View Full Version : PRE Brass Eagle VS POST Brass Eagle Revys

02-07-2003, 01:43 AM
So whats the deal with the pre and post BE revys anyway. I hear from some people, for certain the build quality has gone down post BE. Some say they havent really noticed. Are the shells thinner? Are the Post BE ones not as durable mechanicaly? Does anybody here have both pre and post BE revys and can do acomparison.

02-07-2003, 01:52 AM
From what I here:
There was one run of shells made from a less durable material when BrassEagle first assimilated VL. The production fault was brought to the attention of the BrassEagle 'Queen' who, instead of immediatly correcting the fault, let the production run finish, then changed the material for the next run, and sold the faulty shells anyways. If you have a loader shell break on you, from what I understand, you can call BE and they'll replace it for you with one of the new, LESS faulty shells...

02-07-2003, 02:24 AM
I also heard that the feed necks are skinnier than pre-BE.

02-07-2003, 03:59 AM
Pre-BE shells will always be better than any of the newer stuff.

Newer stuff is made out of that polycarbonate crappola... Old Shells were just great.. necks were sturdy, bodys were excellent.

Thats why I sill use my Pre-BE Revy shell with a dropped in Reloader Kit.. fine... just fine. It's the oldest piece of gear I have to date, even older than my 5+yr old RT Original.

~da baller

02-07-2003, 07:30 AM
Pre B.E. rules all!!! You can't beat these old school revys. The material seems kind of flexible to me. I have to really jam it into my B2k's and angel feed neck. This is the first agitating hopper that I purchased and I still use it to this day.

02-07-2003, 07:51 AM
i have one of the newer revs (purhcased about the time from sept-december 2001) and mine is perfectly fine however my friend just bought a rev(finally he doesnt really need it though can only shoot about 2 balls a second lol ) and the motor or something already fried after ne ao day 2 and that was his second time playing with it. i think it all depends on when you get em(also mine is a dull black his was this shiny stuff so its definantly different plastic) i assume that any pre be rev is better than mine which is very good.

02-07-2003, 09:32 AM
when BE first purchased VL, they threw out the old revvie molds. They were outdated and actually incorrect. the Pre BE Vl revvie's feedneck was larger than standard. BE came in and corrected tha tproblem and continued to make Revvies. Towards the end of that production run, the R&D tech noticed that the shell was a little more fragile and that the sun board they had designed wasnt quite as fast. By that time, too many were already out in the public. In their next set of revvies, the remedyed the problem with the XBoard and the new poly shell. This shell is much tougher than the original, but it came with its own new problem: that batch was not made properly and is too rigid. It can easily snap at the feedneck. BE has again made the proper changes. If yors does break, they should offer a free revvie shell to you. You ship them your shell and then theyll ship you a new one. It has been brought to my attention that BE may no longer be doing this. I havnt spoken with BE on tis issue for ~2-3 months, so all my info is a little old. However, right now, the most recent revvies have the improved X board, the 1" std feedneck, the strong poly shell and the less rigid feed necks...allowing for the best revvie ever....in multiple colors