View Full Version : NPPL Chicago, June 5th-9th .... Anyone interested in a throw together team?

02-07-2003, 04:34 PM
Its my plan to play in at least one NPPL tourny this year, mostly just for the hell of it. Most of whats left of my team cannot attend so I wanted to see if there is any interest from the AO communitiy to form a throw together team to go and play for the experience.

I am willing to act as captain/coordinator for this effort if there is enough people wanting to play.

I am posting this now in an effort to get people and money together early enough.

LMK if anyone has interest.



*Edit -- list of people who are interested in playing;

Myself (Aaron)
Tyger (Rob)

list of maybes;

I am also checking to see if any of my current team wants to play. At most it will be two people, maybe one.


02-07-2003, 04:43 PM
I was going to oragnize a team AO for both chicago tournaments. I know there were more than a couple illinois folk that were interested in the idea

02-07-2003, 04:50 PM
Sounds kewl ... you wanna team up on this effort, make the work a little easier on both of us. Also if we get people from around where we live we can get together in our various locals and practice some what together?


Originally posted by LaW
I was going to oragnize a team AO for both chicago tournaments. I know there were more than a couple illinois folk that were interested in the idea

02-07-2003, 07:32 PM
I think the week of or before everyone playing should get together at least one day for some practice. That is the most important part. I don't want to just go into it not feeling comfortable playing with everyone. I am out there to have fun first but I also am very serious on the field. I can take losing but I like it to at least be close. Well lets start talking about it soon then. i'm on aim mbrun44905 if you want to talk sometime about it.

02-07-2003, 08:13 PM
i might be going!!! maybe i'll play with ya'll

02-09-2003, 12:08 PM
Yeahthatsme ---

Hey email me with your contact info ... are you going with another team or are you wanting to join up with our thow-together AO.org team?

Everyone Else ---

Up ... want to keep this near the top so plans can be put in order with enough time for anyone who wants to go.

At the moment I have been contact by three people who are interested ... if they are doing 7-7 format at Chicago then we still need some more ...



02-09-2003, 12:33 PM
well I want to do the 7man for sure. On like June 18th or so is the PSP event i want to play in as well whcih will be 5man.

02-10-2003, 09:38 AM
LaW -- Unfortunately I will only be able to make the 7man NPPL.

I would love to be able to make the PSP event also, but not this year.

*NOTE* ... adding names to the top of the people who have contacted me with an interest.


02-10-2003, 10:26 AM
I'm from MN.
If you have more info on this tourney I am interested. I usually play back. I shout loud and will be probably shooting a cocker. Let me know. Thanks.

also, if you have more info on this tourney (i.e. cost, etc, I will be glad to help out with stuff like that.) If anyone is from MN area, I could probably carpool since I'll drive. Just some thoughts...

02-10-2003, 12:27 PM
At the moment I only have what little info is posted on the http://www.nppl.tv website. I have emailed them about getting more info but since this is the third event in the series they may not have much planned out yet.
As soon as I have more info I will post it. But this is part of the Super 7 series which means it should be a 7-7 format, and the entry fee is based on the skill level of the team. I believe the pricing is set by the nppl rules and is the same for all event.

No problem with the cocker LOL ... I'll be shooting a timmy myself, and prefer tape to midfield position on the left.


Originally posted by tobz
I'm from MN.
If you have more info on this tourney I am interested. I usually play back. I shout loud and will be probably shooting a cocker. Let me know. Thanks.

also, if you have more info on this tourney (i.e. cost, etc, I will be glad to help out with stuff like that.) If anyone is from MN area, I could probably carpool since I'll drive. Just some thoughts...

02-10-2003, 12:51 PM
I am interested if I do not enter my own team in the seies. Keep us posted!!

02-10-2003, 08:22 PM
was planning on going to hang out and watch regardless, if you need additional players consider me.

02-10-2003, 09:12 PM
damageinc54 & wimag --

Send me your contact info to [email protected] ... that way I can communicate with all interested parties at one time.



02-10-2003, 09:25 PM
hhmmm..that would be cool..I spoke to Clare about actually traveling out there for one of these...

02-11-2003, 03:58 AM
My take is you tell me what position to fill, I'm there. You need a back guy? I can try it. Mid? I'm better. Front? Well, I'm tall, but I'll make a spot.

If it's the same time as PSP, I'll have to reconsider. I have a "plan" for PSP. But, I'm all in for Super 7 in Chicago. That's my backyard, basically.


02-11-2003, 02:20 PM
Where can i get info on this tourney???

02-12-2003, 12:14 PM
Okay there have been several posts about the PSP event also with it being right around the same time as the NPPL event ...

Of the people who are showing an interet in a throw together team ... would you prefer to attend the NPPL event or the PSP event ... I believe they are only a week apart from one another in time frame. I do think however that the PSP will be cheaper to get into, and there is two division with them 5 and 10 man ... where the NPPL event is strictly 7 man format I believe.

LMK ...

Autopimp ---

NPPL has only posted the date for the Chicago event, same as PSP .... neither of their sites have anything more specific at the moment.

02-12-2003, 12:30 PM
Nppl because I am playing XBall at the psp event.

02-12-2003, 03:08 PM

I might be able to play. My Co. might transfer out to either WI or MO at the end March. We just played in the Huntington beach event it rocked. If I'm out there and you need a mid/back player let me know. I'll PM you if it looks like it's going to happen

02-12-2003, 03:12 PM
Sweet ... let me know happens. At the moment I have only four people who are interested. Now once I get costs figures and such we shall see what happens.

If they send you to MO then you need to get in contact with me ... I am trying to reform a team and could use a experienced player.

Also how did you guys do at the beach?


Originally posted by dmonahan

I might be able to play. My Co. might transfer out to either WI or MO at the end March. We just played in the Huntington beach event it rocked. If I'm out there and you need a mid/back player let me know. I'll PM you if it looks like it's going to happen

02-12-2003, 04:52 PM
Not so great. On Thursday we lost 2 players so we had to scramble to find replacments. We didn't even make semi's.

The venue rocked though and the weather was nice. It will be really interesting to see how the PSP stacks up. this was by far the best run tourny I have ever attended.