View Full Version : I need some help from you guys.

02-13-2003, 01:28 AM
Okay, I own an Angel LED and even though its faster then just about any other gun... its starting to go on me. I'm begining to have way to much maintnence. I don't want that. Anyways, this isn't about my Angel... The other day I held a friend's mag. I wasn't to impressed with the trigger pull, but God it was light. My LED might as well be a 10lb weight compared to his mag. I'm a front player and weight is something I should be considering when purchasing a gun. Anywho, I'd like it if you guys could recomend some web sites of aftermarket mags wether they be electro or not, doesn't matter. Price is of no concern and the flashier the better. Also, if any of yopu have a mag or two for sale please let me know ASAP. I will honestly take a look at every offer.:) Any help is appreciated!:D

02-13-2003, 01:59 AM
First things first: Welcome to AO, glad you found us:)

Now, just for some perspective; An Xmag weighs 3.2oz less than an Angel Fly IR3!

Emag triggers can be set so light and short, that a puff of wind can make them shoot...really, I'm not kidding. AGD's spokesmodel, Clare Benevides, has her trigger so light, that if she stands her gun muzzle up, the weight of the trigger itself will make it fire.

As for your Angel being among the fastest out there....well, let's just say that no gun can match the 25 BALLS per second that an unmodified RT valve was able to put out, with NO measureable shootdown. That same gun was clocked at over 30 CYCLES per second with no shootdown. We have video and sound graphs that prove it, nobody else does.

No aftermarket items have been made to the exacting standards of AGD, hence, it's always best to buy genuine AGD parts. The BST forums here always seems to have great deals on markers and tanks, keep looking and asking there. If price is not a problem, I would suggest calling AGD and getting on the waiting list for an Xmag. Pevs in Fairfax VA may have one or two left also (If you call there, ask for Rob to help you).

Go up to the blue sponsor tab, that will take you to the factory online-store, there you can see everything that AGD makes and offers.

02-13-2003, 02:07 AM
Um... dang, I can't think of another way to say welcome to AO...

but anyway...

You don't need aftermarket with mags... AGD did the job right so it outperforms anything the aftermarket makes STOCK. Yeah, that's right... Aftermarket parts actually detune the mag.

02-13-2003, 07:45 AM
if you cant find an xma(they will be kinda hard to find for a while) you could always get an emag and have a custom sluggo milled up so its flashy and a ule rail and frame..that'll be pretty light...

02-13-2003, 01:23 PM
Tahnks for the replies. I didn't mean to come in here sounding like my angel and other angels were the best guns on earth. I was meaning that my gun is the fastest in my area. I know it can't keep up with the newer electros... I mean this was one of the first angels to come across the pond(Avalanche were the first to play with it)... so its a little beat up and tired. Thats impressive that stock AGD guns and equipment are better the aftermarket. As we all know cockers are the kings of modification. I would love a mini-mag or even a regular mag, but i just don't like how they aren't center-feed. Is there a way I can change the body or something like that? Anywho, it sounds like the Emag is the gun for me. I really like the Xmag, why is it that there going to be hard to find? Thanks again! :D

02-13-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Army

Emag triggers can be set so light and short, that a puff of wind can make them shoot...really, I'm not kidding. AGD's spokesmodel, Clare Benevides, has her trigger so light, that if she stands her gun muzzle up, the weight of the trigger itself will make it fire.

That's exactly what I want. Can I get this outta my mag too, or does she have this only b/c of her connections??

02-13-2003, 01:55 PM
She was able to tune her Emag/Xmag to do this. All a matter of some patience and know-how.

Also the X-Mags are difficult to come by b/c they are hand assembled and AGD has stuff shipped from AGD-Europe. Plus, there's a nice 4-5 month wait list. But trust me, it's SOOOOO worth it. Anti-Chop Eye (ACE), Level 10 stock, Aluminum Valve, Cocker threading, removable breech & pretty colors.

