View Full Version : Center Flag Regulator problem

02-09-2003, 01:21 AM
I recently put a centerflag tank on my blessed mag, when I fire the tank has a vibration that lasts about 5 seconds. No biggie except it is vibrating lose the fieldstrip screw and the powertube cap. Is there anything I can do, short of replacing the tank? Are there any other threaded parts I need to check? Can this cause any damage to the gun?

Gun setup: Power feed automag with dye barrel and intelliframe. Centerflag 3000/68 fiberwraped tank.



02-09-2003, 01:52 AM
your field strip screw is vibrating loose?

Check the screw and make sure there's that rubber thingie on there. that's supposed to make sure it *doesn't* vibrate loose. If you don't have it, I think you can replace it pretty cheaply.. not sure exactly what kind of ring goes right on there...

check the AGD online store.

02-09-2003, 01:53 AM
Ummm...I think someone hid a small animal or a bomb inside your tank. There should be no vibration 5 seconds after you shoot. Of course there is recoil with every shot, which can vibrate things lose, but not the PT tip or field strip screw.

Something is wrong, but I'm gonna duck for cover instead of finding out what it is.

She's gonna blow!