View Full Version : Can you stop ebay auctions? Someone is selling stolen gun..

02-09-2003, 12:40 PM
Well its not stolen, but if you remember, some guy got ripped from buying a gun on ebay. Well, he sent his money via western union and never got the gun, and the seller has been jipping people that way. Well look at this auction:


He has 0 feedback, so I emailed him about doing 3rd party, heres his responce:

"dear sir,
i`m for the moment in Spain and the gun is with me in
like payment i accept only western union and i will
send you the gun via UPS AIR EXPRESS.
i don`t have feedback because this is my first auction
on Ebay.

This is the same case as a couple weeks ago. The auction says hes in new york, but he is in spain. Argh, someone is gonna get jipped off over $600

Can you stop ebay auctions by telling ebay?

02-09-2003, 12:44 PM
email ebay and tell them the deal...they will prolly shut down the auction...

02-09-2003, 12:46 PM
i sent email warnings for all the bidders

02-09-2003, 12:50 PM
yeahtahtsme- I cant find an adress for ebay

law - thanks for your help. I mean, I would be pissed if I lost that much money, i wanna help these people

02-09-2003, 12:56 PM
i reported the auction

02-09-2003, 01:06 PM
sweet thx

02-09-2003, 01:09 PM

link to the guy who got jipped. this is the samr case as him

02-09-2003, 02:29 PM
Maybe someone from here should bid and "win" this marker?

02-09-2003, 02:34 PM
two people make an account called "YouThief222" or somethign and both of you bid a million dollars

02-09-2003, 02:34 PM
thast what I was thinking too

02-09-2003, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by LaW
i sent email warnings for all the bidders
you can get kicked off ebay for doing that

02-09-2003, 03:02 PM
CRoG aren't you banned? So sneaky "Rebel" :rolleyes:

02-09-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by strongboy2005

you can get kicked off ebay for doing that

You can not get kicked off ebay for warning bidders that this guys auction might be a scam. Not a big deal man :)

02-09-2003, 06:04 PM
Crog075/Rebel2k5 = IP Ban for circumventing temp ban.

02-09-2003, 06:06 PM
woah what does IP stand for

02-09-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by boss_automager
woah what does IP stand for

He can't come on to AO with his IP ever again.

02-09-2003, 06:37 PM
Here is a post from vipers buy/sell forum


Feb 3rd 2:01 PM
Just a note to beware of scams on E-Bay. The other day I saw item #2704970284 for a Bob Long 2002 Intimidator GZ. In the text it said buy it now for $550. But it didn’t have a button to do this, which should have been the first clue. Well since these things are over $900 new I figured this is a great deal. So I e-mail the guy and he says to send the money via Western Union and he’ll send the gun on an air freight and he’ll e-mail me the tracker number when he does. So I wire the money and give him the number to pick the money up and I ask him to send the tracker number. The next day I hear finally hear back and he says he’s having problems with the wire transfer and will not give me the number till it’s resolved. I contact Western Union and they show that this guy has already picked the money up. So I e-mail the guy back and of course I never hear another word from this guy. So I get back on e-bay to see who won the bid and I e-mail that guy to warn him. Well I hear back from that guy and it turns out he bid high on it so no one else would win because he had been burned by this guy in the past. There are a number of people who have been burn by this guy. I know I saw an Intimidator Dragon also being sold by this guy. No telling what else he has listed.

This jurk’s name (or at least who I wired the money to) is Parnau Cristian-Gheorghe and he is in Dijon, France. His e-mail address is [email protected]. Beware, if it looks to good to be true chances are it is to good to be true.

If by chance you have been burned by this guy too, contact Mike at [email protected] and he’ll forward your info to the FBI. Mike was the guy I tried to warn and he has already contacted the FBI and they have assigned file # I03020221528423.

02-09-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

He can't come on to AO with his IP ever again.

Nice way to not answer his question.

IP: "An identifier for a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. Networks using the TCP/IP protocol route messages based on the IP address of the destination. The format of an IP address is a 32-bit numeric address written as four numbers separated by periods. Each number can be zero to 255. For example, could be an IP address."


