View Full Version : Who else just got REALLY REALLY sick?

02-03-2003, 06:23 PM
Hey i live in South Jerzy, and everyone and their mom is sick down here, and some of central jerzy... just wonderin if it's a consipracy or somethin... i got a bad throught virus =\

Sicky Mickey

02-03-2003, 06:25 PM
Alot of my friends just got well from being REALLY REALLY sick, my old elementary school near me closed becaues literaly HALF the school was sick!


02-03-2003, 06:28 PM
xmetal2001 where do u live?

02-03-2003, 06:41 PM
Man, alot of ppl at school are sick here. I am sick too with a 103.5 fever :(

02-03-2003, 06:43 PM
Alot of my friends are either sick, becoming sick, or have ust finished being sick. Yes, conspiracy it is.

02-03-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by pballguy17
xmetal2001 where do u live?

Atlanta, Georgia

02-03-2003, 06:52 PM
a bunch of people i know got really really sick for like 10 hrs then they were fine...they all had fevers of like 103..

02-03-2003, 07:08 PM
crap i hope i don't get it... although i do feel sorta funky.

I'm taking exams this week! nooo!!

02-03-2003, 07:41 PM
my classmate has bronchitis and a viral infection so he left in 1st period

he was sitting next to me and coughing and sneezing:eek: :eek: :eek:

02-03-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by pballguy17
Hey i live in South Jerzy, and everyone and their mom is sick down here, and some of central jerzy... just wonderin if it's a consipracy or somethin... i got a bad throught virus =\

Sicky Mickey

Originally posted by EsPo
a bunch of people i know got really really sick for like 10 hrs then they were fine...they all had fevers of like 103..

OMG i got the same thing just got back from the doctor a few hours ago, I had the 103 fever for like 10 hours from like yesterday and today explains my 20 posts in 2 day lol its usually like 50+

02-03-2003, 08:17 PM
I'v been sick for a few days...

02-03-2003, 08:21 PM
i had a headache:rolleyes:

Lone Wolf2
02-03-2003, 08:38 PM
I am sick and my Girl friend is.They closed one skool cause there was over 100+ kids out sick.

02-03-2003, 09:16 PM
yes people have been dropping like flies around here, i myself have been sick two weekends in a row, i think i get over it finally, just to get another one of the viruses going around.

02-03-2003, 09:21 PM
lol my little brother is sick with a 100-103 feaver right now.. how ironic..

02-03-2003, 10:18 PM
Schools have been closing here in Iowa becaus so many students are getting sick. They close for a couple of days.

02-03-2003, 11:13 PM
I got someone sick. But on saturday i had problems swallowing my own spit and I couldn't talk. My frineds also got sick too.

02-03-2003, 11:43 PM

Wow, could we find anything more irrelavent to make fun of the President with??

02-04-2003, 08:56 AM
there will b no bush bashing in my thread... i don't care if u don't like him, ur stuck with him for this term, and u can't change that (nice democracy eh?).

Those of u that posted, if u can tell us where u guys live that the skol's are closing? it seems most of east-central is getting sick... mayb there is something going on....

02-04-2003, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by pballguy17
Hey i live in South Jerzy, and everyone and their mom is sick down here, and some of central jerzy... just wonderin if it's a consipracy or somethin... i got a bad throught virus =\

Sicky Mickey

Move out of south jersey, its a foul place, no wonder you all got sick :)

02-04-2003, 10:31 AM
My daughter brought it home from pre-school and my wife cought it. 103.5 temps and two trips to the ER (one for daughter and one for wife) Luckily I haven't got it yet and they are both over it now. My neighbors have it now. It's a bad one.

