View Full Version : The official magazine of the French military

02-15-2003, 01:17 PM
Can this really be that far from the truth?


02-15-2003, 01:27 PM
aaaaahahahaha that's great...

How many gears does a French tank have?
4...1 neutral, 3 reverse :D

02-15-2003, 01:34 PM

If you only knew the truth.

02-15-2003, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

If you only knew the truth.

dont talk, just dont talk....:p

for sale, french rifle, never fired, droped many times.

02-15-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

If you only knew the truth.


France Surrenders

02-15-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

If you only knew the truth.

the truth according to whom?

some self admitted college kid, with decidedly socialistic leanings, who pisses on this country everytime he gets a chance?


02-15-2003, 02:09 PM
I am now dumber for reading that great perversion of history. Can I please have 2 minutes of my life back, and the mental anguish I have suffered?

02-15-2003, 04:01 PM
omg my and facts agree on something! the world is coming to an end! AHHHHHH!!!!;) :D

02-15-2003, 04:09 PM
That magazine cover is funny! The website is better!

02-15-2003, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife

the truth according to whom?

some self admitted college kid, with decidedly socialistic leanings, who pisses on this country everytime he gets a chance?


X, do you have a problem with me being in college. Is there a problem with you and college people?

Is there anything wrong with feeling that people should be treated fairly no matter what their bank account says? I am not a socialist, for I don't believe the government should own all means of production. I believe in socialized medicine, and social programs. So I am actually in the middle, not completely capitalist, not completely socialist, but in the middle.

You seem to have a problem with me, yet I have done nothing to you. Knowing who you are, and what you stand for, I could say I am disappointed that you would act this way.

Everyone of your post to me has so far been an attack on me, but I haven't returned any insults. No matter what you say, I will not attack back. If that is what you are trying, you need to move on. For it won't happen.

Oh, and it is the truth according to history.

02-15-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

X, do you have a problem with me being in college. Is there a problem with you and college people?

Is there anything wrong with feeling that people should be treated fairly no matter what their bank account says? I am not a socialist, for I don't believe the government should own all means of production. I believe in socialized medicine, and social programs. So I am actually in the middle, not completely capitalist, not completely socialist, but in the middle.

You seem to have a problem with me, yet I have done nothing to you. Knowing who you are, and what you stand for, I could say I am disappointed that you would act this way.

Everyone of your post to me has so far been an attack on me, but I haven't returned any insults. No matter what you say, I will not attack back. If that is what you are trying, you need to move on. For it won't happen.

Oh, and it is the truth according to history.

*Cough* PM *Cough*

This is a fun and light hearted thread. Arguments in the French Email Thread.:p

02-15-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
This is a fun and light hearted thread. Arguments in the French Email Thread.:p
*reminds self not to click on French e-mail thread*

02-15-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

X, do you have a problem with me being in college.

no, I have a problem with KIDS who constantly use revisionist history to try to persuade others that socialism in ANY form is good.

and before you get it wrong again, I don't have a problem with kids in general.

Being young is no crime in and of itself.

But you are going to one day realise that most of what you've posted and seem to believe, are about as assbackward to the way this country really works and thinks as it can be. I thought pretty much the same way you did when I was younger.

but feel free to get this nonsense out of your system while you're young.

and if I gave you the idea that I was attacking you personally, I apologise.

02-15-2003, 10:42 PM
collegeboy i am totally with you on this one..... that history was ridiculous. I really have a good laugh when americans claim they won world war one....... be realistic.....you were in for less than a year, came in unequipped, ill trained, and don't kid yourself, you made no difference. If you hadn't of come into the war we still would have won. The Canadians had won every battle they were involved in, form ypres, to the somme, to vimy, all the way to valenciennes. The Aussies were kicking *** most places they went, and they british were always there in increasing numbers, although they never achieved any truly amazing victories. (let's also not forget the new zealanders). I am really tired of the french bashing on this board and all the war rhetoric. just because a country or a person does not agree with what your country does doesn't mean they are wrong. at the moment, i do NOT agree with an invasion of iraq, i haven't seen enough real proof. and don't bother calling me a peace activist, tree hugger, or a hippie, my application to the infantry was handed in 2 weeks ago. so please everyone, i am begging you, crack open some history books and learn the truth, and stop regurgetating the filthy propoganda that CNN spews. good day

02-15-2003, 10:54 PM


02-15-2003, 11:21 PM

02-16-2003, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

X, do you have a problem with me being in college. Is there a problem with you and college people?