We had Tom's personal X-Mag at an event out here and it was sitting on the table. Somebody bumped the table and the marker fired. Pretty cool.

That's why I'm getting one. :)

02-13-2003, 01:55 PM
Clare has the benefit of being around a LOT of Mag knowledge. You too could set up your E-Mag to be this light. Just play with the trigger magnets.

You can buy the E-Mag in Centerfeed, hi or lo rise. You can also use the hi/lo rise bodies on all other mags, save the Original RT. So the Auto/MiniMags ARE available in Centerfeed. :)

Hope This Helped ~ Dave

02-13-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring

We had Tom's personal X-Mag at an event out here and it was sitting on the table. Somebody bumped the table and the marker fired. Pretty cool.

That's why I'm getting one. :)

Aren't the X-Mags and E-Mags EXACTLY the same, except the X has ACE and the Aluminum bodies, Removable Breeches and Cocker Threads? Based on that, couldn't you set your current E-Mag to fire when you bumped the table?

Just Curious. ;)


02-13-2003, 02:29 PM
yes, but an Xmag is an Xmag. an Emag is just well...and emag

02-13-2003, 02:43 PM

02-13-2003, 02:55 PM
Just talked to Rob (the one at Pev's in Fairfax) about any X-mags. NOPE! None. I'd say look for a deal on a E-mag, then like said before, get a ULE body ($80) and a ULE frame (no clue). Should be pretty light. Add a sluggo body, and you'll be set. You'll prolly actually be able to spend LESS going this route, and it'll be a custom job too! :D

Mag pusher
02-13-2003, 06:40 PM
Hi Trigger and welcome to AO ! !
It is actually possible that a former member of our team (all X-mag) will be selling his silver c/f x-mag. This is one of the beta versions which was delivered to us by John Sosta of AGDE in June 2001. So its actually a bit of AGD history linked to it. If this is interesting send me a few lines aind I'll check with him. BTW this is in Norway

02-13-2003, 07:20 PM
:eek: Ya, welcome to AO, the best forum on the net.

C ya:cool:

02-14-2003, 01:40 AM
Thanx for the help once again guys! Could you all possibly by any chance post some pics of the ULE body and trigger? Or direct me to where I can buy them? If I don't go E-mag or X-mag, what would you guys recommend getting(which mag) and what modifications? I want it to be double trigger(blade style if possible), short & light trigger pull, light weight, colorful, and as basically the BEST performance possible.

02-14-2003, 09:04 AM
WEll, here would be my pecking order:

RT Pro
Classic Mag

You could always consider Pro Team Pro's Micromag or Micro-Emag.

Welcome to AO. ;)


02-14-2003, 11:28 AM
The ULE bodies are still in the development stages right now or are on the way. they are not released yet, sorry.

If your looking to go electro I would get an Emag and modifiy it to your liking by changing the body to a no rise body.

As for modifications it's up you I would recommned something with a Level 10 bolt to elminate chops or possibly a X-valve to reduce weight if that is one of your concerns.

there is someone who makes blade triggers you just have to look around on AO everything you need can be found here it's just a matter if finding it I suggest the search function or looking in the airgun.com store what ever you may want.

Lot's of people on AO are always more than happy to help you out with whatever you may need whether it's a question about trigger pull or finding someone who can do a custom job on your marker. ask and some one will on here will have a answer for you no matter what marker it is.

You could also consider sending your gun to theangelguy.com and have him do a overhaul on your angel I'm sure he could revive your angel and make sure it lasts longer.

02-14-2003, 06:52 PM
If you want something that can keep up with your Angel then get an E-mag, although be warned the E-mags aren't the lightest guns out there... they are actually quite heavy.

I would PM Tunaman, he can set you up a nice deal on a new ULE E-mag with centerfeed and all.

If you want a light gun then go for the ULE E-mags, or if you can afford it and find one, an X-mag

Tunaman set this package up for Jonesie (hope you don't mind me posting this)
