View Full Version : BAY AREA player Needed !

02-11-2003, 05:27 PM
my team needs a player for the First class 4 man tournment in Sacramento this sunday ( the 16th).

one of our front players had a little run in with his parent and the law ... so he is not playing.

my sister will take his place if i cant find anyone else.
but i would rather have a tourny player ...because she is 14 and just a rec baller.

the tourny is unlimited paint format.
and 62.50 for each player plus paint.
any body who plays get get the paint with us at the same time ... a little cheaper.

the players so far are

Alex( mr.mag) . GZ timmy ( back )

wes . Warped mag( front )

Me ( nastymag). V sport shocker or Timmy ( back or front)

any one with a little experiance would be cool.
Sorry alex ... just dont want to have my sister blasted that much ..its a last resort.

anyone intrested should Leave there AIM or PM me.
its this next sunday ...so hurry.

02-11-2003, 05:29 PM
oh i forgot to say that ... we are all from marin county .
but it doesnt matter as long as you can get to the tourny.

02-11-2003, 05:48 PM
i would say we have a nice chance of winning ;)

02-11-2003, 06:47 PM
HAHAHAHA isnt this like the third time you have lost someone? I told alex i would play for you guys if you cover my costs ;). I just cant afford it right now. I need the money for the upcoming pan am 7 man in LA.

02-11-2003, 07:12 PM
lol ya kno i would really love too but sac is very far from me, and im only 14 anyways, but thats not stopping me! im going out for a team this sat wish me luck! and if i do make the team i will probally be playing in that 7 man in LA too if we get enough peeps on our team

02-11-2003, 08:00 PM
yea i would play for u guys also but im playing the grass valley 5man the day before and also the pan am 7man... c ya there curly hehehehehehe. also i'll probably go to the first class tourney just to watch and kick it with u ao'ers that i haven't seen in hecka days.

oh yea, i'll play for u guys if u cover my admission :) i have a spare case of white paint...

02-12-2003, 02:13 AM
yo ..curly ... paintslinger ... i will pay for admission if it has to come to that . but not paint.

02-12-2003, 03:58 AM
Erm, PM me or AIM me. tmucker on AIM.

02-12-2003, 04:20 AM
u still looking for somone to play...i might be able to help you guys out if so....

02-12-2003, 03:57 PM
slinger and curly may help us out .. i am going to find out today.