Is there anything wrong with feeling that people should be treated fairly no matter what their bank account says? I am not a socialist, for I don't believe the government should own all means of production. I believe in socialized medicine, and social programs. So I am actually in the middle, not completely capitalist, not completely socialist, but in the middle.

You seem to have a problem with me, yet I have done nothing to you. Knowing who you are, and what you stand for, I could say I am disappointed that you would act this way.

Everyone of your post to me has so far been an attack on me, but I haven't returned any insults. No matter what you say, I will not attack back. If that is what you are trying, you need to move on. For it won't happen.

Oh, and it is the truth according to history.

Have You ever Handled a Chauchet "Show Show" Machine Gun
It is the WORST piece of Garbage that was ever Saddled
Upon Any Military in the course of History.
Who built it and who did they try to lay it upon!
Why do you think the U.S. Military Finaly decided
to use the Browning Automatic Rifle {BAR}.

BTW There Was Never A Question what was going to happen
once John Moses Browning Presented His Design.
You can't Mess with Perfection.

02-16-2003, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by FESTUS33

Have You ever Handled a Chauchet "Show Show" Machine Gun
It is the WORST piece of Garbage that was ever Saddled
Upon Any Military in the course of History.
Who built it and who did they try to lay it upon!
Why do you think the U.S. Military Finaly decided
to use the Browning Automatic Rifle {BAR}.

I am guessing that is some sort of French machine gun.


02-16-2003, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Greg98
collegeboy i am totally with you on this one..... that history was ridiculous. I really have a good laugh when americans claim they won world war one....... be realistic.....you were in for less than a year, came in unequipped, ill trained, and don't kid yourself, you made no difference. If you hadn't of come into the war we still would have won. The Canadians had won every battle they were involved in, form ypres, to the somme, to vimy, all the way to valenciennes. The Aussies were kicking *** most places they went, and they british were always there in increasing numbers, although they never achieved any truly amazing victories. (let's also not forget the new zealanders). I am really tired of the french bashing on this board and all the war rhetoric. just because a country or a person does not agree with what your country does doesn't mean they are wrong. at the moment, i do NOT agree with an invasion of iraq, i haven't seen enough real proof. and don't bother calling me a peace activist, tree hugger, or a hippie, my application to the infantry was handed in 2 weeks ago. so please everyone, i am begging you, crack open some history books and learn the truth, and stop regurgetating the filthy propoganda that CNN spews. good day

Okay, time for the musical number. Que up "Blame Canada ".

Canada won WWI. :rolleyes: Funny! The American Industrial Machine contributed more to winning both wars then ANY army did! Where did the Canadians, Aussies, Brits, and French get their supplies to fight the war? Oh yeah it was all stamped MADE IN THE USA!

02-16-2003, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

I am guessing that is some sort of French machine gun.


Look it up in any Reputable Arm's book, Mr.Collegeboy
Then Tell Me What The French have done For My Ancestor's

:mad: :mad: :mad:

02-16-2003, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Okay, time for the musical number. Que up "Blame Canada ".

Canada won WWI. :rolleyes: Funny! The American Industrial Machine contributed more to winning both wars then ANY army did! Where did the Canadians, Aussies, Brits, and French get their supplies to fight the war? Oh yeah it was all stamped MADE IN THE USA!

Funny when US went into WWI, they had to borrow foreign countries munitions until they could get their industrial might up and running.

