View Full Version : War

Will Wood
02-11-2003, 11:36 AM
What you think? Simple poll..War is almost inevitable at this point.. but think it will go to the point of a draft?

02-11-2003, 11:40 AM
I don't think we'll need to see a draft in the foreseeable future.

That being said, anyone who votes three should just leave the country now, since they obviously don't want to live here anyway.

02-11-2003, 12:06 PM
The draft won't happen. There are so many people who enlists in the reserves every day that there is no need of the draft. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that over 50% of our military personnel is in the reserves. But if a draft was to be issued, I will not hesitate to join.


Archangel Damien
02-11-2003, 12:29 PM
i`d rather see somebody on our side act istead of having to react

02-11-2003, 03:22 PM
I certainly hope not..........

I already have problems with these new kids that "want to be here" getting entangled into drugs, drunkdriving, getting into unrecoverable debt. These ppl render themselves useless when the mission needs em most. Its bad enough that I have underage kids showing up to work still drunk and useless to me. Then im forced to waste more of my time handing out "Counceling" and forwarding this to superiors for further action. Hell after all when I go to work all I want to do is load some bombs, make my pay and go home.

Now It is my opinion that opening the draft again would completley mangle the military as it is now. Back when the draft was activated before, drug use and other activities became commonplace in the military due to the high amount of people that really could not give a rats *** about there country, job, and the saftey of their co-workers.

Although the only good thing that I could see this bringing back is a diversion away from the programs and recognition and refocusing it on mission and morale. Screwup kids would get there arses beat again (ie "Wall to Wall Counceling"), something I wish remained from the "Good Ole Days".

In my opinion the draft is an outdated concept that was only viable back in the 40's to 50's when kids used to fear and respect there elders. In todays society I feel that it would fail in far more ways that I can mention

Yes the draft would solve personel shortage problems, but would you really want someone that lacks general concern working next to you and covering your back?

02-11-2003, 03:34 PM
A conscript army is a poorly trained one. Period. People who dont want to be there, are worse than not having someone there at all. I personally want someone next to me whom I can depend upon. And, unfortunately, some of the kids coming in today arent the best either. Now, this isnt to say all of them, however, in the past year, I have had major problems with two soldiers...now, I tried the nice way...didnt work. So, I did it the ole fashioned NCO way...and, lo and behold, it DID work. Understand this folks, do not sign up for the military, then, when it comes time to do your job in a real world situation, say "I only joined for college". You raise your hand to take an OATH; and, those of us who see themselves as professionals, expect you to uphold that oath. You dont have a choice in it. If you puss out, be sure an NCO will be there to kick your ***. War isnt a game; it isnt fun, and it isnt clean. Understand that BEFORE you decide on a career. Cuz, if you go chicken, be sure one of my Brothers will be there to "correct" you.

02-11-2003, 04:29 PM
I think there should be mandatory service for everyone, but not just as soldiers. There are many things we can put 18 year-olds to do in this country other than fight. The ones that pass a "boot camp" with the apptitude for soldiering should do it, but the rest can be put into some type of domestic "peace corps". Most of these kids can use a little PT anyway ;)

02-11-2003, 04:38 PM
i hope not im personally enlisting when the time comes and i definantly dont want people like the ones in school next to me when it comes down to life or death.

02-11-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Vendetta
I think there should be mandatory service for everyone, but not just as soldiers. There are many things we can put 18 year-olds to do in this country other than fight. The ones that pass a "boot camp" with the apptitude for soldiering should do it, but the rest can be put into some type of domestic "peace corps". Most of these kids can use a little PT anyway ;)

I couldn't agree more. Look at Israel: Mandatory service for all citizens upon turning the age of 18. The IDF(Israeli Defense Force) and SF(Special Forces) is the best trained military service in the world(in my opinion, although the US is a VERY close second). Of course the only difference between the IDF/SF and the US is that Israel is fighting everyday in urban combat; not that US soldiers aren't fighting everyday but Israeli troops do it 7 days a week, 365 days a year in there own homeland.

