View Full Version : What would of you said in this situation....

02-14-2003, 05:17 AM
A couple months ago there was an exchange of dialogue between a 12-14yr. old grommet/hotshot/rookie (you know the type)and my self at the local field.

ME: "thats a neat gun (electronic spyder),Its a spyder eh?"

HIM: Yeah its a lousy spyder, but im gonna either upgrade it, im gonna venturi bolt for it, a new barrel and some otehr stuff or im gonna get a Gen X3 Autococker and upgrade that.

Now, i had a hard time trying to keep a straight face when he said venturi bolt. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he does a paper route or some other source of extra income to spend. I look behind the kid and I see my buddy rolling his eyes and shaking his head. But nothing could of prepared me for what he is about to say.

ME, casualy: Well its none of my bussines dude, but the best upgrade is getting a case of paint, and upgrading your skills.

Him, with much bravado: I GOTZ SKILLZ!!

Now at his point i was about to wet my pants. But in the surge of the comedic situation i was in I couldnt come up with a witty Simpson-esque/subtle retort. I was literaly too busy trying to cover my mouth and laughter with my hand. I noticed my buddy doin the same xact thing. Anyway i guess you had to be there. I mean, i saw this weenie "play" He needs a gun upgrade like i need a hole in my head. The kid totaly missed the point.

So in closing what would you of said?

YOU: Well its none of my bussines dude, but i think the best upgrade is getting a case of paint, and upgrading your skills.

Him, with much bravado: I GOTZ SKILLZ!!


02-14-2003, 05:42 AM

02-14-2003, 06:36 AM
"The only thing that Spyder needs is to get sold, little man. You need to get yourself a mag!" :D Haha . . . I wouldn't really say that. Just let him do his thing, he'll eventually learn the difference between a good marker and a bad/okay one.

02-14-2003, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by Remington
"The only thing that Spyder needs is to get sold, little man. You need to get yourself a mag!" :D Haha . . . I wouldn't really say that. Just let him do his thing, he'll eventually learn the difference between a good marker and a bad/okay one.

spyder's aren't really that bad of a marker. I mean it's a great beginner marker but jumping from that to a cocker is almost insane. the two are nothing alike and thats a pretty steep learning curve. I think alot of people here will agree with me when I say that it's not the marker its the player behind it. All the money in the world and the best gear won't matter if you got no SKILLZ!!!11!!! heh

I woulda said here try my marker (swaped with him) and then proceeded to whip his butt with his n00bish spyder and then tell him, "NO, IVE GOT MAD SKILLZ!"

02-14-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Carbon
A couple months ago there was an exchange of dialogue between a 12-14yr. old grommet/hotshot/rookie (you know the type)and my self at the local field.

ME: "thats a neat gun (electronic spyder),Its a spyder eh?"

HIM: Yeah its a lousy spyder, but im gonna either upgrade it, im gonna venturi bolt for it, a new barrel and some otehr stuff or im gonna get a Gen X3 Autococker and upgrade that.

Now, i had a hard time trying to keep a straight face when he said venturi bolt. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he does a paper route or some other source of extra income to spend. I look behind the kid and I see my buddy rolling his eyes and shaking his head. But nothing could of prepared me for what he is about to say.

ME, casualy: Well its none of my bussines dude, but the best upgrade is getting a case of paint, and upgrading your skills.

Him, with much bravado: I GOTZ SKILLZ!!

Now at his point i was about to wet my pants. But in the surge of the comedic situation i was in I couldnt come up with a witty Simpson-esque/subtle retort. I was literaly too busy trying to cover my mouth and laughter with my hand. I noticed my buddy doin the same xact thing. Anyway i guess you had to be there. I mean, i saw this weenie "play" He needs a gun upgrade like i need a hole in my head. The kid totaly missed the point.

So in closing what would you of said?

YOU: Well its none of my bussines dude, but i think the best upgrade is getting a case of paint, and upgrading your skills.

Him, with much bravado: I GOTZ SKILLZ!!

I would point out that there are Spyder Class Tournaments and folks there seem to do quite alright. My son also shoots a Spyder, and his Skillz are to the point that his “crappy Spyder” seems to be a pretty formidable weapon on the field.

Yes, there are upgrades for Spyders.. some are useful, and others are cosmetic, but if you need “upgrades” to improve your “game” you didn’t have much “game” to begin with. For the average player, if your game relies THAT much on your marker, you need to seriously consider more practice. Sure, a better marker will be a great asset for those who know what they are doing, and are good at it…. but too many blame their lack of game on their “crappy marker”. ;)

This topic can go either way though…. It all depends on the player and their ACTUAL skills, and not their self perceived SKILZ. :D

02-14-2003, 09:48 AM
Best upgrade for a spyder? A pair of good cleats and knee pads! :D

02-14-2003, 09:54 AM
I would of showed him the accuracy/speed of my Emag and handed it to him and asked the ref to play on the other team and shot him with his "stupid spyder" ..lol

Then gave him some advice after he just got a lesson in humility :)

Dave K

Wc Keep
02-14-2003, 09:56 AM
phil you seemed to have lost me there.:confused: :confused: :confused:

02-14-2003, 09:59 AM
Be able to run faster and slide with more confidence... Get it now?