02-16-2003, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by FESTUS33

Look it up in any Reputable Arm's book, Mr.Collegeboy
Then Tell Me What The French have done For My Ancestor's

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Are you talking about how the US army bought this gun from the French to US or what.

02-16-2003, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

Funny when US went into WWI, they had to borrow foreign countries munitions until they could get their industrial might up and running.

You need more then munitions to fight a war. Keeping your army fed and clothed helps a bit. Starving, naked troops would probably have not struck any fear into the hearts of the Germans!:p

We had to borrow heavy weapons upon our entry. We were making the small arms for the allies throughout the war! That includes their bullets too! We borrowed tanks and machine guns!

The Chauchet was the light machine gun the French offered the Americans for our use. It was the worst light machine gun ever. The Magazine that fed it, was open on both sides. This allowed dirt from the trenches to enter the guns action and disable it. Many American fatalities were blamed on this supression weapon malfunctioning. That is why we brought in the BAR!

02-16-2003, 01:13 AM
The Chauchet was indeed a terribly poor excuse for a firearm of any sort. But at the time, the US only had the Colt and Lewis machine guns which were poorly suited themselves, for ground combat. The Browning AR was not fielded in WWI to any extent to have made any history for itself at that time. The M1918/19 .30BMG came along too late, and the .50BMG was not accepted by Ordnance until 1924.

In defense of French armament, their 75mm Howitzer was one of the best in that war. US forces used and trained on French 75's right up to WWII. In fact, the defense of Corrigedor was supported by French 75's, until it's fall. Over half of all British rifles used in WWI, were built in the USA. We made so many, that we went into battle with Enfields re-chambered to .30-'06. It took nearly a year before the Springfield was made in enough numbers to outfit the US Expeditionary forces.

Yes, the end of WWI was indeed brought about by US participation and material. Battle had stagnated into trench warfare, sometimes the front lines were mere feet apart. Soldiers would trade food and personal items between shooting sprees, by tossing them across to each others trenchline. US forces decided to not stay in the trenches, but to take towns and strategic positions in order to stay mobile. The Marines, of course, used their mobility to confound the Germans, and their tenacity to defeat them. French and British forces would then move into the newly won territory, and begin new trenchworks. The newly formed 1st battalion, of the 1st Brigade, of the 1st Army moved across "no-mans land" with such bravery and conviction, that enemy forces would run when confronted by them. The "Big Red One" was born unto battle, and proudly wear the bright red "1" on their Division patch still, just to remind all who won the day.

02-16-2003, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by Collegeboy

Are you talking about how the US army bought this gun from the French to US or what.

The U.S. Military NEVER Brought this Weapon? across the ocean.
I will admit that at the time the U.S. Military Did Not
Have any particular Stand Out Weapon's{Aside from the
1903A3 Rifle which was not only a Match to But was a
Direct Copy of the Mauser Rifle}
The Only Reason the U.S. Military Accepted this weapon
{<B>*POOF*</B>} was because our government did not have
the Fore Sight to arm Our forces Properly, Before they
were called upon to Drag Someone Else's crap out of the

Did We Start WWI
Did We Start WWII
Did We Really want to be Involved
in either.
Who Finished WWI
Who Finished WWII
Have We EVER gotten any real recognition
for either truth.

<B>*Warning: No Cussing*</B> - Miscue

02-16-2003, 01:50 AM
Originally posted by Army
The Chauchet was indeed a terribly poor excuse for a firearm of any sort. But at the time, the US only had the Colt and Lewis machine guns which were poorly suited themselves, for ground combat. The Browning AR was not fielded in WWI to any extent to have made any history for itself at that time. The M1918/19 .30BMG came along too late, and the .50BMG was not accepted by Ordnance until 1924.

In defense of French armament, their 75mm Howitzer was one of the best in that war. US forces used and trained on French 75's right up to WWII. In fact, the defense of Corrigedor was supported by French 75's, until it's fall. Over half of all British rifles used in WWI, were built in the USA. We made so many, that we went into battle with Enfields re-chambered to .30-'06. It took nearly a year before the Springfield was made in enough numbers to outfit the US Expeditionary forces.