Don't flame me on this, it's my opinion and you don't have to agree with any of it but I think that if you look at the IDF website (http://www.isayeret.com/) you'll at least understand where I'm coming from.

I truly don't believe Bush fully grasps what he is getting US troops into. First, he asks Iraq to permit surveillance flights by U2 spyplanes. Iraq agrees, and Bush declares Iraq is simply stalling for time. What I think is going to happen(again this is just my opinion) if Bush ever does order troops into Iraq is that all hell will come down on them, literally. Saddam will use his SCUD missles and fill them with both chemical and biological agents. At this point he doesn't care about the consequences of using these weapons because he knows that the US is there simply to kill him, or overthrow him. With major allies such as France and Russia no longer supporting our activities in Iraq, I think the US will be left out in the cold by the time this is all over.

If war does eventually break out, I pray for the safety and well being of our troops in the Middle East and abroad as well as the safety of all American citizens worldwide; these are truly trying times.

02-11-2003, 06:04 PM
I don't know what is going to happen but i would really like to see this not happen at all. I have to much to live for and I'm a loser. Like said earlyer it would be better if we acted rather then reacted.

Also for any of the older member who where around cold war vietnam time- What was it like then? Was it scary as hell?

02-11-2003, 07:48 PM
Heres my .02

The US military is very large and strong right now. We have no need for a draft. There are still hundreds of thousands of soldiers still in America right now and even more reservists/national guards. However, if that time does come for the US to have to enact a draft, you wouldnt need to draft me. If the US is that desperate for men, Id gladly join our Armed Forces and protect my country. If I thought that joining the miltary right now (well, 10 days when im 18) would improve our chances against Iraq and I could do more good for my country fighting terror than home studying in America, I would go down to the local recruiters today. However, right now, I dont think they need me fighting more than they need me studying

02-11-2003, 08:48 PM
:mad: how bout you go now....no, seriously :mad:

02-11-2003, 09:32 PM
If the draft is enlisted I will simply refuse to go. I love my country, but I think that with all the firepower we have, more troops wouldn't help. If the poo hits the fan, I'm definitely going to Canada.

edit: oh and BTW...

Originally posted by Webmaster
• Avoid topics containing religious, racial, or political discussion (they are the top three flame starting toipcs)

02-11-2003, 09:36 PM
hehe...this thread is gonna get good....;)


02-11-2003, 11:41 PM
In response to a chemical attack; the US is more prepared than ANY OTHER COUNTRY to operate in a contaminated environment. Gassing us, in effect, kills his own troops faster. The chemical gear an infantryman carries with him allows him to survive and fight in a contaminated environmentfor up to 30 days. Your standard Iraq issued gas mask allows six hours...that really doesnt give you enough time to get out and decontaminate, never mind continue fighting. Besides, they use chemical weapons, we will hit them HARD. Any type of WMD used on the US, its military forces, or its allies, allows us to use whatever means necessary to ensure it NEVER happens again. Yes folks, that gives us the right to nuke Iraq. Will we? I honestly doubt it. It doesnt solve anything that conventional munitions cant accomplish. The use of chemical weapons by Iraq is tantamount to suicide. He knows this; he has been warned numerous times, but the US, UN, and his own regime, that chemical weapons will ensure complete annhilation of the regime, with no hope of any further truce/peace concessions.
As far as the draft is concerned; if your country asks for your help, and you refuse it, I guess it isnt really your country then. So leave.

02-12-2003, 05:58 AM
God Chemical weapons piss me off...

No really, just the fact that the opposing country has the option to use em makes your peacetime training hell. I could be a happy man if I never had to put on my chem gear again and hump out a "Surge" in full MOPP 4. Chem gear sucks nuff said.

