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02-08-2003, 05:08 PM
soooooo do you think calling someone gay one day will not have meaning and just be a useless insult like 'retarded'? sorry we had a discussion about this at school and i was just wondering what you guys thought.:confused:

02-08-2003, 05:14 PM
It already is.

02-08-2003, 05:28 PM
Try playing Coutnerstrike or TFC or a similar multiplayer game...EVERYTHING is 'gay' on the internet, and nobody seems to care.

02-08-2003, 05:35 PM
i just think its kinda dumb and sad

02-08-2003, 05:39 PM
it already is as meanigless as retarded....

its actually more common than retarded. I mean, anything thats stupid, strange, offbeat, disliked, bad can be called gay

02-08-2003, 05:42 PM
guess, I disagree. I am offended when immature people name call and use words like gay or retarded. To me it shows lack of respect, lack of intelligence and lack of a better vocabulary to better express themselves.

just my 2 cents.

02-08-2003, 05:55 PM
Yea if you really want to look cool say "Bro, you are so homosexual" That way its out of the ordinary and you sound smart too. :)

02-08-2003, 05:58 PM
now when anybody mentions the word homosexual it reminds me of that nasty member that did all that stuff.and senrt that nasty pm to you sponge.;)

02-08-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by boss_automager
now when anybody mentions the word homosexual it reminds me of that nasty member that did all that stuff.and senrt that nasty pm to you sponge.;)

lmao dont remind me :rolleyes:

02-08-2003, 06:01 PM
yeah bad memory.He left after that

02-08-2003, 07:02 PM
Alot of words have lost meaning.

02-08-2003, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
you sound smart too. :)

i get that alot..;)

02-08-2003, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by EsPo

i get that alot..;)

awww thats cute! how about you guys go make out or something?? now what was this thread about again???;) :D :rolleyes:

02-08-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by 845
It already is.

Yepper, already is... me and my friends use it like 100 times a day, like, "dude quit acting gay", "that movie was gay", "that was gay", "dude, ur gay" "don't push me you homo", "that was the gayest thing ever" Does it realy mean oh you like to have sex with a person of the same sex? No, of course not...

02-09-2003, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS

Yepper, already is... me and my friends use it like 100 times a day, like, "dude quit acting gay", "that movie was gay", "that was gay", "dude, ur gay" "don't push me you homo", "that was the gayest thing ever" Does it realy mean oh you like to have sex with a person of the same sex? No, of course not... Then why say it? Can't you think of a better way to say what you feel? (and use words that are correct, or at least better in definition) You see, to me, it does have the correct meaning, and most of the people around me feel the same way. It is offensive, and derrogetory.

on a similar vein, why call a girl "hot"? I understand what you are trying to say, but she isn't on fire or sunburned, or even warm (necessarily). Once again, just my opinion, and this confirms my previous post.

02-09-2003, 10:36 AM
I dont really care, but it is like retarted. Its somewhat become accepted as a word for anything disliked. And from what Ive seen, no one cares about the word retarted, unless the know a true 'retarted' person. I think the word gay is the same way. No one is really going to care, unless they know (and I should add, they like this person) someone who is gay.

02-09-2003, 12:55 PM
Yeah, its slang. Welcome to the english language. This is why our language is one of the hardest to learn...words have multiple meanings, when used in different context. And, on top of that, regionally, there are different slang terms; some made up, some bastardized words. So, it isnt that we have to like it; it will not go away. Slang is as much a part of America as apple pie (another thing I dont understand; why is america like apple pie? Are we full of fruits?)

02-09-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by boss_automager
now when anybody mentions the word homosexual it reminds me of that nasty member that did all that stuff.and senrt that nasty pm to you sponge.;)

I assume your talking about me? :D Well, he deserved it at the time...

02-09-2003, 11:17 PM
gay [ gay ]
adjective (comparative gay·er, superlative gay·est)

1. merry: full of light-heartedness and merriment ( dated )

2. bright in color: brightly colored ( dated )

3. carefree: having or showing a carefree spirit ( dated )

4. debauched: leading a debauched or dissolute life ( dated )

Just in case any of you were wondering.