Wc Keep
02-14-2003, 10:07 AM
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh i see the light now. but i think for sliding the best are the one piece shin/knee guards

02-14-2003, 10:11 AM
Yes, I do too but I call em all knee pads but you are technically more correct with your description. Picky!:rolleyes: :D

Patron God of Pirates
02-14-2003, 12:33 PM
"True playa for real!? Word that! Pimp on little brotha."

Or something to that effect.

02-14-2003, 02:33 PM
Show me! Got time for a little 1 on 1?;)

02-14-2003, 02:38 PM
that was great 1stdeadeye...go time for a 1 on 1...roflmfao

02-14-2003, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Carbon

YOU: Well its none of my bussines dude, but i think the best upgrade is getting a case of paint, and upgrading your skills.

Him, with much bravado: I GOTZ SKILLZ!!


Similar situation. Some guy wiht a new JT jersey, a shink new 'lectro (I think a Bushmaster), hell he even had the sticker on his goggle lenses still. We were walking out to a field, and he took a little 'walking target practice' on a defensleless Mountain Dew bottle. He missed from 60 feet, 50 feet, 40 feet, he shot a string at 20 and still missed. Then, insult on inury, he walked next to it,pulled the rigger, and from point blank missed it.

I took a range shot from 60 feet, and plinked it the second shot. And said "Fifteen-hundred dollars and a nice jersey can't buy ya skill." Liked it so much I put it on a t-shirt. :)


02-14-2003, 04:02 PM

02-14-2003, 04:02 PM
*deep breath*

02-14-2003, 04:04 PM
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Its not the gun little one; its the player. Oh, and LEARN ENGLISH!!! Course, I think after laughing at him, he would walk away. Boy, sometimes I can be immature...but I LOVE it when people try to intimidate with ghetto talk, or whatever its called.

02-14-2003, 04:26 PM
Yo yo yo I gotz mad skills boy! Why you sweatin me?

02-14-2003, 04:29 PM
Some cool responses, just makin sure this aint a gun-bashing thread... just a Get-yer-head-outta yer-butt-thread. In anycase the next time i see that kid im gonna call him Skillz. ANyway i shoulda told him:

"kiss my Converse, sho' nuff"

" Your lucky, i got no skillz, i suck at paintball"

"Yes, yes you do"

02-14-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Carbon
A couple months ago there was an exchange of dialogue between a 12-14yr. old grommet/hotshot/rookie (you know the type)and my self at the local field.

ME: "thats a neat gun (electronic spyder),Its a spyder eh?"

HIM: Yeah its a lousy spyder, but im gonna either upgrade it, im gonna venturi bolt for it, a new barrel and some otehr stuff or im gonna get a Gen X3 Autococker and upgrade that.

Now, i had a hard time trying to keep a straight face when he said venturi bolt. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he does a paper route or some other source of extra income to spend. I look behind the kid and I see my buddy rolling his eyes and shaking his head. But nothing could of prepared me for what he is about to say.

ME, casualy: Well its none of my bussines dude, but the best upgrade is getting a case of paint, and upgrading your skills.

Him, with much bravado: I GOTZ SKILLZ!!

Now at his point i was about to wet my pants. But in the surge of the comedic situation i was in I couldnt come up with a witty Simpson-esque/subtle retort. I was literaly too busy trying to cover my mouth and laughter with my hand. I noticed my buddy doin the same xact thing. Anyway i guess you had to be there. I mean, i saw this weenie "play" He needs a gun upgrade like i need a hole in my head. The kid totaly missed the point.

So in closing what would you of said?

YOU: Well its none of my bussines dude, but i think the best upgrade is getting a case of paint, and upgrading your skills.

Him, with much bravado: I GOTZ SKILLZ!!

YOU: Is Mommy or Daddy gonna buy you that Cocker?

(Sorry, I'm sick of seeing 12 yr olds w/ mommy in there buyer a freakin Dye Autococker w/ some upgrades for $1500. Seen it too many times. :rolleyes: )

02-14-2003, 05:14 PM
man i wish momy would would walk into agd and buy me a x-mag wouldnt care what 1 person said lol better then working my butt off for 1

02-14-2003, 09:49 PM
"hey kid, i am going to destroy your face! ahahahah " then punch him as hard as you can right in the face, until it smashed inward.

02-14-2003, 10:24 PM
you shoouldve said"you should know im not who you think i am,im your momma"jk

lol hunter.thats just evil

02-15-2003, 01:16 AM

02-15-2003, 02:19 AM
cool, let's go...

3 second warning...


click!! pop!! click!! pop!! (me using my Phantom 10 stock feed)

SPLAT!!! (like I have to explain)


'nuff said

I'd give the kid some advice... be a good sport.

02-15-2003, 02:04 PM
Personally I would've just said "Good luck with that, buddy" or "I bet you do" and left it at that.