I always found atropine a joke also... its so hush hush on what it actually does to you. so I looked it up just now

Most of the side effects of atropine are directly related to its antimuscarinic action. Dryness of the mouth, blurred vision, photophobia and tachycardia commonly occur with chronic administration of therapeutic doses. Anhidrosis also may occur and produce heat intolerance or impair temperature regulation in persons living in a hot environment. Constipation and difficulty in micturition may occur in elderly patients. Occasional hypersensitivity reactions have been observed, especially skin rashes which in some instances progressed to exfoliation.

yeah like you really want me loading munitions on that junk!

Oh and like Oldsoldier said... "It doesnt solve anything that conventional munitions cant accomplish"

If you dont trust the Media (and you shouldnt really) trust me instead, We have lots of cool brand spankky new conventional toys we are more than willing to test on moving targets... if ya get my drift.

Also if reduction of collateral dmg was an issue for the iraqis they would take a lession from the british and the V-2 flyovers and leave the damn thing alone. Yes smart bombs do hit there target... if they arnt shot at randomly by retards with AK-47's. Really how smart is it to shoot at the Presision Guided Munition that is making 90 degree turns on streets? Yeah random fire sometimes hits guidance surfaces and lead it astray from the "military target".

02-12-2003, 07:49 AM
If my country needed me i would go. no question about it, as im already gone. When i joined it probably was more about college money than anything else. but as i went thru training i realized how much the country really does mean to me. i am unhappy to be separated from everything i love, but if me spending a year in risky territory doing my duty makes life just a little better stateside it will be worth it 1000 times over.
And seeing the whiney little bastids (not the word of choice) that are only in it for college money makes me want to buttstroke them in the head. they make my time her miserable. i have to deal with their crap while im trying to get my stuff together and adjust, and soon while im trying to accomplish the mission.

02-12-2003, 01:01 PM
"If the draft is enlisted I will simply refuse to go. I love my country, but I think that with all the firepower we have, more troops wouldn't help. If the poo hits the fan, I'm definitely going to Canada."

Then go, becuase you sure arn't an American. Draft dodging should be treason, and there is only one thing to do with a traitor.

02-12-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
I don't think we'll need to see a draft in the foreseeable future.

That being said, anyone who votes three should just leave the country now, since they obviously don't want to live here anyway.
Thordic, it seems no matter what the subject, I always read your replies and think "I couldnt agree more." Disturbed minds think alike

02-12-2003, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
I don't think we'll need to see a draft in the foreseeable future.

That being said, anyone who votes three should just leave the country now, since they obviously don't want to live here anyway.

Here Here!!!!

Will Wood
02-12-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Rooster
"If the draft is enlisted I will simply refuse to go. I love my country, but I think that with all the firepower we have, more troops wouldn't help. If the poo hits the fan, I'm definitely going to Canada."

Then go, becuase you sure arn't an American. Draft dodging should be treason, and there is only one thing to do with a traitor.

...:rolleyes: I would say more, but I don't want to get this into a flaming war. Think about that again.. I think in now way it is being a traitor. If I was able to go, no way I would flee, but I wouldn't disgrace those who fleed.

02-12-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Rooster
"If the draft is enlisted I will simply refuse to go. I love my country, but I think that with all the firepower we have, more troops wouldn't help. If the poo hits the fan, I'm definitely going to Canada."

Then go, becuase you sure arn't an American. Draft dodging should be treason, and there is only one thing to do with a traitor. -insert multiple expletive flame here- Not an American? How dare you! I don't see you stepping up to the plate. How would I be a traitor because I don't believe in fighting a war I don't believe in? I don't want to get banned, but I can say this, if I ever meet you in real life, there will be fists swung. :mad:

02-12-2003, 04:31 PM
When your country needs you, and youre not willing to go to war, i say go on up to Canada right now...or maybe Mexco since Canada is too good for you

02-12-2003, 04:39 PM
We could just shoot anyone running for Canada at the border :)

Believe in the war or don't beleive in it, thats your choice. But fighting for the country you live in is another thing.