02-09-2003, 06:47 PM
thanks halliday:D

02-09-2003, 09:22 PM
Guys! Guys! DO NOT USE WESTERN UNION! It offers NO Buyer Protection AT ALL. At least with a money order,, mail fraud charges could be filed if something goes wrong. I repeat...NO WESTERN UNION!

02-10-2003, 09:23 AM
Postal Money Orders and PayPal are the way to go. On the subject of making a fake account to burn the seller, I hope you are completely sure that it's the same guy. I've read what's been posted (about using western union, and sending out of the country), but what happens if one time, it's a legitimate auction. In your zeal to prevent a scam and avenge others that have been screwed, you could in fact be screwing a legitimate seller. As for the warnings to the other eBay'ers, I believe that if it's taken too far, you can be banned from eBay.

02-10-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by strongboy2005

you can get kicked off ebay for doing that

Wow, something that actauly came close to contrubuting to the conversation from this guy. Even so... Cockers are not magical.

Anyways... Good idea on sending those emails! Hopefully ebay can block his IP address and have the police arrest him.

02-10-2003, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Timmee
Postal Money Orders and PayPal are the way to go. On the subject of making a fake account to burn the seller, I hope you are completely sure that it's the same guy. I've read what's been posted (about using western union, and sending out of the country), but what happens if one time, it's a legitimate auction. In your zeal to prevent a scam and avenge others that have been screwed, you could in fact be screwing a legitimate seller. As for the warnings to the other eBay'ers, I believe that if it's taken too far, you can be banned from eBay.

It wasn't a really strict warning. What I sent were just look outs and letting them know its possible this might be a scam. I wasn't telling them to cancel bids or anything because I dont know for a fact. Most of them responded and said it sounded fishy

02-10-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by LaW

It wasn't a really strict warning. What I sent were just look outs and letting them know its possible this might be a scam. I wasn't telling them to cancel bids or anything because I dont know for a fact. Most of them responded and said it sounded fishy

I think that's all you can safely do. I know I'd be grateful if someone reminded me to be careful. :)

02-10-2003, 02:56 PM
IP -- in English for non-techies

IP is like your computers address on the internet. Every computer is like a house, having its own address where the net knows where to find it (like when your searching sites).... by Banning an IP that address cant access the site anymore. If you have Cable/DSL this is normally a permanant ban or until the mods feel it can be lifted.

Dave K

03-12-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by digitard
IP -- in English for non-techies

IP is like your computers address on the internet. Every computer is like a house, having its own address where the net knows where to find it (like when your searching sites).... by Banning an IP that address cant access the site anymore. If you have Cable/DSL this is normally a permanant ban or until the mods feel it can be lifted.

Dave K

Not if your IP is dynamic. Then it changes everytime you relog or reset your modem box. The worst case scenario is by passing the ban through a proxie server...

I am such a computer geek... ;)

Don't ban me or I will come back and haunt you...:p

03-12-2003, 12:30 AM
Ha! webopedia is gimped.

IP = Internet Protocol

IP Address = Internet Protocol Address.

Many people use "IP" as slang for "IP Address".

You often see TCP/IP because TCP is the most common protocol for things on the Internet. TCP is actually a protocol on top of IP.

03-12-2003, 12:34 AM
lol, this thread was hijacked, then crashed and is now back from the dead...:rolleyes:

03-12-2003, 06:31 AM
what the... ? Warblade why did you bring back a month old thread in order to answer a question that wasn't even the original thread topic?

03-12-2003, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by WaRBladE

Not if your IP is dynamic. Then it changes everytime you relog or reset your modem box. The worst case scenario is by passing the ban through a proxie server...

I am such a computer geek... ;)

Don't ban me or I will come back and haunt you...:p

I can take you out with the precursors numbesr of your IP's. There are only four of them in your case. And your the only one with those. Plus I can report you to your ISP and get your account cancelled. And I will! I wouldn't be threatening anyone here if I was you...

If your Temp banned and come back one or all of the above will be done. And your mom and dad are not going to be happy when there service is canceled and they find out its because a web site has complained about your missues of the rescource. That is in your contract agreement...

Wc Keep
03-12-2003, 10:51 AM
yeah cphilip layin the smack down. whos your daddy????!!!??