View Full Version : 8 second street driven mustang in my city

02-02-2003, 01:55 AM
I live in Tucson Arizona.... (brian spilner's from here wink wink lol)

anywho... I was at the racetrack, and a black mustang was up. I thought it was just a regular mustang, then it hit a high 9, I was like DAYUM....

It looked quite normal from the outside... so in the pitting area I went to his car. I didn't get a chance to talk to him cause he and his friend were quite busy messing around on a laptop trying to configure who knows what. But I got to look under the hood.... 2 big *** turbos!


Check it out 8.67 is his best time.... crazy stuff :cool: :eek:

*edit* I forgot to mention why this is amazing to me... cause its street driven daily by him.

02-02-2003, 02:05 AM
Now that's what I call a street racer!

02-02-2003, 07:54 AM
How could anyone in their wildest dreams mistake that for a regular “street” mustang? Sorry, but he did not take a “street” Mustang and take it to the track and make those numbers….. he took a Track Mustang and drives it every day on the street. There IS a difference. And looking at all his pictures, you can clearly see the difference. ;)

It looks very nice for that body style…. But I don’t (never have) liked the Escort on Steroids look. ;)

Good job on the straight track speeds though. It would however not fit my style of driving…. Daddy likes the curves!

02-02-2003, 09:27 AM
It reminds me of the 'Stangs outside the trailer park...

Pretty fast though.. :)

02-02-2003, 10:42 AM
WOOT! Now thats a mustang!

02-02-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by shartley

It looks very nice for that body style…. But I don’t (never have) liked the Escort on Steroids look. ;)

Yeah, I've never considererd a v-6 mustang anything more then a taurus under a fancy cassis either ;)

02-02-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Heat
Yeah, I've never considererd a v-6 mustang anything more then a taurus under a fancy cassis either ;)
(edited because my first comment was within the rules of the site, but were just a bit harsher than some of our more delicate members would have liked.. ;))
That is great Heat….. then don’t buy one and drive one. The same as I will never buy and drive that body style Mustang. But no matter what body a stang has, it is still a stang. And no matter what engine it has, it is still a stang…. No matter what you consider them to be or not. ;) My opinion was on how they looked, not what I considered them to BE…. unlike your jab at me. :)

02-02-2003, 02:11 PM
Very nice, thanks for the link. I saw that car out at the Automall Ford show. After looking at a bunch of classics and supercharged late models I saw Steve's TT. WOW! Very impressive, lots of custom work.

02-02-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by shartley

(edited because my first comment was within the rules of the site, but were just a bit harsher than some of our more delicate members would have liked.. ;))
That is great Heat….. then don’t buy one and drive one. The same as I will never buy and drive that body style Mustang. But no matter what body a stang has, it is still a stang. And no matter what engine it has, it is still a stang…. No matter what you consider them to be or not. ;) My opinion was on how they looked, not what I considered them to BE…. unlike your jab at me. :)

Jab at you? what? i was just stating my opinion on v-6 stangs. Taking things personal?

02-02-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Heat

Jab at you? what? i was just stating my opinion on v-6 stangs. Taking things personal?
Me? Nah..... now why would I do that? After all, this thread was only about the posted V8 Mustang with duel Turbo and other nifty goodies. ;)

02-02-2003, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Me? Nah..... now why would I do that? After all, this thread was only about the posted V8 Mustang with duel Turbo and other nifty goodies. ;)

Duel turbo....ahhh right! not about the fancy cassis, with the saleen body kit and silver racing stripes..
welp, good to know I didn't offend anyone.:D

02-02-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Heat
Duel turbo....ahhh right! not about the fancy cassis, with the saleen body kit and silver racing stripes..
welp, good to know I didn't offend anyone.:D

Originally posted by shartley
.....and other nifty goodies. ;)
Yeah, I guess the things you mentioned would be considered “other nifty goodies”. :D And we know YOU would not want to offend anyone… no more so than I would. Well, maybe a little more than I would… but that was not your intent. ;)

02-02-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by shartley


Yeah, I guess the things you mentioned would be considered “other nifty goodies”. :D And we know YOU would not want to offend anyone… no more so than I would. Well, maybe a little more than I would… but that was not your intent. ;)

Well at least I know when I am offending right? And not just blasting offending replies left and right without realizing it. ahhh the benfits of people skillz :D

02-02-2003, 04:44 PM
I love the sound of those throaty engines...