If you don't want to defend America, how dare you vote? How dare you enjoy the rights that other American's have given their lives for? You have bigger balls than an elephant making claims like that. Its sickening.

And what would you be swinging fists for? To defend your "personal honor" at being called a traitor? I'm sorry, but any honor you may have had went out the window when you turned tail and ran when your country needed you.

02-12-2003, 05:06 PM


Now I understand why they don't want religious, racial,or political discussions on AO.

I'm NOT taking sides but I just thought I'd bring up something: There's this poster of a political cartoon(for the First Amendment) in one of my classes, and it this hippy-looking guy burning an American flag on it. Surrounding this guy, sort of faded, are these skeletons wearing WWII era combat helmets, Civil War style general's hats, etc. The skeletons have mad faces and are saying, "We fought and died so that he could burn our flag"(or something to that extent). Anyway. My point is, the men and women that fought and died before our time died to give us the freedom to do what we want, something most other countries don't have. One of those freedoms is the freedom of speech. The hippie in the cartoon, technically, has the freedom to burn the flag, just like someone might not want to fight for our country has the freedom to decide whether or not he or she wants to. I'm not saying it is right to not fight for one's country(nor am I saying its wrong) but it is the freedom of an individual to decide whether or not they believe in fighting. I personally plan on joining the armed services after 2 or 4 years of college and giving the generations to follow me what my country and the men and women before me have endowed to us all: Freedom.

02-12-2003, 05:12 PM
So… let me get this straight… there are some people who would not fight for their country if they didn’t agree with what the war was about.. BUT those same people would get into a fist fight over someone calling them “Not American”?

Seems to me that some people have their priorities mixed up. But what do I know…. and being someone who HAS stepped up to the plate on more than one occasion. ;)

02-12-2003, 05:31 PM
I don't appreciate people using this thread as a means of flaming myself personally. This is supposed to be a FRIENDLY online board. I don't come here to get flamed by 99999 people for having a certain belief, nor do I appreciate people using this thread as grounds to attack my character.

The thing about this war is, it's not like we're being attacked. WE ARE ATTACKING ANOTHER COUNTRY. So don't preach to me about "defending" one's country, as we are not, we are blatantly swinging our weight around, trying to be "big brother" to the whole world. Don't get me wrong, I loathe Saddam, he's one of the most evil men around, but I just don't see the point in a draft. If our country were attacked, I would fight, but I don't see the point in fighting in a war in which our government decides to be the "end all be all" world authority.

You know, before, I thought this was a decent board, with decent people. Guess I was wrong there! The following people flamed me for something I said, using the thread as the battle ground: Thordic, Kevmaster, and Rooster. There were a few others who flamed me inadvertedly. I'm NOT SORRY for saying what I think. And as for what I voted, I voted NO, not that I would flee the country. I just think it's BS that you people are attacking me for saying something "unpatriotic". You guys just had a good field day beating me senseless with your words on AO. YOU'RE ALL WINNERS! I HOPE YOU FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELVES! So why don't you all have a little pow wow about how anyone who doesn't believe in what you believe in should die, and go home to your houses with your white picket fences and 2.5 kids.

You people need to learn how to respect other people's opinions instead of just letting the flames go. Ever since I've come back from my ban for writing about why this country should be RESPECTED, I've gotten nothing but crap from you people.

Mods- close the thread, do what you will, but I did nothing but state my opinion.

02-12-2003, 05:42 PM
I agree that this should be closed, but NOT for the reasons darklord stated.

Darklord – I read what you wrote, and sifted through your anger to see what your problem is. And I think I found it…. you don’t know what you are talking about.

You may consider that a flame, but it is not. You clearly show a lack of understanding how things actually work, and “offensive” vs “defensive” in particular. Did you know you CAN strike another country and it be a “defensive” move?

We were not being attacked in WWII either (in the European Theatre) yet we sent troops.

And the situation with Iraq is NOT about the US trying to be the “be all end all” world authority. But you seem to forget the it IS the US that is called EVERY time someone gets a splinter in their little toe. So, we can only react when TOLD to do something, but never ACT when it is clear something needs to be done…. I get it now.

