View Full Version : Been thinking

02-12-2003, 09:25 PM
Ive been thinking i want to get a new gun pretty soon. I am going to keep i intellied, lvl 10 mag. I want to try something electro. Ive been looking a a 32* vision impulse a guy is selling at are feild.


thats a link. Has anyone ever used this gun or tested one out.

02-12-2003, 10:23 PM
eh, I've never been a big fan of the Imps. My opinion has always been that the Shocker is the SmartParts gun to buy. I've also heard some nightmare stories at my local field, but that could be because EVERYONE there has one... :rolleyes:

Edit: Please keep in mind that I've never owned, or shot an Imp. My post is based on hear-say and speculation. Try it out, if you like it, get it. If not, don't. they are very popular markers...

Later ~ Dave

02-12-2003, 10:29 PM
The 32* Impulse is basically a stock Impulse with some milling and anno (I think, could be wrong.). I think it would be in your better interest to save a little more and get a RATpulse (http://www.e-paintballoutlet.com) or a Nasty Impulse (http://www.paintballwholesalers.com), two of the best (IMO) Impulses for the money. That and seeing as they sell for like $575 new, $500 isn't all that good a deal for a 32* Imp.
