View Full Version : Just bought a used one, now what?

02-08-2003, 09:21 PM
Hi all, I just bought a used Automag and I'd appreciate any advice you can give. I mostly bought this because I think I got a good price and I've always loved the Automag. I stopped playing paintball just about the time they started being used extensively in NJ and I just always had a soft spotfor them. So when I saw this for sale, I went ahead and bought it on a whim.

Couple of questions...given what you see in the pic here or at this link: www.lazyjnet.com\paintball.htm...

Frist, what is your guess as to what the do-hicky (black thingy) sticking down where a front grip or vertical bottle would go? I'm guessing its a reg of some sort, because if it wasn't, why wouldn't you just run the hose from the BL to the valve? Any ideas?

Second, I don't think I like all that braided wire. I've seen pics of mags with thinner hoses. Is it possible to replace the braided hose with the fancy-looking thin stuff?

Lastly, given that I'll only be playing with a handful of buddies on our own property and not playing in tourneys or even walk-on games, what would be some good mods to this set up? Or should I even bother? Never heard of that. Also, I was going to go with compressed air but I don't know anything about it. What size/type cylinder is appropriate? Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.

The gun was described with the following features: power feed, polished body, wood grip, boa barrel, modified valve body, thumb adjustable velocity knob, double finger trigger, and bottom line.

What's a boa barrel?

Thanks in advance for your patience and suggestions. I know I'm a complete noob at automags and I haven't played in over 15 years, so I'm working hard at reading everything I can. I would just like to get some opinions from folks with real exp.


02-08-2003, 09:27 PM
The black dohicky is a vert ASA. You can screw a gas thru on to there or an expansion chamber if you are going to use Co2.

Yes, you can remove the SS braided hose and replace it with macroline however *many* prefer the SS.

Before upgrading your gun, get a nice thermal mask and 12 volt revy. From there, Intelliframe and LX are nice upgrades but might be overkill for ya if you are just playing with friends who might not have as nice markers..

Welcome to AO.

02-08-2003, 09:28 PM
Oh and BOAs are very nice and slightly 'rare' barrels. BOA stands for Barrels of America..

02-08-2003, 09:31 PM
Good Choice of guns. Welcome back to the sport.:)

First, the black thingy is verticle adaptor. It was orignally designed so people could use verticle C02 tanks instead of bottomline. Today, you can use it to mount a forgrip. This means better balance. You don't have to use it. You can easily just take it off by taking the screw out.

Second, you are refering to macroline. Macroline is a godsend. It is plastic tubing that can be cut to basically any length. Just buy a macroline kit from your local store and follow the directions on the bag. It's very easy to use and lighter than stainless steel line.

Third and final, all you'll really need is a fast loader. Since you are going to be shooting like a madman I guess, a 12 volt revolution will be more than enough. Also, are you using co2? if so, get your local shop to install an anti-syphon tube in your tank(at the same time, get them to put on some macroline)

Finally, a BOA barrel is just an Aftermarket barrel just like any other one. It's made of Brass and is very good.

Either way, if you have anymore questions, feel free to PM me.


02-08-2003, 09:34 PM
The black "thingie" is called an ASA, air source adapter. It can be used to put a foregrip or regulator there. You could take it off and run the hose directly to the valve if you wish, but I would recomend a decent forgrip to screw into it. The previous owner may have just wanted less hose sticking out.

You can replace the braided SS hose with macroline, or microline. I use braided myself, but many people prefer macro. I have had no experience with micro, but here it is unsafe to use. go with macro if you want the cleaner look.

Since you are only playing with friends, I wouldnt recomend a compressed air tank, I would go with a cheaper 20oz co2...but if you have the money, go with CA. Since you are not playing on a field, go with the biggest tank you can since you wont have a place to fill easily unless you dont mind driving to the field all the time just for air.

The boa barrel is just an aftermarket barrel. Again I have had no experience with them but I hear they are very good.

I wouldnt recomend putting many upgrades on it because you arent really taking it out in the public ;) but a trigger guard is always nice ;) I would also recomend a decent forgrip. SP makes some nice ones.

I hope this helps, and if you have any more questions just ask.

