View Full Version : Terror alert level : HIGH

02-07-2003, 04:25 PM
Anyone else watch Fox News at 12? There was some live speech going on and he was saying how the terror alert is now high. I guess the Pentagon knows they are going to attack real soon?

02-07-2003, 05:11 PM

they really can't know anything for sure. if they did, would they sit there and wait for us to get attacked?

02-07-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by cheetah256

they really can't know anything for sure. if they did, would they sit there and wait for us to get attacked?


No but they can tell when there is an increased activity level among terrorist sleeper cells leading them to assume something is up.

02-07-2003, 06:31 PM
I bet the government gets tons of terrorist threats all the time. What are they gonna do though? Evacuate all the big cities every time it happens?

02-07-2003, 06:33 PM
Honestly i think they would have to be retarded to attack us. We got our eyes on them all day every day and one slip up by them they are toast. If they do try somethin, in less than 2 hrs. they have the world knocking on their back door. U.S.A, british, and god knows who else would join. I sure wouldnt do anything if i were them.

02-07-2003, 07:13 PM
What does vigilant mean? Are we supposed to stand guard like the Buckingham Palace guards or something? Give us some clarification here Mr. Homeland Security Advisor Tom Ridge!

02-08-2003, 02:06 AM
Tell you what; do your research. They are preparing for an attack on the US in the form of biological warfare. They believe that what might happen is, they will infect hundreds with ebola, anthrax, smallpox, you name it, then send them here. They heighten the level of security for several resons; one, their religious holiday is almost over. They will be cative again. Two, they have direct sources telling them there is movement, both human and electronic, hinting towards a planning/strategy stage. Three, there is that guy (forgot his name) who they are searching for. Elevating the threat level allows them to beef up security, and puts the military on standby (the military operates on a different level, called 'threacons'. They elevated it to B(ravo) today). This allows for fatser deployment of teams of military, polics/rescue personnel, or both. Better to hedge your bets, than be caught short.

02-08-2003, 02:40 AM
Yeah, like he said, they will probably hit "soft" targets, such as malls, airports, basically anything that has alot of people. Can you imagine what 1 person with ebola can do? Man, I don't even want to think about it. They have many credible sources that all say the same thing, therefore that is the reasoning behind heightening the terror alert. Like oldsoldier said, better safe than sorry. Man, I am so sick of this mesed up world, where people want to kill you for something that you have no control over. My government makes a bad decision (for the sake of argument), thousands of fanatics want to kill people like ME. Hopefully, someday this will all be over, I'm tired of living in a world of such hatred. It's like, everyday on the news I hear about how more innocent people die just because they wanted to ride the bus. I'm tired of seeing anti-US protests and seeing my flag desecrated. I'm tired of all this war. Call me a wuss, but I really don't want us to go to war. So many more bad things will spawn out of this single event. Let's face it, we're at war with the whole darn Middle-East. When we attack Iraq, things will truely get bad, because more terrorist cells will pop up, more people will hate us and want to kill us. We'll see more events like 9/11. And if so much as 1 nuke flies, all is over. That 1 nuke will lead to 2, and so on. I dunno...forgive my rambling, I'll shut up now...

02-08-2003, 02:45 AM
the threat level is one of the highest in the world over here in england. it is no secret that we have been in threat con bravo for a long time but our security level is high. there arent too many places in the world that have been steadily in high