View Full Version : People who use Classic Valves: Are you currently satisfied?

02-03-2003, 11:26 PM
Right now I am using a Classic valve and I have been considering getting an XValve, but I don't know if I want to spend 225 on a valve, all of you guys that use a classic valve? you guys satisfied with your ROF? another thing is that I don't play very often all the time so I don't know if I should be spending so much on a gun that I won't be using that much, but still enough. this is a tough decision becuase I don't know if I personally need a high ROF since I try to conserve paint when I play since I usually only have a box of paint for a whole day

I am also pretty sure in one video I saw, it was Rage vs Lockout and I think one of the Rage players had an automag and he was shooting pretty well with his mag with classic valve

02-03-2003, 11:36 PM
I am upgrading one of my markers to the X-valve, and plan to maybe eventually upgrade my other to a L10 bolt, for one reason only: Paint breakage! The one I am putting the X in has been a blender for as long as I have had it, and after replacing the bolt, the spring, and various other things, the complete replacement an X will give is best. The other is hard on paint, but not a blender, so I think a simple L10 upgrade, without the retro valve features, will work just fine.


02-03-2003, 11:40 PM
yeah I am also supposed to save for a car, but I have no problem purchasing a lvl 10 bolt for sure, but not quite sure on the xvalve, seems like paintball has been draining me of cash and I am supposed to be saving more heheh

02-03-2003, 11:42 PM
i'm happy with mine. i actually use it more often than my RT. i only use my RT when i've got at good amount of money to spend on paint. but i love my classic mag

02-04-2003, 12:24 AM
A cheaper alternative for you might be a double trigger frame. You didn't mention what your setup was but something like an inteliframe could increase your ROF. I personally dont like the feel of the reactive sear kicking back. But then again if you have a classic feed mainbody shooting really fast will cause you to chop paint making the 2x frame unwise. I have never thought it was a good idea to sink a bunch of cash into a classic or minimag. My advice would be to sell it and use your money to buy a nicer gun. There are a wide variety of nice markers under $600 (RT PRO, Impulse, Bushmaster). (You can get a used RT PRO here in the classified forums in the $400 range.)

02-04-2003, 12:25 AM
I was quite happy with just a classic valve for quite some time. If you're looking to save money, I don't think X-Valve is the way to go. You're going to be tossing $225 down, and then you're *GOING* to shoot more paint.

How can you have a RT Trigger, and *NOT* Shoot more paint? :D

Pick up a level 10 kit so you can shoot cheaper paint, and use the paint you DO use more effectivly. Break on opponents, not in your gun.

02-04-2003, 12:32 AM
Hey, I loved my calssic and recently got a Retro Valve. It ROCKS< but you will spend much more on paint. The best thign I did to my classic was nitro. If you have a nitro tank, stay with the classic. If you don't have nitro, get that. Your classic will be great after that. Personally i never chopped balls with my classic, but maybe its shooting style. I knew the gun couldn't shoot 13 balls/sec, so I didn't try to. Be easy with the trigger and the classic will be perfect.

02-04-2003, 12:51 AM
Sorry forgot to list my setup, I am running a 68 Automag, Intelliframe Blade trigger, 68/4500 Nitro tank and I am gonna buy a lvl 10 at least if I don't get an xvalve. I totally agree with you all, when getting an RT, you tend to shoot more paint, and me personally, I can't afford to buy 2 cases of paint every time I go paintball, so I think keep the Classic valve at least for now is the way to go for me

Pic of my setup at the moment, right now I am ordering a smaller gasthru grip so I can run it through instead of the line in the way (Don't like it too much) http://www.shadow-knight.com/uploads/magsetup.JPG

02-04-2003, 12:57 AM
When I upgraded my minimag valve to a retro, one of the things that was VERY noticible was the difference in weight. A lot of SS in that reg, the aluminium in the retro (even more in the X-valve) makes a big difference.

02-04-2003, 07:56 AM
my classic valve has never failed me; I shoot a lot of paint; usually drop a case in a day of rec-ball; I have never had shoot down and I shoot pretty fast; so yes I really like my classic valve; I do like the retro valve and X=valve but its a good bit more money than I would like to spend, and like some one else said I would be spending money to spend more money on paint.

02-04-2003, 08:59 AM
LOL I see this all the time… “If you get an RT Valve you WILL shoot more paint”.. as if the Valve MADE you do it. Hogwash. ;)

Because you have the ability to shoot faster, you will more than likely end up shooting more paint, but you don’t HAVE to. I have an RT Pro and shoot as fast, and faster than, people with Electros (I have been told), but I also can play hopper ball with NO problems. :D It is about controlling your ROF. If you have no self control, you may end up shooting more paint, but if you learn to control your own urges, you will end up shooting the same amount of paint, but doing it more effectively.