If you want to stomp your feet and cry like a baby, fine, be my guest. But if you want to convince anyone that what you are saying is even worth reading, I would advise first knowing what you are talking about, and second, try to discuss things in a calm and rational manner.

Yes, some of the attacks on you were out of line in the WAY they were made (but I would argue that the feelings behind them might not have been). But you can’t throw a bigger tantrum and expect any sympathy in return.

02-12-2003, 05:56 PM
SHartley, I never said I knew what I was talking about, I was just voicing my opinions. And as for "throwing a tantrum", what do you expect me to do, just say "please sir, may I have another?" whenever someone flames me? I would hope not.

I know that attacking can be a defensive move, since, if I gather what you're saying, that we're "preventing" Saddam from unleashing weapons of mass destruction upon the world. Now I think that's debateable, since, if we attack him in order to prevent him from doing something, haven't we then just changed what may have happened, instead of something that would have happened?

And as for WWII, we did send troops, but wasn't that until after the bombing of Pearl Harbor? I recall that we sent aid (tanks, weapons, food, ammunition) to our allies, but we did not "enter" the war until Pearl Harbor happened. You don't know what you're talking about either.

I just think that this war is different. With Afghanistan, Al Quida attacked us directly, and of course, we swept in with troops, eliminating terrorist camps. However with Iraq, it just doesn't seem like the war is being initiated for a specific reason. To me, it seems like Bush is just trying to kill Saddam while he's sending troops into the Middle East. Saddam has been brooding weapons of mass destruction for a long time, has he not? So why hasn't the US attacked him already?

02-12-2003, 06:01 PM
Look you just showed AGAIN that you don’t know what you are talking about.

You also don’t jump feet first into a bar-b-q pit and expect NOT to be burned. And that is what you did.

Furthermore, you are so wrong in what you just posted that I will be kind and not point it all out. And I will let pass you saying that I don’t know what “I” am talking about. You must live a truly blissful life.

02-12-2003, 06:01 PM
Personally, burning the flag (which, although you think it is a "right" it isnt, but, it isnt a law not to), and draft dodging are two different animals. One is a political view, a choice; the other is your country asking you to help defend that very "right" to burn your own country's flag. So, I see it like this; if you feel it is your "right" to burn and/or desecrate a living symbol of our nation, yet, refuse to answer the call to arms to defend that "right", technically, you arent wrong, but you are DEFINITELY a hypocrite. You ask others to give thier lives, whether or not they believe in the cause, so you can perform this act, yet you arent willing to do the same. That is one of the most selfish things I have ever heard of. And, this goes beyond flag burning; I am talking draft dodging, violent protests, throwing things at soldiers, anything that shows animosity towards our (YOUR) country.
not everyone in the military wants to fight a war. Most of them dont want to at all. Hell, THEY may not think it right either. But, no matter what they THINK, they SWORE an oath to defend this country against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. And to follow the lawful orders of those appointed above him.
For armchair lawyers, spies, and soldiers; there is a lot we dont know. But, Saddam has violated the resolution. We dont need to prove he did...hell they ADMITTED 2 days ago that the tape of bin Laden was a rumor, then it AIRED on the same station that rebutted it! Does that sound like cooperation? Or, more like lying? And, before you say it is just a radio station, it is owned by the gov't there...they control anything that goes out over the airwaves. Iraq is stalling for time...if the UN doesnt back up its resolution, it loses face. We pull out of it, it crumbles. It crumbles, not more aid for the world. See the loop here? War is, unfortunatley, a necessary evil. No one goes to war wanting to die; hell, you dont even care why you are there! You worry about getting your *** home alive.
If you dodge the draft, you are a coward. you can justify it any way you want; your country asked for your help, you turned your back and ran away. Rationalize it if you want. It is what it is.
Benjamin Franklin; judge me not by my words, but by my actions. I challenge the same to the folks here.

