02-01-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by automags4ever
I would say that my parents are very supportive. I cover all the expenses now that I have a job but back in the day they would get me like 1/4 case of paint if I really wanted to play. Now I have sweet fields at my house and whenever we get together my mom will buy us chips and drinks(I lover her soooo much). They also look like their listening which means a lot. I know that they hardly ever listen because one time I told my Dad something really important but he did'nt do it because he said he heard something that sounded like paintball at the begining and did'nt listen which is really funny. It means so much because they have no interest in it but they still stand there and pretend that they do. I'm proud to say that I love my mom and dad if they do or don't support me fully. You only have so much time in life peeps, don't wish that you would have said "I love you" that one extra time.

Thats cool. I wish i had a big enough backyard to make a field :(

02-01-2003, 07:36 PM
My parents help me out with paint and field fees but they have not put one dime in my mag, and i dont want them to. I appreciate my mag alot more that way.

02-01-2003, 07:46 PM
lol, you kids who get stuff... your parents must be well off, cause i don't think that i would ever let my mother pay a penny for paintball. 1)it very expensive 2) i for some reason feel better as a person to walk onto a field with somthing that is truly mine. And its kinda hard to have a supportive dad when you don't have a father around at all. So i suggest you go and hug your parents again and again and maybe a third time cause you are all ever so lucky.

Lakeview Bulldog
02-01-2003, 08:48 PM
Be thankful you have any money at all to spend on paintball. I have sold more things on Ebay to pay for paintball than I care to think about (See signature below).
The one way I did learn to save money is to buy EVERYTHING used. I even bought my Level 10 used. Just some advice from a poor baller.

02-01-2003, 08:57 PM
I agree with thevilduk and Bulldog fully. CRog075, it's not really not my field it's my neighbors. I simply asked him and he was cool with it (he's the man). One's like a cow pasture we made a speedball field and the other is 2 two story houses he lets us play in with 15 bunkers all the way around, pill boxes ect. but that's a different story.

02-01-2003, 11:04 PM
Yeah, my parents support me playing since it's something productive to do. However they have never once paid for one thing related to paintball besides a few things for christmas. Like others have said it just feels better to show up at a field knowing that you paid for everything yourself and can truly appreciate it, unlike some of these kids with angels that their mommies bought for them.