View Full Version : i found a new use for co2

02-13-2003, 11:16 PM
tonight was time to feed my 5 foot long ball python. since he eats prekilled large rats i usually hit them over the back of the head really hard. does the trick.

anyways tonight i experimented with killing a rat with co2.
i ziplocked him up and took my quick disconnect off my gun and put it in the bag with him. Then got out my old 20 oz. gassed up. he was dead within 5 seconds.

it was awesome!!

02-13-2003, 11:22 PM
That's uh, disturbing..... :eek:

Archangel Kid
02-13-2003, 11:26 PM
Hmm.... come on all together now... Animal cruelity....

02-13-2003, 11:30 PM
answer me this. would you like to be bitten and constricted by a snake until you suffocate? or quickly and painlessly fall asleep and die in your sleep.

its nature guys the mouse is going to die either way, the reason for prekilled is to make sure your snake doesnt get bit in the process.

El Gallo Negro
02-13-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
tonight was time to feed my 5 foot long ball python. since he eats prekilled large rats i usually hit them over the back of the head really hard. does the trick.

anyways tonight i experimented with killing a rat with co2.
i ziplocked him up and took my quick disconnect off my gun and put it in the bag with him. Then got out my old 20 oz. gassed up. he was dead within 5 seconds.

it was awesome!!

That is wrong on soo many lvls.. but I guess you have to feed your pet...

02-13-2003, 11:43 PM
Actually, it is more cruel to hit the mouse or feed it alive than to suffocate it. The mouse probably didn't feel anything, seeing as it was breathing co2. Unless I'm wrong, co2 is probably a better method. Would you rather have your head smashed, or be quickly suffocated?

02-13-2003, 11:55 PM
lol pretty tight dude. i found co2's a good way to put out fires.

02-13-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by mag-hatter
lol pretty tight dude. i found co2's a good way to put out fires.

Well duh, fires need oxygen to burn! ;) :D

02-14-2003, 12:10 AM
it was awesome!!

It may be more humane, but this is the disturbing part...

02-14-2003, 12:11 AM
Theres nothing wrong with what he is doing. The rat is the snakes food. What he is doing is much more humane than what happens to the cows and the chickens we eat.

But the "it was awesome" comment kinda disturbs me. :p


02-14-2003, 12:15 AM
heh heh I was just excited that I had an idea and it actually worked out. I guess when you think about it im not really as smart as I thought i was with the co2 thing.

common since tells me without oxygen something is going to die :)

02-14-2003, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by automagfreek
Actually, it is more cruel to hit the mouse or feed it alive than to suffocate it. The mouse probably didn't feel anything, seeing as it was breathing co2. Unless I'm wrong, co2 is probably a better method. Would you rather have your head smashed, or be quickly suffocated?

I don't want to be the Devil's Advocate here, But nature
has Always gone on with Snake's eating they're prey "LIVE".
Anyone who has ever owned reptile's as pet's should know
Dude there is something Seriously Wrong with you're snake,
if it won't eat Live Prey.

Or do you just not want to wait long enough to see the Kill.

02-14-2003, 12:32 AM
i think he stated, that he didnt want to see the snake get injuered in the process, as in getting bitten, cause that happens. but i want to know where you get large rats? the pet store? and then you kill them yourself? that is madness if that is the case.


02-14-2003, 12:35 AM
no there is nothing at all wrong with my snake. yes in the wild snakes do eat live prey. Live prey also has the ability to inflict serious damage to a snake or even kill it. Think of a large cornered rat with those long nasty teeth fighting for its life. Considering that i feed him once a week odds are he will eventually get extremely hurt. I started giving him prekilled food when he moved up to rats. He has eaten live prey for 2 years before that. There is NOTHING wrong with giving a captive snake prekilled prey. Any experienced snake owner/breeder will agree with me.

Live prey is a risk. I personally have known a snake that died from a rat...

ok ok time to stop rambling you get the idea

02-14-2003, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by TNS2k2
i think he stated, that he didnt want to see the snake get injuered in the process, as in getting bitten, cause that happens. but i want to know where you get large rats? the pet store? and then you kill them yourself? that is madness if that is the case.


i have a close friend that breeds and raises rats in his garage for snake food. He raises hundreds of rats a month, haha no i dont kill pet rats. i kno some people who do though

02-14-2003, 09:01 AM
Yeah, even a tiny mouse in capable of inflicting a wound on a snake that can kill it. Snakes are very prone to infection from such bites.

Dead rats dont bite :)

02-14-2003, 09:11 AM
on a lighter note, CO2 is also good for cooling beer very quickly

02-14-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by wyn1370
on a lighter note, CO2 is also good for cooling beer very quickly
His snake drinks beer too?!?! :eek:


02-14-2003, 10:01 AM
oh yeah its a very good beer cooler i think thats why god made co2.
just get urself a co extinguisher and put two cans of beer in the tube and let her rip for about 10sec
coooold as ice beer mmmmm
for better results use bushlight :D

02-14-2003, 10:07 AM
This is actually quite humain. And we used it all the time in the Animal labs. The key is to preflood the chamber with it and it is a bit heavier than air so it will stay there if its not disturbed and you want to displace all the air in there so that its Asphixiant properties are quick. After an initial excitement phase which is very short it will become almost anesthetic like and it is very humain. We used large Plexiglass boxes to precharge out euthanasia chambers with CO2. Its much cleaner and safer (to some extent) than useing overdoses of Anesthetics which are Hepatotoxic and lighter than air. Its very quick and its the right thing to do. It is much more humain than cervical dislocation or Guilotine. Just be carefull you contain it and do not get a full wiff of it. It will knock the breath out of you. Just one wiff will set you on your knee's. Do it in a well ventilated area.