02-02-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Heat
Well at least I know when I am offending right? And not just blasting offending replies left and right without realizing it. ahhh the benfits of people skillz :D
LOL When the world gets to the point where everyone has such thin skin that they can’t take an offhand comment NOT meant to be offensive, it is a sad place. And what is even more funny, is that THIS is a paintball forum… LOL Some of the roughest and toughest folks around. ;)

As for people skillZ… if you aim to offend, how does THAT show people skills VS if offense is made unintentionally? LOL Heat… let it drop. LOL You trying to slam ME for what you feel is offensive is a joke in itself. I OFTEN know that my comments may be taken by SOME in a more harsh way than I intended them to be. But I have long since stopped worrying about how everyone might take something I say as long as what I actually WRITE or say is what I mean.

I didn’t insult the car or owner of the car in this thread. I gave him his “props”. And YOU came back with a v6 comment that has NOTHING to do with this thread, knowing I drive a v6 Mustang. My comments were not aimed to be insults, YOURS was. That is the difference. I would rather be “offensive” by accident any day, over being “insulting” on purpose.

Let it go....

02-02-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by shartley

LOL When the world gets to the point where everyone has such thin skin that they can’t take an offhand comment NOT meant to be offensive, it is a sad place. And what is even more funny, is that THIS is a paintball forum… LOL Some of the roughest and toughest folks around. ;)

As for people skillZ… if you aim to offend, how does THAT show people skills VS if offense is made unintentionally? LOL Heat… let it drop. LOL You trying to slam ME for what you feel is offensive is a joke in itself. I OFTEN know that my comments may be taken by SOME in a more harsh way than I intended them to be. But I have long since stopped worrying about how everyone might take something I say as long as what I actually WRITE or say is what I mean.

I didn’t insult the car or owner of the car in this thread. I gave him his “props”. And YOU came back with a v6 comment that has NOTHING to do with this thread, knowing I drive a v6 Mustang. My comments were not aimed to be insults, YOURS was. That is the difference. I would rather be “offensive” by accident any day, over being “insulting” on purpose.

Let it go....

So you would rather be ignorant any day of the week then step on someones foot and help them learn a lesson? Okies

Eh, your just mad I beat you at your own game. Learn your lesson and be more careful about what you say.

And I'm not the least bit offended, cocky maybe.. offended nah

02-02-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Heat
So you would rather be ignorant any day of the week then step on someones foot and help them learn a lesson? Okies

Eh, your just mad I beat you at your own game. Learn your lesson and be more careful about what you say.

And I'm not the least bit offended, cocky maybe.. offended nah
Actually who said anything about being ignorant? Those who took offense at a comment not meant to be offensive would be the ignorant ones.

And if you think you are “teaching me a lesson”… LOL Get over yourself. You have not even come close to “beating me at my own game” since I am not playing a game. And you have NO lessons to teach. LOL

If you have a problem with me, fine. If you have a problem with what I posted above, fine. It was not aimed at YOU, and it was not aimed at something you owned. And heck, it was not even that bad. LOL You might want to take off your superman outfit because no one needs rescuing… and less so from someone who goes out of his way to insult and offend people, by his own admission.

02-02-2003, 05:41 PM
Just so some don’t think I am editing my post.

Folks… if you have a problem with me, SAY IT. If you have a problem with what someone posts, SAY IT. Don’t go about trying to “teach someone a lesson”. Most of us could care less. And if it is ME that you are trying to “teach”… you would do better with your time by playing with yourself.

Argue a point, argue an idea, state opinions, etc. leave teaching lessons to folks who do it for a living and in a classroom. But if you MUST try to show how smart you are by attempting to teach someone a lesson online (isn’t that an odd thing? LOL), at least do so from a defendable position and not from behind a huge glass wall.

02-02-2003, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Heat

Yeah, I've never considererd a v-6 mustang anything more then a taurus under a fancy cassis either ;)

So what do you drive?

02-02-2003, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by shartley
It looks very nice for that body style…. But I don’t (never have) liked the Escort on Steroids look. ;)

My sentiments exactly! 1969 All the way!

02-02-2003, 06:12 PM
Eh, shart you'll never learn. Ya gotta share your world. If you step on other ppls toes you'll catch a black eye. I think proverbs says it best "Better to be though a fool in silence, then to speak and remove all doubt"

Most ppl can say stuff on AO all their lifes and goof maybe once or twice. You manage to get under ppls skin every other post. I admit I'm not 100% on the ball here either, but I think ya gotta admit I'm improving.

