View Full Version : Halo Rumors. The Final Story.

02-07-2003, 05:51 PM
I'm here to quell these rumors. I've heard a lot of trash talk about halos and what's been going on. Between store owners, forums, and even ops on #automags on irc.automags.org.

I've heard that BE had another injuction on odyssey stopping production. I"ve heard that the halo will not be made again for 4 years as part of the settlement.

I contacted Odyssey several times over the past three weeks. (looking for when I'll get my halo mind you..)

Well here's the deal. Halo production was stopped by be.. once. Back in the halo-a days.

The current lack of halo-b's is due to the move. Odyssey up and moved their production faciltys, and if you've seen injction molding machines you'll understand what an undertaking that was. When I called last week they were waiting for the last of the molds to arrive. From what I was told halo's will be flowing out of the factory next week. This has nothing to do with BE.

If you've heard differnetly FROM ODYSSEY I'm interested in knowing what they said. This thread is to quell rumors, not start more.

02-07-2003, 05:57 PM
I just got off the phone with odyssey. Production has been ramped up for the last week. Shipments have been held up due to customs not letting a shipment of electric motors through.

Bright side. First shipments of halos went out today.

Halo's are back!

02-07-2003, 09:32 PM
i knew this was what was happening this whole time i dont know why people got the idea that they are halting production because of be

02-07-2003, 09:37 PM
Nero is correct. I talked to them yesterday. All things are there except the motors. Which they expected next week but might have come today as one of them called and I missed the call.

BTW: I spoke to Edward and he has just gotten back from Wisdom Tooth surgery so if you were trying to reach them early in the week that is why. Get well soon Edward.

02-08-2003, 03:33 AM
It's almost like people don't care... maybe they just don't like stopping rumors ;-)

Hey! There's new info on the TSA..

02-08-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by nerobro
Hey! There's new info on the TSA..

Dang it! I forgot to ask him about that! Whats the news Nero?

02-08-2003, 11:26 AM
Yet BE claims that Ody is no longer allowed to produce this item. Ive had that confirmed by TWO BE people and ONE other NON BE person(And hes someone we all love here at AO, really he is)

Id love to get that straight....

02-08-2003, 03:15 PM
Kevmaster, if what you said is true odyssey is lieing to us, and the shipment that just went out is a joke. My money is on BE lieing. And keep in mind BE is a huge company so... they may never get their story consistant. What BE people did you talk to? And who on AO?

Cphilip: Halo TSA... It's a revvy that will turn it's paddles in the direction that will most help paint feed. tip the gun to the right and the paddles turn one way, the left and they reverse.

Finally some company is using a servomotor like a servo ;-)

it will also be sound activated. They have pictures of it on their website. It looks a little bannana like. A cross between a ricco and a halo if you ask me. I wonder what it will cost.

02-08-2003, 04:32 PM
after a few PMs with that AO member(who wishes to remain nameless), BE did stop Ody from producing halos, but not selling them. So as long as someone else can make them, they can then sell them. Also, any variations are allowed to still be made. Basically, BE saved face with that worthless clause of the settlement

02-08-2003, 06:00 PM
I'd like to know your source, or your sources source. Because that seems to contridict Odyssey's word entirely.

02-08-2003, 07:20 PM
And depending on the cash BE got it might not just be saving face! It may indeed be to their advantage to allow them to sell them. It may be they are getting a Royalty of some sorts in the settlement. I dunno and no one is gonna tell us I bet. But it makes no sense to allow them to sell em if someone else makes em. They are assembling them only. They always went outside for all the components. And still do. Thats not a change as I know it to be...