View Full Version : I Was Hypnotised For The Amusment Of Others

02-10-2003, 09:02 PM
well we had this hypnotist come to our school for some reason or another. some kind of pep rally. well he asked for volunteers and i was choosen along with 9 others. thers are two stories here. my point of view...

and what i found out later...

This is my point of view. We goto the assymbly and i am assuming that it will be the teachers or prechoosen people that will be doing this. i was completely taken out of the blue when he asked for volunteers but i thought what the hey.

I get on the stage and sit down and he goes into this talk about whats all going to happen to us (not physically, mentaly) and he says "you will be consiously aware of whats happening at all time" which reasures me.

he puts this red flickering light on the front of the stage and starts giving us directions. immediatly everything gets blurry and and the light seems really bright. my eyelids are getting heavy and at one point they were so heavy that i couldnt open them.

then i open my eyes and iam standing at the bottom of the steps going off the stage holding a microphone stand. EVERYONE is laughing at me. he motions me onstage and thenasks me what i was doing with the mic stand. i have NO clue so he hands me this picture of me sticking my toungue in the little clip on it...

then i sit down and he finishes up and dismisses us to the croud and we are dismissed to class. i notice that almost 2 hours have passed and as i walk down the hall EVERYONE is calling me sexy...

This is what accualy happened, or at least what everyone told me. after he put us all down he dissmissed the people who didnt go down far enough.

First Stunt. He tells us we are on a cuban beach (all of us start reclining) and that we need to put some sunlotion on. he comes by and touches each of our hands and he start rubbing. then he tells us all to get our neighbors back so we all start that. then after we are all lotioned up we tells us to put our feet in the water and splash around. then a shark comes along so we all panic and he puts us all back down.

Second stunt. Tells us we are sitting it 1973 mustang that belongs to our granddaddy. we are going so fast that police start chasing us but we out run the police no problem. then as we are jamming to the radio whe swerve to miss a squirrel and hit a tree. TOTALED the car. now we have a fear of what our granddaddy think. after a moment of panicing we go back into a sleep.

Stunt three. he gets us to take off our shoes and we start polishing them. then beau farts (acting not real) and it smells so bad that we have to take our shoe gas masks and breath through those to purify the air. then he tells us all to put our shoes back on but we all convinently forget how shoes are supposed to work. we finaly get our shoes back on and go back down to sleep.

Stunt four. he convinces 3 of us (not me) that they are members of the band nsync. then procedes to get 2 gutar players, a drummer, a piano player, and me on maracas. one of the maracas has no head and he says that it fell off. after a fun rendition of bye bye bye we all take our seats but im depressed because of my broken maraca and i am stopped. he asks what whong and i say it broken (im crying) he askes what he can do and i ask for duct tape. "why dont you get some new ones" "because im cheap"... we all sit down and he gets us all to come out of our little trance and realise what we are holding. we all exchange confused looks as he collects the things and put them back stage. back to sleep.

stunt 5... this is where it gets fun... he gets all the boys to stand up and become miss america contestants. he asks us all our names (we are all in high pitched voices with girl names) and then we all dress in our pretend bikinis and strut our stuff (you can imagine) and after all that we sit down and sleep.

stunt 6. he singles me out and feeds the instructions that include the part that the mic stand is the most beautiful woman ive ever seen. i get out of my sleep and see the woman and pop out of my seat. they said i started talking to "her" and ignoring the hypnotist but he finaly got my attention. tells me that stacy here will be assisting you in an audidition for that 70's show (he asked me earlier what my favorite show was) well i start dancing with "stacy"
then he tells me that he judges what to see a really passionate kiss... so i start making out with the mic stand. they said i was at it for nearly two min before he got the sense to stop me. well he say i got the part and to go take a seat so i grab "stacy" and start walking back stage. apperently i wouldnt let go of the mic stand and he had to put me to sleep where i stood and catch me.

stunt 7, that last one. he gives us all different directions. for instance one person was instructed to yell "i am tarzan king of the jungle" everytime someone says colorado. and Sarah has the sensation that her neighbor pinches her everytime he says hypnotist... me on the other hand... when i open my eyes i see stacy standing infront of me and i have to caress her and at a random point during the show i have to walk her into the crowd. but the econd i set foot in the audience i regain consiousness and become fully aware of myself.

we wake up and i see stacy and start massaging her while everything eles is happening and then i go out into the audience with her and wake up entirely. im so confused and i get more confused when he gives me the picture and thats almost where my story ends...

Sarah, the girl who kept getting fake pinched, she broke down crying and later tried to kick tim's *** convinced that he was the one pinching her.

sorry its so long

02-10-2003, 09:13 PM
all i gotta say is LLLLLOOOOOLLLL

02-10-2003, 09:20 PM
You should have taken the mic stand and started beating the guy with it...while screaming "Get out of my head, Sorcerer!!!"


02-10-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
You should have taken the mic stand and started beating the guy with it...while screaming "Get out of my head, Sorcerer!!!"


i was so confused at that moment that i didnt know what to do

02-10-2003, 09:26 PM
HAHAHA! Thats the same type of thing that our school does at assemblies and at after prom.

02-10-2003, 09:28 PM

02-10-2003, 09:31 PM
as a joke take a mic stand to prom:D i woulda love to seen a video of that though

02-10-2003, 09:40 PM
i would love a video of that too

02-10-2003, 09:59 PM
start dry humping the mic stand and talk dirty to it untill you realize that the hypnotist guy has no idea whats going on

02-10-2003, 10:33 PM
Ya, sounds like a normal day to me... but then again, my days arent that normal... :p

02-10-2003, 10:48 PM
haha, man that is so funny, i wish i coulda seen it. :D


02-10-2003, 11:00 PM
Oh please let there be a video!!!!!


02-10-2003, 11:07 PM
im checking tomorow

02-10-2003, 11:20 PM

great story man... scan the pic and show it to us :)

oh god... theres got to be a video :eek:

02-10-2003, 11:37 PM
Thanks BT. I needed that. :D
If that had been me, the hypnotist, the microphone stand, and I would have been promptly escorted to the door. It would be wierd to have your girlfriend be jealous of a mike stand...

02-10-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by davidb
It would be wierd to have your girlfriend be jealous of a mike stand...


02-11-2003, 10:34 PM

i found out today that i had tried to take the mic stand off stage with me.

02-11-2003, 10:41 PM
with your tounge still in it :confused:

oh man, thats great... i wish i would have been there in person :eek:

02-11-2003, 11:49 PM
hey sneaky, wuts the code to the AO WI in your sig.

02-12-2003, 12:06 AM

Creative Mayhem
02-12-2003, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
as a joke take a mic stand to prom:D

HAHAHA Now THAT would be hilarious!!!:D:D

C Mayhem

02-12-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Creative Mayhem

HAHAHA Now THAT would be hilarious!!!:D:D

C Mayhem

she's be a cheap date

02-13-2003, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag

she's be a cheap date

And Video's Not a Problem:D :D ;) ;)

02-13-2003, 01:01 PM
yea i had a fun dream last night about sunning on a beach and rubbing lotion on different people. i didnt realise what it was until i was walking to school and it hit me. i accualy remember part of it