View Full Version : i want an AGD ULE aluminum body, not an after market one

02-07-2003, 12:21 AM
i dont mean to seem whiney, or pissy, but i have to say it.

ever since i bought my first AGD marker, all i've heard is that aftermarket parts for 'mags, other than AGD's very own, are crap. this is something that i have come to know very well, and am a little distressed that AGD is making such a bold move into opening the sluggo production to aftermarket producers. i would feel very much more comfortable knowing that i was buying a part that was measured using AGD's notorious standards. and i'm sure that there are some that can actually acheive this, and i dont mean to put anybody down. i really would just feel more comfortable knowing that valve troubleshooting won't be related to body thickness.

i can theorize though, as to why the sluggo's didnt take off like they were intended. this came out after the announcement of the all-glorious X-mag. and all the hype got people into wanting just the X. i think that people may have gotten impatient enough to take it into their own hands, and make their own X-mag bodies. And thats why i see a resurgence of interest in sluggo's.

i think that it would be wise for tom to pay attention to this. i really believe that there will be more interest in these sluggo's than the x-mags.

so after all this:

Tom, where are the sluggo's? i've got a hole burning in my pocket just waiting for 'em. make us proud, and we will in turn make your company shine (maybe even literally).


02-07-2003, 12:25 AM
I may be wrong here, I'm new and still not ENTIRELY sure what the benefit of the sluggos is, but doesn't AGD make the raw bodies, then people are buying those and milling/CnC/whatnot? So the measurements should still be AGD quality, they just aren't doing the "pretty" part?

Am I wrong?


02-07-2003, 07:25 AM
EDIT: i stand corrected

02-07-2003, 07:35 AM
i believe tom said somewhere on the boards that modifying the sluggo's wont void the warranty.

02-07-2003, 07:45 AM
I too am waiting for a ULE Slug, Hopefully they'll have some by Skyball. I think I like the plain look of the teardrop body instead of all those milled ones. Don't get me wrong, they look nice, but I kinda like the tube design :D

02-07-2003, 09:06 AM
AGD has the bodies manufactured to the specifications they require, so there up to par. We're only talking about altering the cosmetics. I don't understand your worry....

seeing as altering an agd product voids the warantee,
This is not true, Tom has addressed this already.

I agree completely......I can say that I would prefer the finished product from AGD too.
As I understand it, they will be doing this.

I may be wrong here, I'm new and still not ENTIRELY sure what the benefit of the sluggos is,

02-07-2003, 12:00 PM
We are trying to work it out that you can have both AGD and aftermarket bodies. The big difference is that the rest of the world can make a way bigger variety of stuff than we can alone.


02-07-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Xerces
to an extent, i heard that AGD does something like this. seeing as altering an agd product voids the warantee, so would milling a sluggo, but some people have apparently talked to AGD, and have their permisssion(im assuming because it meets AGD standards, but maybe not) tunaman told me that the sluggo's he is making won't void the warantee.

As long as you dont change any of the AGD machined
Dimension's, You can do anything you want to a Slug
without Voiding you're warranty.
My FSE-LX design is strictly external machining,
and therefore Does Not void any AGD warrantie's.
And is technically Not an Aftermarket Part,
as they come directly from AGD.

02-07-2003, 02:54 PM
ya know, maybe i shouldn't post here due to the fact that i AM a glorious cocker owner, but my roots of paintball all started with the wonderful 'mag, the RT Pro to be exact. Now come to think of it, the real big reason Y i got rid of it was cause of the weight....now i know other peeps are makin ULE bodies, but who would want a diff manufactured product? Especially when it comes to AGD, you guys HAVE the best products & accessories for your guns out there.

Honestly Tom, I would either go back to a mag or use a mag as a backup if you can cut that weight, AND AND AND, keep that seksy look.

Tom, who knows, you make that body seksy enuf, I may have to get rid of this beast...


Unless you would like to trade a C&C Xmag for it

02-07-2003, 03:01 PM
Personally, after many many mags and a few years of experience, I have learned that you can't beat AGD.

While I like the new look of the non-AGD designed sluggo's (I really like festus's, since it starts as a slug and looks like an "edgy" SS emag body), my problem is cost. While I love the simplicity of the plain sluggo, and the teardrop milled ones, I don't see people paying $150 or $200 dollars for a complete one, when they can get a crazily milled and colored one for a similar price from Xtreme depot, PBX, etc. etc.

If AGD wants a hit out of these sluggos, I think they should take the ball and run with it. Maybe put out a stock unmilled sluggo, and a nicely milled one to compete with the aftermarket ones. If both are complete with good performing detents, and maybe a couple of feed neck options (Clamping feed necks ROCK). I was thinking one aggressively milled style, one simple (teardrop, or maybe just plain) style.

The way I feel is this: If AGD brings ANYTHING to the table even close to the price/cosmetics of the custom sluggo's we've been seeing, there would be NO question which I would buy.

I love AGD for their simplicity, warrantee, and service, so unless AGD can rival the custom milled sluggos (which as I understand start as a block of aluminum, not an AGD slug body, so they won't be making money off of it at all). I think that unless AGD starts this sluggo craze off with a bang, they could sadly be left behind by the custom body makers. WGP is a HUGE company, but how many people buy aftermarket parts from Worr? This is because WGP is not a revolutionary company who consistantly brings new products to the table. Someone else made the design for the autococker, they stole it. Someone else made a hinge frame, they stole it. Someone else made delrin bolts, they stole em, someone else came up with a shorter 3 o-ring 3-way, they stole the design, ETC. ETC. ETC.