02-08-2003, 10:13 PM
Great. Thanks all. Very helpful. These boards seem a lot nicer than the ones at paintball.com. So far not one person has said, "Automags suck even worse than spyders, get a cocker dood." =)

Looking forward to throwing some paint through this thing and tinkering with it.

Thanks again.

02-08-2003, 10:36 PM
Automags suck even worse than spyders, get a cocker dood.

Yea, most of the people on AO are pretty friendly.
I dont think you want that 'modified valve body' part, because it most likely means someone took a dremel to the valve.. but I'm not sure, thats just what it sounds like :p
Mags are great guns. Good choice.

02-08-2003, 10:51 PM
Yes, I was worried when I read the modified valve. Thats 95% of the time never a good thing, as the stock AGD valve is the best. If you want to go compressed air and you wont be at a field, get something hugely large like a 114/4500 and remote it to your gun (put it on your back) or get an 88/4500 stubby to put on your gun, but then you must realize you will probably need a drop forward. If you go c02 (probably a better option) buy a Palmer Stabilizer Male(!) It goes into the vertical adaptor and acts as a c02 regulator/expansion chamber/forgrip. Its probably the best out there, and will prevent your valve from freezing. Also get antisiphon for your c02 tank. If you cant afford a palmer stabilzer, get some kind of expansion chamber. You could even remote the c02 if you want <- a great way to keep liquid out of your gun.

02-08-2003, 11:00 PM
caleqs, not a bad lookin mag so far. it could use an inteliframe, and X-valve and some nitro. then your set. and where in NJ do you live? i live in Sussex County near newton.

02-09-2003, 06:21 AM
Hi Stevo, I used to live up in Essex county...Glen Ridge, Bloomfield area. I'm in TX now. I used to play up around Vernon Valley in northern NJ.

02-09-2003, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by personman
I dont think you want that 'modified valve body' part, because it most likely means someone took a dremel to the valve.. but I'm not sure, thats just what it sounds like :p
Mags are great guns. Good choice.

Hmm, which piece do you think was modified? According to the manual I printed off from the web, it says the valve body is the "air inlet on one side." Is that an easily (inexpensive) piece to replace if its been hoarked? I hope its not having to replace it with an X-valve. That would blow my budget. =)

02-09-2003, 09:15 AM
Well, I would need to see it to know. I'm betting its an hole mod of some sort (where someone takes a drill and drills holes in the reg (back part of the valve) to supposivally increase the air flow, but it doesnt always work too great)
I stole this from someones tech thread, but as you can see, someone drilled holes in the right one. The left one is stock.
Other than that, I'm not entirely sure, and I dont know if it will screw your preformance or not..
BTW, I would get a new frame. The benchmark frame is cheaper than an intelliframe, but it has a longer, sloppier, trigger pull. I liked the bushy though, and I'm sure its pretty good with some modding. But yea, the intelliframe is the best.

Edit: Maybe by valve body, he ment main body, and maybe he ment he polished it.. I dunno :)

02-09-2003, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by caleqs

Hmm, which piece do you think was modified? According to the manual I printed off from the web, it says the valve body is the "air inlet on one side." Is that an easily (inexpensive) piece to replace if its been hoarked? I hope its not having to replace it with an X-valve. That would blow my budget. =)

The Xvalve is an alluminum version of the retro valve and level ten, neither of which you have. Your valve is just the standard valve, which arent as expensive, but I dont know where you can get one easily. I actually think level ten would be a good idea since you might be dealing with bad/old paint a lot.

02-09-2003, 09:26 AM
Thanks personman. I hope its not been screwed with too much. The guy said the gun worked great, so I'm crossing my fingers he didn't butcher anything.

Benchmark frame? Who makes that?

What's the reason to change the frame? Is the stock one no good? I don't think I've seen many aftermarket frames for this gun. Maybe I just missed 'em tho.

02-09-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

I actually think level ten would be a good idea since you might be dealing with bad/old paint a lot.

Hi Falcon. Level 10? Isn't that just a bolt mod? Why do you think I'd be dealing with bad/old paint? I plan on ordering new quality paint when I am ready to play. Is there something I don't know?


