View Full Version : My computer is acting up

02-05-2003, 04:21 PM
Well, last night, at 3:30 in the morning my laptop turned on and booted up. I waited till it got to the login prompt and shut it off. I unplugged the network cable, and the power. It started to boot up again, so I just took the battery out.

I'm running red hat 8, and thats all thats on the computer. I just installed it, and I havn't put anything else on yet. Could I have gotten some trojan or something that would try to leech of my computer in the middle of the night? Or are computers gonna turn into robots and destroy the human race? Any clues why it would do this?

02-05-2003, 04:31 PM
If your laptop is completely off, regardless of Virii its not gonna power on .... because its not accessing the hard drive or any residual memory

If its booting up randomly that sounds like a hardware issue

Dave K

02-05-2003, 05:21 PM
lol I cant really help you there, but on a little side note... have any mods figured out whats under your name yet? :)

02-05-2003, 08:40 PM
redhat isn't windows. when it gets to the login prompt, its already started running. it might have seen you unplugging it as a temporary blackout, and tried rebooting.

El Gallo Negro
02-05-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by gimp
Well, last night, at 3:30 in the morning my laptop turned on and booted up. I waited till it got to the login prompt and shut it off. I unplugged the network cable, and the power. It started to boot up again, so I just took the battery out.

I'm running red hat 8, and thats all thats on the computer. I just installed it, and I havn't put anything else on yet. Could I have gotten some trojan or something that would try to leech of my computer in the middle of the night? Or are computers gonna turn into robots and destroy the human race? Any clues why it would do this?

How did you shut it off, did you just turn it off with out doing a normal shutdown? If that's the case, Redhat is very sensitive to things like that and it could've easily messed up some important files... Best bet is to reinstall redhat and just do the normal shutdown -h now command from now on :D

02-05-2003, 10:16 PM
I know how to shut it down properly, I used the halt command (I think it does the same thing as shutdown -h). And it was shut off for a good 2 hours before it turned itself on. The second time it started up I was tired so I just pulled the battery out.