02-04-2003, 01:58 PM
yea i got sick along with mostof my school and my family

02-04-2003, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Thordic

Move out of south jersey, its a foul place, no wonder you all got sick :)

LOL...South Jersey is the only part of this state that is worth living in. We put the garden in the garden state! Come on North and Central Jersey are mostly pavement. South Jersey is lush and green. (except for Camden..You want to revitalize that city then turn the Battleship New Jerseys guns 90 degrees and open fire!;) )

Multi-Colored J
02-04-2003, 02:44 PM
I was sick today, i got bad stomaches and junk, and cough...throat hurts...headache...all that junk

02-04-2003, 03:26 PM
i missed three days of school last week with a 101, 101.7, and a 103 fever. absolutely nasty.

02-04-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

LOL...South Jersey is the only part of this state that is worth living in. We put the garden in the garden state! Come on North and Central Jersey are mostly pavement. South Jersey is lush and green. (except for Camden..You want to revitalize that city then turn the Battleship New Jerseys guns 90 degrees and open fire!;) )

South Jersey is like 90% WT, sorry :) We don't have trailer parks and Philly wanna-be's up here :)

02-04-2003, 04:04 PM
Heh.. now my best friend stayed home sick :rolleyes:

02-04-2003, 04:34 PM
I'm from south Georgia and about a 1/5 (no kidding) of my school has been absent because they are all sick. This weekend I had a 104 tempature and had to miss paintball..

02-04-2003, 05:11 PM
this is really werid.. the entrie east coast is infected... i had what was called a "throught (sp) virus" =\ any similer reports?

02-04-2003, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Thordic

South Jersey is like 90% WT, sorry :) We don't have trailer parks and Philly wanna-be's up here :)

You are so wrong! Central Jersey has a ton of trailer parks. There are none near where I live or work. Far South Jersey has Pineys, but so does central Jersey.

Don't bash South Jersey, we at least have open space, forests, and clean(er) air!

North Jersey is what gives all New Jersey the bad rep. South Jersey is so nice, that all of Philadelphia is moving here!

North Jersey..Overcrowded, Overbuilt, Urban Sprawl

South Jersey...Open Space, Clean (except for Camden), Elbow Room

Back on subject, no sooner do I post here then my wife calls me and tells me that my son's private school will be closed for the next two days due to the high percentage of ill children and teachers.

02-04-2003, 10:58 PM
Yah and to top it off North Jersey has that fake New York accent ;). Actually I'm about 10 miles outside of Atlantic City and this place is turning into freaking Cherry Hill...traffic is insane, a bunch of yuppies from NY, North Jersey, PA and Deleware are moving into all the new homes. Plus, now the bad driving is here all year round. They all talk so much trash on South Jersey but come Memorial Day weekend they'll all be on the beach after taking up every parking spot in OC and still after who knows how many years trying to figure out how to drive a circle.

02-05-2003, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by MB76
Yah and to top it off North Jersey has that fake New York accent ;). Actually I'm about 10 miles outside of Atlantic City and this place is turning into freaking Cherry Hill...traffic is insane, a bunch of yuppies from NY, North Jersey, PA and Deleware are moving into all the new homes. Plus, now the bad driving is here all year round. They all talk so much trash on South Jersey but come Memorial Day weekend they'll all be on the beach after taking up every parking spot in OC and still after who knows how many years trying to figure out how to drive a circle.

We have a beach house on Brighton Place in OC. Ocean Block. It is to the point that we only use it in May and September now. The place is way to crowded any other time. Not only are we getting the North Jerseyans and New Yorkers, but the Canadians are now invading!:D

Oh yeah, if South Jersey is so bad, why is it the fastest growing part of the state? My county, Gloucester, was number one in growth for the past 2 years.

02-05-2003, 02:07 PM
Now I'm sick!!
I feel like crap.. I have a 100.2 feaver and a slight cough, and a small headache, and Im really tired..

02-05-2003, 06:13 PM
i've had the stomach virus since monday. so have my brother and sister. i think i caught it while i was up in NY for chinese new year.

nobody should ever have to spend as much time in the bathroom as i have for the past 24 hours. :(

02-06-2003, 11:34 AM
ive had th flu since saturday and havent gone to school all week:D but i still hate being sick