WGP sells enough new guns to make up for other companies taking 90% of the upgrade market. Now look at AGD. Who's buying new bolts for the mag now? No one, because AGD designed the level 10 and it is head and shoulders above any bolt/valve modification ever made for the mag (and any other marker I can think of). I believe if AGD plays their cards right, they can account for 90% of the rest of the mag upgrade market, including Sluggos.

Please AGD. Put together a final product for us! Make it raw (so we can anno it along with our rails, frames, VAs, forgrips, etc), make it Light (duh), make it reasonably good looking, and make it complete (detents, feed tube), and We will buy it!

jeez, I haven't written anything that long for school yet this year :)

Thanks for reading...if you were dumb enough to read this much.


EDIT: had to clear up a few things

02-07-2003, 04:03 PM
I love my mag alot! And i have seen the aftermarket products made by other companies, and they just dont stack up. If I am going to buy a body, or anything for that matter, thats going on my AGD Automag. I want it to be AGD. So far I havnt seen anything made by AGD that was junk... Everything they make is consistent, reliable, and Built to last. When AGD makes a product, you almost dont need to question its quality, AGD stands out among the rest as being 100% flawless. Anyways, just my opinion for what its worth. Im sure not ganna put any Valve, Body or Almost any Internal part on my AGD gun, unless its made By "AGD" the company I trust, And the envoroment of people who shoot AGD, i trust as well. 100% AGD for me, thats all i have to say.

02-07-2003, 08:06 PM
I'd rather have an AGD body.

02-07-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
I'd rather have an AGD body.

I'm not trying to start an argument, or fault
anyone's opinion's.
But any Slug that came from AGD, Is An AGD Product,
no matter what I or Tuna or Anyone Else does to
them externally.
All internal and Critical dimension's, are machined
by AGD's regular contractor's.
The only thing not predetermined by AGD, is whether
you will use an Angel or a Cocker ball detent.
As even the location of the ball detent, is located
with a pilot hole drilled by those same AGD contractor's.
If for any reason you are still concerned, as to the
Quality {acceptable or Not} Ask Tom Himself.
I'm more than willing to take an hour and a half drive,
at any time to allow Tom to inspect My work.
And let him make his own determination, as to whether
my FSE-LX work is up to AGD's quality Standard's.
Now I am also saying that everything I've just said,
Rick Kamps
Creator of the FSE-LX

Let the Flames Begin!!

02-07-2003, 08:43 PM
:o :o

FESTUS33: blah blah blah, keep talkin but it ain't goin to listen.....

actually i am not goin to flame you, i actually respect your work and wat you do to contribute to AGD. Honestly, i think its a good idea that other manufactures make stuff for a particular gun. Take cockers for example, i would be really really bored if everyone had a WORR cocker. I don't mean they are bad markers, but if everyone uses them it would get kind of pointless of trying new things or having different looks. I personally like having rare markers, I love to see people "oogle" over them, it makes me happy. Nothing is wrong with having a different body that works the SAME as any stock bodies.

Good luck to you

but honestly, i would prefer an AGD body only cause i know for a fact that thier customer service is EXCELENT, and usually paintball company's in particular, generally get a good name by word of mouth. I have owned a few mags, and i have been well takin care off, that is Y i would prefer an AGD body, i really hate the "well you did this and that to our gun"

02-07-2003, 09:07 PM
Daroach I appreciate the compliment's.
I guess what I'm really trying to get
across, is that even though I did all
the cosmetic work on the 2 presently
existing FSE's.
They are still fully covered under AGD's
Warranty program.
Tom's biggest problem in making the "ultra
flashy" bodie's that most people seem to
want, is the extra expense involved in the
Machining process.
I personally like the subtle lines that AGD
is going to use in they're in house rendition
of the ULE body. {note that my own design's
are none to flashy either}
But there are still a lot of people out there,
who want something "Ultra Flashy" for people
to go all gaa gaa over.
To Each His Own

02-08-2003, 02:56 AM
Rogue you said what I was thinking.

02-08-2003, 04:24 AM
I thought the Xtreme depot Slug was stated to be his own cut modeled FROM AGD plans and dimensions. I'm pretty sure he said it was never an AGD body. This is the slug that so far most interests me, but its not "from" AGD, from the start.

02-10-2003, 04:14 PM
All of the bodies I have seen are great, but all I basically one is a nice simple look with Cocker threads and Angel Gated feed at a low price. I think the ones being made by Xtremedepot, Festus, and such show true skill, but I agree that I would rather stick with AGD for two reasons: 1.) They have always proven their high quality to me, as every part I bought for my Mag has been made by them (Lvl 10, Xvalve, Intelliframe)
2.) Cost reduction by volume, a point that makes alot of sense in this issue. Customs run for real high prices, small batches are still expensive, but a mass produced body will be cheaper or give you more.

So does anyone have any idea when AGD's is coming out? It's like all of a sudden it's a silent issue, I haven't seen any updates besides "we still don't know the cost or what they'll look like" and even the ULE teardrop has not been brought up for ages. Anyone got inside news?