If you take this perosnally, oh well. It isnt meant as a personal attack against anyone though. But, if the shoe fits...

02-12-2003, 06:03 PM
Here here.

02-12-2003, 06:05 PM
Yeah thats all we need, we are going to war, and then we decide not to get along on a simple forum on a sport... will everyone just calm down and stop being arsecrackers, if Darklord dosent want to go to war he shouldn't have to. Why should one have to fight for what they dont believe. i can see the other side, the people that support the war, yes war is good for the economy, but have you guys thoght up the other side to it.
Bush Sr. Failed to kill Saddam, so what does he do? He send sonny boy after him.
Bush Jr. sees he has Function-ed up the economy, and war can increase the economy because production of war related items increases, creating jobs.

In the end I'm asking not to be Flamed at for this, this is my opinion, and you can all have your own, but we can't fight about something like this. This is a small argument, there are bigger fish to fry....

02-12-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Look you just showed AGAIN that you don’t know what you are talking about. PM me with written proof otherwise. I could say more, but then I'm sure you'd criticize me again. God forbid I go against the grain and have a different opinion. :mad:

02-12-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
If you dodge the draft, you are a coward. you can justify it any way you want; your country asked for your help, you turned your back and ran away. Rationalize it if you want. It is what it is.
Benjamin Franklin; judge me not by my words, but by my actions. I challenge the same to the folks here.

If you take this perosnally, oh well. It isnt meant as a personal attack against anyone though. But, if the shoe fits... I wonder if you'd think the same way having only existed 18 years on this earth? I'm not going to take that personally, but rather, I think you should follow Franklin's own advice as well. Don't flame me, you don't know me, you don't know what I'm going to do, you're all just flaming me for saying certain things. If the draft is enstated, and I am given the choice, you DO NOT KNOW WHAT I WILL DO.

Oh and I respect soldiers and members of the military, I always have.

02-12-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by darklord
PM me with written proof otherwise. I could say more, but then I'm sure you'd criticize me again. God forbid I go against the grain and have a different opinion. :mad:
PM you?!?! You have GOT to be kidding. You posted things about WWII that any JR High kid should know is wrong. You also posted a load of garbage that we have already discussed in at least two other threads, and it has been proven wrong.

I have no problem with different opinions, but you are not just posting opinions as opinions, but as facts. And again, if you think I don’t know what I am talking about concerning ANYTHING I posted here, you should seriously think twice.

No, I am not going to PM you. You posted out in the open, so am I. You are more than free to just let things go. Folks have reacted directly to what you POSTED. They did not go out looking for you. And you should know the heat you could draw, even more since YOU posted AO’s own rules about the types of discussions that should be avoided and WHY. LOL

Stir up a hornets nest and then act like you had no part in being stung. LOLROF BAD BEES!!!!!! ;)

02-12-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by DMFunk

Bush Sr. Failed to kill Saddam, so what does he do? He send sonny boy after him.
Bush Jr. sees he has Function-ed up the economy, and war can increase the economy because production of war related items increases, creating jobs.

No, the Gulf war was about liberating Kuwait, and preventing a further hostile action from Saddam into Saudi Arabia. they asked us to help out; our ONLY goal, per the UN, was the liberation of Kuwait. THAT is where the UN failed. They banked on an overthrow ow the regime within 6 weeks...well, they were wrong. The next administration catered to Saddam...we never enforced UN resolutions upon Iraq. At least, not to any real degree. We had several chances to start a coup in the country, preventing the loss of any American lives; Clinton denied each and every request. Saddam is too well rooted there now to ask him to leave. we have even given him a chance to go into exile as recently as a month ago...he is still there. This goes much deeper than most people realize. IT is about oil, money, our interests in the mideast, world economy, terrorism, the prevention of the spread of nuclear devices to those who would use them offensively. And, if you think "we dont need their oil", you REALLY need an economics class. The US makes more money exporting our crude oil, and importing refined petroleum. But, it goes beyond just oil. there are whole nations that could be lost or gained, depending on our future actions.