02-09-2003, 11:25 AM
If the gun works fine, and you dont notice anything bad, dont bother too much with it.
Benchmark makes the benchmark frame :)
They go for around 80 dollars for a double trigger one..
Well I like the stock frame with the stock trigger, but I did the double trigger mod and I diddnt really like it at all, that trigger you have on there isnt too nice..
Level 10 deals with kickback, I believe blowback, chops, and it even has a little foamie on the end of the bolt to give the ball a little cushion :p
There are lots of frames besides the intelliframe, and the benchy, but the benchy is the only one that doesnt void your warrenty, besides the intelliframe, which is made by AGD. I think pro team products bought out benchmark, or they are partners with them..

Load SM5
02-09-2003, 01:12 PM
I'm kinda with person on this one. If it's not broke, don't fix it. If you're going to run CO2, which sounds like your best choice if your just going to be out flinging some paint with buds in the backyard, then get an anit-syphon tube installed on your CO2 tank. Mags are fine on CO2 but if the liquid CO2 gets in the valve it tends to freeze up and screw up o-rings. Also an expansion chamber would be nice, those just screw in the vertical ASA and then you run the air line from that.

I would also recommend a good loader to keep the paint moving. A 12 volt revvy would be good and can be found fairly cheaply used.

I'd start there and play with the mag a few times. Take the time and learn the trigger. Mags don't like to be shortstroked and canchop paint if you don't pull and release the trigger fully. It takes some practice so go slowly and add speed once you get the pull down.

Anything you decide you want to change after that we can address then. Mags have a good number of upgrades that can make them into God's own paint flinging uber-machine but, depending on your playing style and budget, may not be needed.

Welcome to AO...the most opinionated forum on the net.:D

02-09-2003, 01:29 PM
Thanks for the welcome Load. I don't mind opinionated as long as its informed. =) Was browsing the forums at paintball.com. Now *those* guys are opinionated. But they seem to be uninformed and/or inexperienced for the most part. Its actually painful to read.

It sounds like I'll start with a CO2 setup with anti siphon and either the palmer thingy or an expansion chamber. I've always liked the idea of a remote, so I may try that. I'll take a look at diff frames as well. But first I'll see what this trigger feels like. I think I'm getting the stock trigger with the package, so that would be good. I'll get a good hopper et al and give it a try.

02-09-2003, 01:31 PM
Ah ha. I asked the seller what he'd done to the valve...here's his reply...

"The origional valve body has a hole which the restricts the gas passage. You can buy new bodies with about twelve larger holes drilled in them, but this is overkill and it actually decreases efficiency. So, i took the body to work, put it on a mill, and drilled a few more appropriate size holes at the same angle. this way the gun recharges faster and doesnt waste gas."

We'll see how it shoots. But sounds like a piece I can replace if it doesn't, no?

Load SM5
02-09-2003, 01:40 PM
I was mostly joking about the opinionated thing....mostly...ok not really. This is a great forum with some of the largest, most friendly brains I've ever seen. You'll like it here.

Unfortunately, drilling holes will more than likely have voided the warranty on that valve. It may never cause you a problem but I have serious doubts it helped anything. If you run remote then don't do it with an anitsyphon tank. An anti syphon tube is a metal tube inside the tank. It's bent in such a way that when your tank is screwed on, the end of the tube is bent up and out of the liquid. If you take the same tank snd stick it straight up in a remote pouch that tube is down in the liquid and will suck it right up like a straw.

02-09-2003, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by caleqs
Ah ha. I asked the seller what he'd done to the valve...here's his reply...

"The origional valve body has a hole which the restricts the gas passage. You can buy new bodies with about twelve larger holes drilled in them, but this is overkill and it actually decreases efficiency. So, i took the body to work, put it on a mill, and drilled a few more appropriate size holes at the same angle. this way the gun recharges faster and doesnt waste gas."

We'll see how it shoots. But sounds like a piece I can replace if it doesn't, no?

Tell him that in theory it *should* work but it HAS been thoroughly proven that doesn't improve the performace at all, and can actually be damaging if done wrong and it voids the warrenty (a big deal there). If he doesnt believe (probably wont) get him to AO and make him ask why here himself. I doubt anything will be wrong though, he sounds like he did a good job. As for level 10, (if you set it up righT) its safe to say you wont chop paint ever again