For instance, you can shoot the same burst of paint when snap-shooting, but cut your exposure time down. If you keep your exposure time the same, you WILL shoot more paint, but then why even bother? 7BPS hitting a bunker for a given amount of time is the same as 13 BPS hitting the bunker for the same amount of time. BUT, if you spray a lane with paint, you can do it quicker and more effectively with higher ROFs. Thus if someone is making a break for it, you can pop out and cover the lane with paint and get back in quicker, thus reducing the time you yourself are a target.

ROFs in my opinion should be used to reduce exposure time, not just increase the amount of paint going downrange. Unless you are a back player, you should not really be TRYING to fill the air with paint, you should be trying to actually hit the other team’s players and keep your exposure time to a minimum.

Higher ROFs do not in themselves cause more paint use, unless you can’t control yourself, or you WANT it to. But if someone tries to use the excuse that your paint budget will go up, so don’t do it, and stick to the slower marker/valve/setup… bah, that is just not a good reason. That is like saying “Don’t buy that nice sports car you have always wanted, you will get a speeding ticket!” You will not, if you control yourself. ;)

I guess it is all in how you look at the game and how much self control you have. :D

02-04-2003, 09:13 AM
my pumper mag has a classic valve, and am not satisfied, but not because of the valve. :D I am waiting on my pump rod, adn so far it hasn't shot a single shot so that's why I am not satisfied. :D

can't wait till I get it fully functional, though; I know I will be satisfied with it as a classic valve.

on the other hand, I mostly agree with shartley. going from classic to a retro valve like the xvalve, is not going to force you to shoot more paint.

The x will make it easier for you to shoot more, but what and how much you shoot is up to you. I find that many times, I shoot less because I am more comfortable with the rt valve and the LX bolt and it's reliablilit, so volume is not necessarily part of the exercise.

02-04-2003, 09:21 AM
Personally I don't blame my Retro on me shooting more paint, I know its my fault and I have no self control! Same thing happened when I got my first fast car, racked up speeding tickets! Eventually the fun wears off and you do practice self control, at least I hope I do! This past Sunday was my first time using my retro and I know I went crazy! I must have shot over a case that day. That is not normal for me, I could always keep myself under a half a case and still get the same people out. It was just so much fun to send that much paint in the air! I think we were just trying to give him an idea form our experiences, and not blamethe valve or disuade him away form getting one for that reason simply. Just my .02

02-04-2003, 09:45 AM
i like my classic, cause i can run it on co2 rather easily. :-)

02-04-2003, 09:54 AM
Until about 4 months ago, I had a classic valve still from 97' ... put an Intelliframe on and it boosted my ROF .. drop a level 10 on and your gonna be shooting clean.

For your case, I'd recommend just an Intelliframe and Level 10 ... and you should be okay!

Dave K

Wc Keep
02-04-2003, 10:38 AM
right now i couldnt be more happy with my classic valve. out of game im shooting 10 bps. hopefully in a couple of weeks that number goes up but not because of retro. in a day of practice im going through a case and a half. all you have to do is do finger pushups and build up the muscle in your fingers.:D

02-04-2003, 10:55 AM
This is the I way I see it.

Intelli 115
Lvl 10 85
total 200

x valve 225
w/ trade in

If you like your frame I think the x valve is a much better deal. I had a really old classic valve and trading it in for $100 credit seemed like a great idea.

02-04-2003, 11:32 AM
I haven't had any problems with my classic valve. I "just" put a hyperframe on it, so we will see if I experence shoot down. But for now I am a fan of the classic valve.

02-04-2003, 12:49 PM
i love my classic valve. it was made in 1991 and is still kicking strong. i keep it and show it off so i can brag about skooling high end state of the art markers with my 1991 automag

02-04-2003, 06:29 PM
Well, how much do you want to spend to shoot a little faster. I say buy a Phantom and play with just that for a day ocassionally. I do that with my PGP. I did that the last time I played. Bought 500 balls at the beginning of the day and used about 250 of them with my PGP (about 12 games) I played 2 games with my Stingray about halfway through the day and used about 250, decided I was using too much paint, and went back to the PGP until I ran out. And this was speedball, everyone else had semi's ranging from Model 98's to a couple IR3's. I held my own, I never felt outgunned. It was fun.