View Full Version : P.E. r0x0rs

02-06-2003, 10:23 PM
Badminton owns, we get to play it in P.E. Alas, some morons are failing, all we have to do is run 5 laps, do mountain climbers, crunches, push-ups, a stretch, I hate lazy kids.

02-06-2003, 10:27 PM
I won my 7th grade badmitton tournament :) I also got 2nd in 7th grade pickel-ball doubles :)

I won a frozen game hen, because it was thanks-giving :)

02-06-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
Badminton owns, we get to play it in P.E. Alas, some morons are failing, all we have to do is run 5 laps, do mountain climbers, crunches, push-ups, a stretch, I hate lazy kids.

I totally agree with you man, I'm 14 6'4 300 lbs and PE excercise doesnt bother me (nothing like football practice) I mean somedays we jog for 5 mins and there are little skinny kids how can't do it. I mean in football we did the same except with full pads and it was five minute RUN after we jog we play either basketball or ping pong in my opinion PE blows but hey its better then haveing real class.

02-06-2003, 10:38 PM
P.E. should be changed to dodgeball class...man do i love dodgeball (except the sore arm every single day from throwing so hard.)

02-06-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants

I mean in football we did the same except with full pads and it was five minute RUN after we jog we play either basketball or ping pong in my opinion PE blows but hey its better then haveing real class.

hah, try wrestling instead, try victory laps going 2,2,2,1,1,1,30

you don't know conditioning

we played badmiton in my p.e(9th) grade, we won the tournament

then we played vollyball........:mad:

02-06-2003, 10:43 PM
ha, hate to see those guys pt with my marine corps platoon, 3 times a week we run 8 miles, do 3 reps of 100 crunches, and then do pyramid pullups (starting at 1 and going up to 10, with 10 push ups in between), ugh it sux, but it makes me big :D

and if youre 6'4" at 14 years old, my god, especially 300 pounds, im 6'4" 255 and i am HUGE!!!

02-06-2003, 11:06 PM
im 5'6 and 113.6 stupid dieting to make weight for wreslting....

my normal weight is 125-130

marines are a differnt story...bah

i did cross country in the fall

that was 5 miles every other day then a 3 mile easy day

then somtimes we had 8 mile jogs

02-07-2003, 09:29 AM
Having done both football & wrestling throughout HS, I'm telling you, wrestling conditioning will kick your arse faster than you can shake a stick at.. and that's coming straight out of football conditioning.. It's a whole nother level.

Spork, keep sweatin' man! You've only got 1.6lbs to go!! hehehe..

Originally posted by _Spork_1
im 5'6 and 113.6 stupid dieting to make weight for wreslting....

my normal weight is 125-130

marines are a differnt story...bah

i did cross country in the fall

that was 5 miles every other day then a 3 mile easy day

then somtimes we had 8 mile jogs

02-07-2003, 03:00 PM
yeah gotta love oddgeball.seeing the little wimp boney kids fall and go 'meehhhh!' its creepy.and fun

02-07-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by boss_automager
yeah gotta love oddgeball.seeing the little wimp boney kids fall and go 'meehhhh!' its creepy.and fun

hey dont mock me dude. chicks dig pale scrawny guys.

02-07-2003, 06:16 PM
Speaking of dodgeball, got to play again today. I think the best part is gettin the jocks are preps that think they are so good at sports. I got one of em in the face from about 3 feet away. haha you could hear the smake all the way across the gym and it was great. Only downside is after 2 weeks so far of dodgeball, my arm feels like jello and i have a god awful pain around my shoulder area. Ive got 2 days to semi-recuperate till i head back to the treanches for more...YAAAA!!!!

02-07-2003, 06:17 PM
I wish I got to play dodge ball. :(

We are doing weight training... meh

02-07-2003, 06:35 PM
I love P.E.

I can't even begin to count all the foxy ladies in my class! :D :D :D

02-07-2003, 07:21 PM
lol littlekrems

its just kinda fun.till you break a bone.then its hilarious;)

02-07-2003, 09:17 PM
I took a ball to the face and got a bloody nose. I got the guy back though, he took a ball to the crotch.

02-08-2003, 05:17 PM
What is better is when the huge jock thinks he has you and you just move to the side and pluck the ball out of the air. And they are like :eek: