View Full Version : After Market Parts For Mags

02-12-2003, 12:15 AM
Im have been looking for customs after market parts for my mag for a while. I see a lot of mags with custom milled pices and i find it hard to believe that all thoses guys did it them selves. So if any one knows any web pages do share.

My mag is a regular 68 with standard feed benchmark drop forword a Smarts Parts All American 14" barrel and anadizing, custom sight rail, custom velocity dial and a double trigger plus a benchmark front grip plus custom viewloader grips and level 10

Creative Mayhem
02-12-2003, 05:18 AM

There are countless custom parts to had or thought up. If you can think it, it can probably be done for you. Take a look in the Dealer's forum, im sure you will find something. You can have eveything from custom grips(Frymarker) to custom milling and carving(Tysonmachado), all you have to do is think it up and contact the right person. It's up to you. Take a look around you never know what you'll find. I constantly find new stuff. Have fun checking it all out and enjoy your stay on AO.

C Mayhem

02-12-2003, 07:17 AM
To be fair, there are others besides Tysonmachado and Frymarker who do milling and grips for Mags… as well as other products.

Datapimp69, Xtreme Depot, LoadSM5 (did in the past), and others, to include myself not only make products for Mags, but do custom work as well (I think FESTUS33 does milling too). And there are other products coming out specifically for Mags this spring and summer. :D

The Frymarker
02-12-2003, 07:53 AM
Yes if you look around the forums you will find many people do great work. We aren't the big name companies but we do our best to put new products out there for everyone to enjoy.

So do some surfing and you are bound to find something you like.

Welcome also:D

02-12-2003, 09:57 AM
Yes, Plenty of people can do milling and stuff, but all the internals you buy for your gun should be AGD. The aftermarket valves are junk, so are 90% of the grips. Just be carefull what you purchase for your mag, alot of times if it's not AGD it does more harm then good.

PS: Who can mill my minimag rail... It looks...well.. Ugly