View Full Version : Odyseey is letting me down...

Duke Henry
02-13-2003, 05:23 PM
Last year I purchased a good old HALO-B from Odyssey's online store (circa July 2002).

Anyway, now the inside of the body where the lid/pin/spring connects seems to have rotted/broken apart. So, I need new shells.

Anyway, I emailed Odyssey three times (all about 4-5 days apart) asking if there was warranty of ANY kind on the body, and if not to let me know so I could order new shells.

So far, no response.

Any ideas as to the warranty situation? I have been emailing [email protected].


02-13-2003, 05:30 PM
CALL! Jeez, everyone uses email and expects an instant response. You know how many emails they get a day? CALL THEM! Sorry, but everybody complains about no email responses...Call em, they will help you out for sure.

02-13-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
CALL! Jeez, everyone uses email and expects an instant response. You know how many emails they get a day? CALL THEM! Sorry, but everybody complains about no email responses...Call em, they will help you out for sure.
I agree with this to a point….. Folks SHOULD call.

However, with that said, if you offer an e-mail address for contact, you should darn well make sure you check it OFTEN and respond back in a timely manner. There is no excuse not to.

02-13-2003, 06:32 PM
Rumor has it that they where moving the facilities. If that is true, that could account for the delay. I know when the company I worked for moved (before the days of current email), we had huge communications problems with our customers. It's bad, but it does happen and it wasn't any fault of ours (damn utility companies). Give them a call, give them time, they will respond.

02-13-2003, 06:38 PM
Heh. My emag battery charger burnt out and I diddnt even think about emailing PTP, so I called them.. well I was on wait for about 15-30 mins but they said they would replace it :)

Duke Henry
02-13-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
CALL! Jeez, everyone uses email and expects an instant response. You know how many emails they get a day? CALL THEM! Sorry, but everybody complains about no email responses...Call em, they will help you out for sure.

I went back and checked my emails. I emailed them January 3rd, 14th, and February 1st.

The reason they have "let me down" is that before they would reply to my emails in less than a week.

Since my first email was over a month ago, I think they have had enough time to respond.

As to calling, I would if I could. I work during their work hours, and making intnernational calls (toll free or not) are prohibited.

Tom Sparkman
02-13-2003, 07:07 PM
My friend had a broken lid. He called them and they said send it in. When it came back (no charge), the lid was fixed, they replaced some parts, and upgraded the software.


02-13-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Duke Henry

I went back and checked my emails. I emailed them January 3rd, 14th, and February 1st.

The reason they have "let me down" is that before they would reply to my emails in less than a week.

Since my first email was over a month ago, I think they have had enough time to respond.

As to calling, I would if I could. I work during their work hours, and making intnernational calls (toll free or not) are prohibited.

Ughh...call at home? :rolleyes: You know, I NEVER get email reponses from comapanies, I think they are there just to humor people.

02-13-2003, 10:33 PM
Gee my company moved and except for the 2 hours to pack up our crap and move from one side of town and then unpack it on the other no problems.(some of us had our office numbers forwared over to cells in case somebody needed us)

Moving is no excuse. Sorry.

Agree with Shartley. If you put an email address up you shore nuff better reply to those of us that do email. Some of us really don't like calling folks.

Sorry for the rant

02-13-2003, 10:45 PM
I'm probably too busy reading this forum rather than my e-mail. You know, the important stuff.
Really though, e-mail? Try [email protected] to get you fixed up. We have had some e-mail problems and have suffered from some minor congestion. We will get you taken care of. Let us know quick so we can get it done before MARDI-GRAS or we will be out of town.
You are right guys. If we have e-mail it should be answered.
Thanks Man,

02-13-2003, 10:57 PM
Tex- i sent you an email a few days ago (Monday or Tuesday). Would I get a quicker response PMing you? Thanks.

02-13-2003, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by BarryTolar
Gee my company moved and except for the 2 hours to pack up our crap and move from one side of town and then unpack it on the other no problems.(some of us had our office numbers forwared over to cells in case somebody needed us)

Moving is no excuse. Sorry.

Agree with Shartley. If you put an email address up you shore nuff better reply to those of us that do email. Some of us really don't like calling folks.

Sorry for the rant

Moving the molding machines to make the Halo shells is an excuse :)

call baby call... :)

02-13-2003, 11:33 PM
i was gonna say that albert ALWAYS responds promptly to the emails that i send him...

never had a problem with odyssey's tech support


02-13-2003, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Mossman

Moving the molding machines to make the Halo shells is an excuse :)

call baby call... :)

I don't think that should be an excuse either. What dose moving a machine have to do with email?

Duke Henry
02-13-2003, 11:45 PM
Thanks for the alternate email, I just gave it a shot. In the past, I would email tex@odysseypaintball because I always got a super fast response. If Albert is anything like Tex, I will be in good hands.

Thanks again

02-14-2003, 09:43 AM
Tex is notorious about his email replys being selective! He has yet to answer my one complaining about wanting better prices for us little guys! LOL! ;)

Albert will fix you up...

Duke Henry
02-14-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Tex is notorious about his email replys being selective! He has yet to answer my one complaining about wanting better prices for us little guys! LOL! ;)

Albert will fix you up...

Haha, the problem was when I mailed Tex I received a mail server error stating that the address didn't exist. Maybe it has been changed - too many people emailing him!

Anyway, to post an update on it, Albert has already responded to my message from last night and has told me that the shell is covered under warranty.

Thanks again everyone for your help!

Load SM5
02-14-2003, 11:30 AM
There now..don't you feel like a tool for lashing out at those poor Odyssey guys?;)

Duke Henry
02-14-2003, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
There now..don't you feel like a tool for lashing out at those poor Odyssey guys?;)

I wouldn't call what I posted lashing...however I am always classified as a tool.

02-15-2003, 08:45 PM
You are a lasher. Constantly lashing, lashing, lashing. Never stopping for one second to consider the possibility that we COULD BE SCREWING YOU.
JK - We will get you covered.
Take Care.