View Full Version : AGD needs to make a torture test video of Emag

02-04-2003, 03:37 AM
Maybe for our amusement, Tom oughta make an Emag toture test video. Bench mount an Emag, run it off a scuba, or series of cascading tanks, whatever, pop a halo on and just keep dumping paint into it. Full auto, and just time it to see when the valve will fail. Kinda like when Browning was endurance testing his machingun, belt after belt of ammo. I guessing stocked withing the bowels of the AGD test fotage vault there is something like this?

02-04-2003, 09:32 AM
I think thats a cool idea. Kinda like when Rambo gets back from his mission goes into the hangar and unloads his M-60 into the air for like 2 mins straight. (part two) I wanna see On/Off pins flying through the air, and and solenoid valves melting. :D

02-04-2003, 10:27 AM
lol tom might have to hook up a water cooling tank for the emag! what if he ran it 3 days straight?

he should do it along side a timi.

02-04-2003, 12:54 PM

the new pvc loader system, loads 2000balls at a time

20 scuba tanks getting constantly refilled one by one


an liquid coolant for the valve

good god

02-04-2003, 02:40 PM
that would be really cool, he could use the rubber or nylon 'paintballs' so he can constanty reuse them, otherwise the bill would be up in the thousands of dollars on paint alone. as for the air it would be cool if he just used like a 88/45 flatline and constantly refill it off of scubas or whatever. a halo or warp, or both would be necessary. those could be rigged up electrically very easy to a big battery or plug them in the wall. if he wants to get very ingenious just for the heck of it, making a catcher and some sort of conveyor belt thing to keep the halo feed and just let the thing run all by itself.

making sure to count the shots just for bragging rights you know. oh and having a coolant thing for the valve is not really fair cause that is something that you wouldn't take with you to the field.

hopefully he will do it, it would be awsome to watch. later AZZKIKR

Temo Vryce
02-04-2003, 03:16 PM
Well if you can get an air source that will be able to constatly supply air to mag then the simplest way to do it would be to setup a chain og warpfeed. The first one would be at the bottom of a funnel under some netting designed to stop and collect the rubber/foam/nylon balls and the others are there to assist in feeding the mag.

If you daisy chain a few Fill tanks and regulate them down to say 800 psi you could connect it driectly to the test mag.

Mind you this is all theoretical. (sp?)

02-04-2003, 03:20 PM
the valve dosent heat that much... You could fire it all day and all night and it wont go past a certain temp point. There is no combustion and thus little added heat with each shot. It will come to a point where the valve would reach equalibrium witht he atmosphere. The noid on the other hand is where the trouble may lay. That big honkin noid produces a pretty significant amount of heat and drains a battery pretty quickly.

Id say just set an RT to go reactive against a spring and let the fun begin. That would amount to thousands of dollars worth of air let alone paint.

big E kingpin
02-04-2003, 03:35 PM
i say do it, sounds like good times

02-04-2003, 03:59 PM
Hehe, sounds like the Nikon F-5 Stress testing :) They put that camera on continuous shooting at 7.6 frames per second, and it ran continuously for 2 days, and then the battery died :) Eventually the whole shutter mechanism just blasted open, but not after like 64,000,000 shutter cycles.

I'd like to see an e-mag fired until distruction. SOMETHING will wear out and break. It'd be fun to watch a video of a 'mag breaking with a Cycling ticker at the bottom.

I could just see it hitting 1,000,000,000 Cycles, and then having a sear break, or on/off pin snap... or *SOMETHING* explode :)

explosions are cool. So is breaking stuff.

paint magnet
02-04-2003, 04:08 PM

Emag vs. Racegun cocker in f/a

Now that I would pay to see.

02-04-2003, 04:19 PM
Wow what a response! Yeah, ya figure it would cost $$ in paint alone, but i think its worth it, ater all it is R&D, and what u spend now is an investment in AGD's future line of products. If some realdeal footage comes out, it may UP the standards of how a paintball gun is measured. Kinda let the industry know AGD is "The One" to beat, whatever.like hard Hisk drives, the paintball industry can put a MTBF (mean time between failure) "rating" based on cycles, hrs. of operation ect. on their guns. Of course this involves some marketing wordplay i suppose. Although MBTF's arent usualy the hard sell. But in anycase i would be cool to se how and emag fares against an Angel or other copetition super guns.

02-04-2003, 04:29 PM
I have one thing to say....

You guys are just nuts, however that would be cool to see, especially during skyball or something.

02-04-2003, 05:34 PM
lol yea

2000 nylon balls shooting into the pinball machine (if you dont know what it is dont ask) and being fed by warp back into the breach

paint magnet
02-04-2003, 06:18 PM
100,000 nylon balls being simultaniously shot by that double-gunned gold plated RT Automag next to an X mag next to a Racegun cocker next to an Impact Ir3, shooting at Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden tied to a tree :cool:

No wait maybe that would give paintball a bad name, better try it with a Glock :)

Anyway I think the Angel would hold up as well as the Emag, I personally have shot an Eclipse LED (95) with over 100,000,000 (no joke) shots on it.

02-04-2003, 06:29 PM
Why would you have to use paint? It seems like that would be an unneccesary added expense to doing this. Actually shooting a ball doesn't put any more stress on the valve.

02-04-2003, 07:20 PM
Why would you have to use paint? It seems like that would be an unneccesary added expense to doing this. Actually shooting a ball doesn't put any more stress on the valve.

I thought the same thing too.

02-04-2003, 08:19 PM
Why use paint? Because they can..

02-04-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Ironmag

I thought the same thing too.

to show that even after the 12,000,000th shot, there is NO chopping!

02-04-2003, 08:46 PM
tom stated awhile back that he considered making an emag video similar to this idea.

he was gonna start with a stock emag, tear off the battery, and keep firing.
then the gripframe, and continue to keep pulling the sear
then take off the rail, and just hold the valve in place

his basic idea was to keep tearing it apart, and demonstrate how resilient the marker is when stripped down to only those parts for operation.

then he said what's in the quote of my sig.:D

*edit* i was thinking about the parts to wear first. i'd be willing to bet the bolt bumper would wear first. followed by the spring. and then the carrier oring would melt.