View Full Version : x-mag over an Ai?

02-02-2003, 12:42 PM
I`ve been waiting for my adrenalin impulse since november and frankly I don`t know if it is the marker of my dreams anymore..

I know you are going to bs me since this is an AGD forum, but I still want to hear your arguments, pros and cons
for the x-mag.

If I decide to go with an x-mag it will be used with a
halo-b and an AGD flatline 90\45 although I`m not sure if I want that airsystem.
Just for the records I`m a backplayer.

Thanks for any help you may offer,

02-02-2003, 12:56 PM
x-mag has smoother electro pull, its lighter, takes cocker threads, interchangable breaches, and its also alot simpler design that is much easier to clean and fix... and it has level 10 AND anti-chop eye

just my .02

02-02-2003, 03:35 PM
kick, effiency?

02-02-2003, 03:47 PM
U said you have been waiting on a AI sense Nov. if you have a problem with waiting i would not suggest xmag the earlist u will get it is around june.

Mr. T!
02-02-2003, 03:48 PM
Well, an AI impulse is still an impulse, so go with the x mag. Much light, much quicker, can work with no bats etc. Alos has level 10, no chopping, and doesn't require the fine tuning of a impulse (dwell, imput, LPr pressure, etc). Other than the X mag, look at an IR3 with cops 2 and an opta board.

02-02-2003, 04:11 PM
with a roller trigger it can shoot incredibly fast.

02-02-2003, 04:28 PM
Go X.

02-02-2003, 04:31 PM
they are already released in europe and me beeing norwegian..

thanx for your opinions guys,

02-02-2003, 04:58 PM
shoot, if you live in europe, you can have one next week. GET IT!

you will be happy with your X. if not, you can sell it to someone here at like $100 profit USD

02-02-2003, 05:24 PM
The weight on the two may not
be a huge issue, but I think the
impulse may be a touch lighter.

The impulse will be a taller gun
and can be had with vision, smart
part's version of the anti-chop eye.

I think both would serve you well,
on that tank, you may see a few
more shots from the impulse but
if you can shoot everything you carry
into each game from your tank
that is all that matters. I am
a proponent of building the gun
to make it through one game.

The biggest advantage I see is
the mechanical override if you
loose a board or battery.

It is like having a backup gun
with you all the time.

I don't have an Xmag or Emag, and
may never. I have an RTvalved
custom mag now. I have shot the
emags and they are ok. I shoot
a bushmaster and a cocker mostly.

I love the bushy cause it's feather
light. If it goes down I gotta
get my cocker out though, I
can't just flip a switch.

my 2 cents bro, g'luck either way.


02-02-2003, 08:09 PM
Actually, I believe I can help you from a very objective stand point. Just two days ago I sold my Adrenalin Impulse. I have been a very loyal smart parts customer for 3 years now. First with a shocker, and later with my original vision impulse, and finally with my AI which I received in early November after an 8 week wait. Honestly, the gun is absolutely beautiful and performs well. However, in over a year that I had my stock imp that I upgraded I had maybe 2 issues with it that kept me from playing a weekend with it. It was extremely reliable, and it's performance convinced me to buy into the hype of the AI. In the first 3 weeks I had my AI the hammer dug a bur into the body of the gun, a piece of aluminum shaved off and locked the hammer dead. It had to be sent out to be remachined and polished smooth...I have heard of 2 other accounts besides mine of this happening. Furthermore, the vision system does not seem to be as crisp as my last imp, I've accounted this to the fact that the milling around where the eye sits does not look like it was properly completed. There is a rough and slightly jagged edge that slopes a tiny bit downward. Both of my original ball detets shot the balls out, they have since been replaced by stock SP detents. Finally, my original imp rarely chopped, so much to the point that I never carried a squeegie on the field. Since November I have found myself carrying and using a squeegie almost every game. I have had barrel breaks, efficiency issues, the jewel fell off my bolt, there's no pretravel adjustment for the trigger, etc. I know that sounds like a whole lot of bad, and honestly looking back I am a bit disappointed. I was sooo hyped for this gun, it was to be my main marker for a long time. But now I'm just kind of glad to be getting rid of it. I've heard some people swear by them, and it has performed well for me minus the hammer and my vision system. But at this point I am now looking into an X-mag, thus my appearance on this forum, I just happened across your post. In my opinion,I would not get an AI, there is better out there for the money.

02-03-2003, 01:16 AM
thank you mb76,
I`ve heard these stories too, and I know a couple of people having these issues :\
Anyways you made my mind up, an x-mag will be mine within weeks,