02-12-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by shartley

PM you?!?! You have GOT to be kidding. You posted things about WWII that any JR High kid should know is wrong. You also posted a load of garbage that we have already discussed in at least two other threads, and it has been proven wrong.

I have no problem with different opinions, but you are not just posting opinions as opinions, but as facts. And again, if you think I don’t know what I am talking about concerning ANYTHING I posted here, you should seriously think twice.

No, I am not going to PM you. You posted out in the open, so am I. You are more than free to just let things go. You keep reiterating that my "facts are dead wrong", and yet, you present NO ACTUAL PROOF. And it's your own analyzation that I presented my opinions as facts, I never said they were true. Oh and I guess the Sultan SHartley, ruler of us all, knows everything, right? Just because I offered evidence to disprove one of your "facts" doesn't necessarily make me wrong by default. If you are a "WWII buff", that doesn't mean you can offer written proof or quotes to prove what you say is true. My "facts" may be getting intertwined with others in my mind... I may have been thinking that Pearl Harbor drew the US into the war with Japan. I'm not perfect! :mad:

02-12-2003, 06:27 PM
I am a professional soldier by choice. I know that it is not the profession for everyone. But I do put my life on the line almost daily, whether we are at war or not, in keeping our forces strong. Why do I do it? Not for the money! Because I feel I owe everything I have to those who laid down thier lives before me.

For most countries a strong U.S. Military is enough to deter an attack on the U.S. I hear so much about this war and whether it is right or not, I still choose to answer the call of my country that has given me so many freedoms. Although I don't think there would be a draft, if there was, I believe anyone who doesn't honor the call if they are choosen is a coward and doesn't deserve the freedoms they are enjoying. Not only are they hurting the country that you live in but the many soldiers who are already fighting for their country and their lives.

Do I agree with attacking Iraq? Yes, because I feel he has wepons of mass destruction and if left alone will find a way to use them against american interests.

I know I'm getting the quote wrong and my history stinks for not knowing who said it but:
"My country, may she always be right, but right or wrong, it's still my country!"

02-12-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by darklord
I wonder if you'd think the same way having only existed 18 years on this earth?

There are thousands of soldiers under 20 in our Armed Forces and ROTC programs in college. Im turning 18 in 8 days. Its a possibility that war will grow and there may be a draft(small--but none the less possible). I will be ready and willing to step up to war if thats how my country decides is best to use me.

02-12-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster

There are thousands of soldiers under 20 in our Armed Forces and ROTC programs in college. Im turning 18 in 8 days. Its a possibility that war will grow and there may be a draft(small--but none the less possible). I will be ready and willing to step up to war if thats how my country decides is best to use me. I have a few friends who are enlisting in the army, so let me just say, I respect that. However, a few people like you, and friends I know, are ready to fight and die at such a young age, I think the majority are not.

02-12-2003, 06:45 PM
Very few people want to go to war. There are some who enjoy it or get a rush out of it but they are the minority. However, there is a difference between WANTING to go to war and ANSWERING THE CALL if necessary. I for one do not WANT to go to war but if I get the call I will answer it.

02-12-2003, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by battlegroup
Very few people want to go to war. There are some who enjoy it or get a rush out of it but they are the minority. However, there is a difference between WANTING to go to war and ANSWERING THE CALL if necessary. I for one do not WANT to go to war but if I get the call I will answer it. Ah, touché, I just find it hard to believe that anyone at a young age can rationalize going out to potentially die. Even if you get the call, it just boggles my mind that someone could just not even think twice and go out to fight. Whenever I hear talk about a draft, I just get this visualization of Vietnam all over again... Although with today's technology, I suppose there's not a lot to worry about, but just the thought of being sent out to my death disturbs me. I would probably answer the call if there was an all-out draft, but I feel as if I were a piece of meat, being tossed around by the government.