I drive a Escort on steroids :D

Better the escort on then outside then the escort on the inside :D

02-02-2003, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Heat
Eh, shart you'll never learn. Ya gotta share your world. If you step on other ppls toes you'll catch a black eye. I think proverbs says it best "Better to be though a fool in silence, then to speak and remove all doubt"

Most ppl can say stuff on AO all their lifes and goof maybe once or twice. You manage to get under ppls skin every other post. I admit I'm not 100% on the ball here either, but I think ya gotta admit I'm improving.

I drive a Escort on steroids :D

Better the escort on then outside then the escort on the inside :D
Heat, I appreciate your concern and your apparent need to tell me something you feel is important. But honestly, you trying to teach anyone about not offending others or getting under people’s skin is like Hitler trying to teach a Race Sensitivity Class. You may be getting better, but you are a LONG way away from standing on any ground high enough to look down on anyone concerning this issue.

I too have backed off with much of my posts. But when you post as often as I do, folks are bound to only see and read what they want. I have done far better in the “abrasive” department than what you may think. And contrary to you wanting to act like you are doing some noble thing in this thread, you are not, you are just being a total jerk.

02-02-2003, 06:53 PM
With further thought, I would like to apologize to anyone who was offended by my “Escort on Steroids” description of the 80’s Mustangs (some models). I honestly did not mean to insult anyone personally (even though it was not the first time I have used that description here on AO and NO ONE threw a hissy fit about it.).

Heat, I am SO sorry I insulted your car inadvertently. I am sorry your feelings were hurt. I know you said you were not offended, just cocky, but I also know that can’t be the case. And that is because if THAT was the case, your “lesson” to me would lose its value as the moral tool you seem to want to portray it as. It would mean that you did what you did just to be a jerk, and I can’t bring myself to believe you are one at heart.

I will admit that I have a POS V6 Mustang. I hang my head in shame. I do hope I can get over it enough to actually drive it again though. It really is a pretty car. I also hope my manhood does not shrivel up and fall off knowing I only drive a V6 Stang.

Now a note to everyone…. If you don’t like something I or anyone else says, or are insulted by it, just simply have the balls to say so up front. Don’t play games and try to teach anyone a lesson. By doing so, you are actually doing what you don’t want others to do and look like a complete jerk as opposed to someone genuinely hurt by something someone posted.

Again, I sincerely apologize to anyone I have offended in this thread. Bad Sam. I hope you can all forgive me.

02-02-2003, 07:31 PM
My god you have been here since april and have over 6000 post. Do you work? Have a life for that matter? That almost seems imposible. Oh well it had nothing to do with the 'stang even though I like the OLder models 64 1/2, 65. And yes they did have a 64 1/2 because it came out in mid-64. It is a really nice car and I was just pointing out the obvious. How I didn't offend you since it semms people on here are so easily offended.

02-02-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Grenegopaintball
My god you have been here since april and have over 6000 post. Do you work? Have a life for that matter? That almost seems imposible. Oh well it had nothing to do with the 'stang even though I like the OLder models 64 1/2, 65. And yes they did have a 64 1/2 because it came out in mid-64. It is a really nice car and I was just pointing out the obvious. How I didn't offend you since it semms people on here are so easily offended.
I am actually a program that lives inside the AO server.

No, seriously, I have a life…. 4 kids, Wife, 2 jobs, etc. etc. etc. My post count has to do with a server glitch back on the date it shows me “registering” on. It deleted my account. My account was then remade and AO Admin reset my true post count. The number is correct, the membership date is not. :D

And no, you did not offend me. ;)

02-02-2003, 08:50 PM

02-02-2003, 08:51 PM

02-02-2003, 10:54 PM
that is one amazingly fast and amazingly expensive car. the tranny in that car is 5000 alone

02-02-2003, 11:00 PM
well, at least its not a ricer...

but think of how all that money could have been better spent in paintball

02-03-2003, 11:38 AM
I'm going to race him with my honda.

I know I can win!

02-03-2003, 12:08 PM
wait gotenks, you have a 5" exhaust right? Then you can deffinitly smoke him. :D

02-03-2003, 04:56 PM
Oh haha I was wondering because over 6000 posts inless than a year seems almost imposible oh well.