View Full Version : Custom Automag

02-15-2003, 09:23 PM
Hey guys hows it going, I was thinking instead of buying a stock automag and buying cool upgrades for it, i would piece my gun together. I was thinking about buying a automag warpfeed main body, X-valve, intellifeed trigger frame, and warp feed system. I know this will cost me around $750 and for the price i should just spend alittle more and go with a RTmag or even a emag, but i just think this will be alittle more fun. can anyone tell me if i'm missing anything, or if i should replace something with another i would really apprietiate it. Another thing i own a Palmer Blazer right now and for people who know about Palmer products they know how good they are, i was just curious how this mag that i want would compare with my Blazer. Thank You for your response.

02-16-2003, 01:13 AM
i dont know about palmer stuff but i do know that to make a mag you basically need:

-valve/bolt assembly
-body rail
-trigger/trig assembly
-and air fittings, foregrip, and misc stuff

but if your going to spend 750 to make a mag with an x valve and such, you should spend 750 and buy an emag. trust me, it will be a lot more fun when you are playing with it, and emags can be put into the same firing mode as a normal RT mag (like one with an x valve), and it has 2 other modes of fire (electro, hybrid)

02-17-2003, 09:53 AM
im doing the same thing, building a mag from the ground up. other then odds and ends, i came up with a price a little lower then yours. if your starting with stock gun, you should have all the basics, from there its preference of drops, fore grips, hoses, etc...
good luck with it