View Full Version : Forum rules ... ?

02-14-2003, 11:55 PM
The other day I made a thread because I needed a CD KEy for CS and it was immediately deleted and I got a PM saying "that kind of stuff is not allowed." I was looking at the forums rules (yes I was bored) and I didn't see a rule against that but I came across a rule that I have never seen enforced:

• Avoid topics containing religious, racial, or political discussion (they are the top three flame starting topics)

Lately there have been A LOT of political threads. Is there an exception to this rule when something national occurs or something? I am asking this because I don't know.

PS: I don't care about the CS thread getting deleted, I was juts using it as segway.

02-15-2003, 12:06 AM
I'm not sure how the political rule is enforced...you're right, there have been several political threads lately...but then again, i got a 3-day ban for starting a thread about how bush said "nuclear" and "terror" funny at the State of the Union Adress...I guess the key is just NOT to tick off the mods. :rolleyes:

02-15-2003, 12:19 AM
threads are sometimes given a chance even though they are against the rules. we like to have mature conversations about important topics. however they are usually short lived as they degenerate into flames. it's happened plenty of times before and will happen again. as for your particular post not being against any rules, well software piracy is illegal. that's why no threads aiding such activities are allowed.

02-15-2003, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by MantisMag
threads are sometimes given a chance even though they are against the rules.I also posted a thread awhile back with a poll in it (What Religion Are You?). The first statement I said was that if there was any flaming whatsoever I would delete the thread myself. There was not a signle flame in the thread after about 5-8 replies and it didn't last but 2 hours before a mod closed it.

Oh well it's not exactly important I was just asking because I have a political question and I want to post it but don't want it to be deleted.

02-15-2003, 08:26 PM
Ummm .. up?

02-15-2003, 08:32 PM
Well, the most recent thread is more about history, not so much political. So you see, it's not breaking the rules....;)

02-15-2003, 09:08 PM
Ummm I didn't say this had anything to do with the most recent thread about history.

You know what assuming does, right? ;)

02-15-2003, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Ultimator
Ummm I didn't say this had anything to do with the most recent thread about history.

You know what assuming does, right? ;)

Oh, sorry, wrong impression! No harm, no foul!!

02-15-2003, 09:13 PM

02-15-2003, 10:15 PM
Friendly Corner
Our off topic forum. (You mean there are things other than paintball??) Please keep your posts civil, and refrain from topics that are likely to start problems. (NOTE: Any thread may be closed for any reason.)Personally and in my opinion, this is the "friendly corner" sort of an "off-topic" forum, so I have no qualms with the mode deleting any thread they want to or not want to depending on any felling or rule they want.

I have seen alot of political, and religious threads, adn I have seen alot of them get stopped, but it seems like they were stopped becuase they started getting derrogetory, and pointless arguing or the like. I can see this thread just dissapearing as well for whatever reason a mod can justify in their mind and that is okay with me (on this forum).

02-15-2003, 10:42 PM
Well aren't I good at contridicting myself. I guess what's circled in red pretty much says "the same rules don't apply here."

Sorry if that seems sarcastic because it isn't.

EDIT: RP already posted this .... sort of. I thought his quote was from my post (sorry didn't read it all :))

02-15-2003, 10:50 PM
You have read it correctly...
"Any thread for any reason"! This is a privately owned forum and thats the way it is.:D

02-15-2003, 10:59 PM
you get used to it ;)

02-16-2003, 03:02 AM
Careful man, you wouldn't want to start a discussion of the Politics of AO now would you? But honestly, there has been so much flaming going on in the other political threads.

02-16-2003, 03:11 AM
So ask You're Question
And We'll see if we get

02-16-2003, 01:16 PM
Despite what the rules state, if a thread is a reasonable question, or statement, on politics/religion/racial issues, we allow it to continue. However, we will watch it like hungry vultures, for the inevitable flame or childish outburst. If the thread can maintain a mature attitude, then we let it live a while.

BobTheCow started a thread, that was not only derogatory towards our President, but was assured to start a flame war. We shut it down before it could ignite from all the sparks that were flying. He also knows why he really got the 3 day.

We get many, many emails daily, from members voicing concern over certain topics on threads. Most are reports of rules violations, especially ones that we have missed ourselves, which forces us to take action long after the violation has been seen by all. That's when we get the nasty-grams about how "you let so-and-so do this, but you banned me for that?", the ensuing cuss fest generally gets somebody banned quick, fast, and in a hurry. 99/100 times, so-and-so didn't get to do "that", because we shut him down before real trouble could start.


02-16-2003, 10:22 PM
blah blah blah, Paul I'll get u 500,000+ cs cd keys, jsut ask me.. I know the coding to make cd keys :rolleyes: :D

02-16-2003, 10:50 PM
The reason why is b/c it's technically asking for something illegal. We had somebody asking for that kind of stuff a month or so ago. AO can get sued if they are caught trafficking CD Keys and what not. Next time, use your head and some discretion. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Ultimator
The other day I made a thread because I needed a CD KEy for CS and it was immediately deleted and I got a PM saying "that kind of stuff is not allowed."

02-16-2003, 11:45 PM
Can anyone get me some pot?

I think I'll start a thread... :)