View Full Version : 12v revvy probs

02-07-2003, 08:56 PM
ok i know this is not really mag related but because my revvy sits atop a mag why not ask here. besides, vl has given me exactly 0 help in the matter. here goes, my revvy only works when upside down. i figure this is a problem with the contacts. what can i do to correct this problem now and possibly prevent this from happening in the future. thanks.

02-08-2003, 08:54 PM
Remove the battery cover and push the batteries in by hand and see if it will work upright. If so, the contacts probably need to be bent out further. In that case, just take out all the screws, remove half of the shell to access the guts of the hopper, and bend out the contacts with your fingers.

Another solution would be to put a piece of cardboard between the bottom of the batteries and the battery door to push the batteries up farther into the body of the revvy.

02-10-2003, 04:21 PM
thanks alot!