02-14-2003, 10:13 AM
Anyone notice just how many big words cphilip used

02-14-2003, 10:18 AM
mods....sheeeshh :p

Wc Keep
02-14-2003, 10:21 AM
is that rat really dead though or knocked unconsicous cause i thought that an excess of co2 just caused people to faint. phil correct me if im wrong here.

yeah phil is very edumecated.

02-14-2003, 10:42 AM
No it will completely kill him. In about three minutes. Excitement stage last about half a minute followed by unconsious phase of 2-5 minutes and it is an Asphixiant Gas and displaces all Oxygen. So if in a 100% CO2 environment it will kill and quite readily so. There is a phase that last for a minute or two that you could revive him but there may indeed be damage to something if you do. One thing you will notice is as the excitement phase is ending and unconciousness begins the breathing becomes very pronounced and deep. This is because CO2 is the bodies trigger for respiration. Not the absence of O2 that most might think it is, but the presence or build up of C02. And so the trigger is huge with C02 in large quantities like this and it apears he is gasping when in fact his body is realy being overwelmed with the trigger to breath. Same thing in a way but...But the variation of time it takes to kill is due to the individual resistance to CO2 and ability for that individual to carry oxygen in the blood stream. In the case of very young, its not as quick as they have larger O2 carrying capacities. So it is not a good choice for euthanasia on newborn animals. It can take 20 minutes for them to fully expire.

People faint from a lung full but rarely remain in a 100% environment of it long enough to cause death. Its heavier than air so if the floor of an area were flooding with it and they fell into that they would and do. This is one of the gasses that requires you to check work tunnels and tanks for before you send someone in. "confined space entry". So you do not have people go down from a wiff of them and lay in that oxygen deficent atmosphere. You send a probe down first and check for an Oxygen and CO2 level first.

Wc Keep
02-14-2003, 10:44 AM
geez i can picture phil watching a rat die for 20 minutes..... "come on you dumb rat.......give me a mallet!!!"

02-14-2003, 10:50 AM
Sorry to say I watched thousands of animals die that way. You are required to attend the animal throught the entire process and confirm death but heart palpation afterward. It's the law. You burn out on that job fairly quickly.

02-14-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
This is actually quite humain. And we used it all the time in the Animal labs. The key is to preflood the chamber with it and it is a bit heavier than air so it will stay there if its not disturbed and you want to displace all the air in there so that its Asphixiant properties are quick. After an initial excitement phase which is very short it will become almost anesthetic like and it is very humain. We used large Plexiglass boxes to precharge out euthanasia chambers with CO2. Its much cleaner and safer (to some extent) than useing overdoses of Anesthetics which are Hepatotoxic and lighter than air. Its very quick and its the right thing to do. It is much more humain than cervical dislocation or Guilotine.

75% of that just went right over my head.

Originally posted by cphilip
Just be carefull you contain it and do not get a full wiff of it. It will knock the breath out of you. Just one wiff will set you on your knee's. Do it in a well ventilated area.

i do understand that though...:)

Originally posted by cphilip
and it apears he is gasping when in fact his body is realy being overwelmed with the trigger to breath.

ya thats exactly what happened. He took a few mouthfulls of it and went unconscious.

Originally posted by cphilip
This is actually quite humain. And we used it all the time in the Animal labs.

that will help me sleep easier at night :)

02-14-2003, 12:09 PM
One thing that wasn't mentioned at it is key is that if a snake is bitten by it's prey it may grow fearfull of it's prey as it just was hurt and may also become "gun shy" towards further feedings. I've had to make "pinky pudding" on account of a snake being attacked by a feeder mouse and it losing it's desire to eat live prey. I've seen it happen with Red Tail Boa's and Ball Pythons quite often. Most of the other snakes I had as pets loved to have their prey live or if it was a large snake/rat, we'd take the rat and flick it on the head as hard as we could to scramble the nervous system some and thusly leave the prey "live" but incapacitated.

02-14-2003, 12:45 PM
ya my old boa stopped eating after he had a bad experience with a mouse. It bit him (not very hard) and he got affraid of eating and didnt eat for 2 months.

02-14-2003, 01:06 PM
I use to use my old 20oz as a pc dust cleaner, works great!

02-14-2003, 02:25 PM
I almost used CO2 to put my hedgehog to sleep.

He got real sick, and hedgehogs are fairly exotic animals that most vets don't know how to help. The vet told us there wasn't much he could do, and we weren't going to invest hundreds or more dollars in him. But he was very sick, and we felt bad. We gave him a little time to see if he'd get better, but he wasn't. I came close to going with the CO2 approach but then he passed away on his own.