Yes, the end of WWI was indeed brought about by US participation and material. Battle had stagnated into trench warfare, sometimes the front lines were mere feet apart. Soldiers would trade food and personal items between shooting sprees, by tossing them across to each others trenchline. US forces decided to not stay in the trenches, but to take towns and strategic positions in order to stay mobile. The Marines, of course, used their mobility to confound the Germans, and their tenacity to defeat them. French and British forces would then move into the newly won territory, and begin new trenchworks. The newly formed 1st battalion, of the 1st Brigade, of the 1st Army moved across "no-mans land" with such bravery and conviction, that enemy forces would run when confronted by them. The "Big Red One" was born unto battle, and proudly wear the bright red "1" on their Division patch still, just to remind all who won the day.

Thank You Army
At that time in History the French 75MM was the best
artillery piece available{The German 88 had not been invented Yet} and most Infantry Soldier's
Did Not carry 1903A3's.
The most prevelant Rifle for American and British
Field Troop's was the 1917 Eddystone Rifle
AKA P14 The British had the SMLE Rifle Long Before
the first war started, However they never had them
in Sufficient Quantity to supply All of they're Troop's
Therefore they called upon the U.S.to help them outfit
they're soldier's with basic combat weapon's
Army I think You and I could have a lot of fun together,
But wait a minute I got a 37MM thumper in the truck
that's begging for me to fit a M79 Stock too it..
WOOOO WOOOO I Love Fixin Gun's
{been doing it since I was 8 yr's old}

02-16-2003, 01:56 AM
Here is one of the French Army's tourist ads from the magazine:

<img src="http://www.unclephilly.com/jan/frsurr.jpg">

02-16-2003, 09:25 PM
Army, come now, let's be realistic and stop tooting out our horn. The Canadians were up and moving LONG before the americans came in..... Vimy Ridge is just ONE astounding example, although I am sure that as an american you were never taught about it. The americans did NOT win world war one, you participated against an already decimated and demoralized enemy that had been brough to it's state by British persistance, some French resistance (Verdun, Marne) and of course Canadian ingenuity and advance. Canadians won every battle in which they were involved, developed and perfected the concept of the platoon, and were the first to employ the rolling barrage with precision and great affect. the US did nothing in world war one. they gave some fresh troops to the slaughter and won a few minor fights, but in the overall scheme you did *nothing* to the overall war effort, christ, you were selling weapons to the germans in the beginning! I just can't believe how much some americans think of themselves. Get a better rounded view of history here people. Yes you have done some outstanding things in history (i am NOT denying that) but look at the overal facts. You did very little to win world war one, it's that simple. If you want to know who won world war one, it was the countries who were there from the beginning: Britain, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and countless other commonwealths. To say otherwise is ridiculous. You were in less than a year, sent some poorly trained and poorly equipped soldiers over, and beat up some already beleagured germans. nuff said. if you care to debate further PM me.

ps- they may have run from some marines on the battlefield, but the Germans would actually retreat fully when news that Canadians were coming to the front was heard. By that time the soldiers of the Canadian Corps had spearheaded countless battle and advances with innovative new techniques and tactics, and the Germans knew that when the Canadians arrive something was afoot. They referred to us as stormtroopers, and British command was requesting us for every advance.

02-16-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Greg98
Army, come now, let's be realistic and stop tooting out our horn. The Canadians were up and moving LONG before the americans came in..... Vimy Ridge is just ONE astounding example, although I am sure that as an american you were never taught about it. The americans did NOT win world war one, you participated against an already decimated and demoralized enemy that had been brough to it's state by British persistance, some French resistance (Verdun, Marne) and of course Canadian ingenuity and advance. Canadians won every battle in which they were involved, developed and perfected the concept of the platoon, and were the first to employ the rolling barrage with precision and great affect. the US did nothing in world war one. they gave some fresh troops to the slaughter and won a few minor fights, but in the overall scheme you did *nothing* to the overall war effort, christ, you were selling weapons to the germans in the beginning! I just can't believe how much some americans think of themselves. Get a better rounded view of history here people. Yes you have done some outstanding things in history (i am NOT denying that) but look at the overal facts. You did very little to win world war one, it's that simple. If you want to know who won world war one, it was the countries who were there from the beginning: Britain, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and countless other commonwealths. To say otherwise is ridiculous. You were in less than a year, sent some poorly trained and poorly equipped soldiers over, and beat up some already beleagured germans. nuff said. if you care to debate further PM me.

ps- they may have run from some marines on the battlefield, but the Germans would actually retreat fully when news that Canadians were coming to the front was heard. By that time the soldiers of the Canadian Corps had spearheaded countless battle and advances with innovative new techniques and tactics, and the Germans knew that when the Canadians arrive something was afoot. They referred to us as stormtroopers, and British command was requesting us for every advance.

and were the ones full of our selves!, my god.

uh im scared, candians! run!:rolleyes: oh no its the seven mounties of the apocolypse! yeah the US did <B>*POOF*</B> in ww1 but im sorry the germans also ran from the scottsman and kilts, i mean comon your running from a guy in a skirt ;) ( being none of you people have a sence of humor i will ilistrate that as a joke)

<B>*Warning: No Cussing*</B> -Miscue

02-16-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag

and were the ones full of our selves!, my god.

uh im scared, candians! run!:rolleyes: oh no its the seven mounties of the apocolypse! yeah the US did <B>*POOF*</B> in ww1 but im sorry the germans also ran from the scottsman and kilts, i mean comon your running from a guy in a skirt ;) ( being none of you people have a sence of humor i will ilistrate that as a joke)

You better be joking about that last one. :p

But yeah the Candians deserve ALOT more respect then they receive.

02-17-2003, 12:36 AM
yes I know I myself was bragging there, but Canadians don't seem to like to do it much, and once in a while I go nuts, especially when it's something I know and care about. oh, and by the way, of course we have a sense of humour......however, we tend to appreciative witty, clever humour, instead of throwing out stereotypical garbage. gooday :)

02-17-2003, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by Greg98
yes I know I myself was bragging there, but Canadians don't seem to like to do it much, and once in a while I go nuts, especially when it's something I know and care about. oh, and by the way, of course we have a sense of humour......however, we tend to appreciative witty, clever humour, instead of throwing out stereotypical garbage. gooday :)

I think you sneaky Canucks are up to something. How can you have a country twice the size of the Continental US and only have like 10,000 people living there?;) Watch Canadian Bacon before you think about invading the US. We will make you into the 51st state!:p

02-17-2003, 04:04 PM
lol, I've seen most of that movie, it's great! and hey, I can't say I'm worried about being turned into the 51st state, you guys tried before! ;)

USA- 0


02-17-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Greg98
lol, I've seen most of that movie, it's great! and hey, I can't say I'm worried about being turned into the 51st state, you guys tried before! ;)

USA- 0


Now if that wasn't a cheap shot.

Wonders what could of happened if the soldiers actually wanted to fight. (US of course):p

02-17-2003, 05:18 PM

02-17-2003, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Greg98
lol, I've seen most of that movie, it's great! and hey, I can't say I'm worried about being turned into the 51st state, you guys tried before! ;)

USA- 0


Oh no, Canada has recalled their mighty navy from Afghanistan. They are crossing Lake Erie. Run, run away!:p

<img src="http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=651803">

02-18-2003, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Greg98
lol, I've seen most of that movie, it's great! and hey, I can't say I'm worried about being turned into the 51st state, you guys tried before! ;)
USA- 0

Yes we did try once before and it was a disaster due to weather and poor roads. Since then we have shared the longest undefended border in history.

If only our relations with every country were so great.:D