View Full Version : HILARIOUS web site

02-17-2003, 06:37 PM

type in any web site, and it "shizzolates" it...like, makes in gangsta sounding...trying sites with lots of words.

It's ESPECIALLY funny with things like the washington post. The best one I've used so far is the past State of the Union, here's the link for that: http://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/01/29/bush.speech.txt/

this all might sound confusing, but GO TO www.asksnoop.com and put in that link....it's SO FUNNY!!!! post the funniest lines you guys end up with.

here are some of mine (all from the state of the union):
- We last met in an hour of shock 'n suffering." In four short months, izzle nation has comforted da victims, begun rebuild New York 'n da Pentagon, rallied a bomb diggity coalition, captured, arrested 'n rid da world of thousands of terrorists, destroyed Afghanistan's terrorist training camps, saved a muthas from starvation 'n freed a country from brutal oppression."

- The last time we met in this chamber, da mothers 'n daughters of Afghanistan wuz captives in they own cribs, forbidden from working or going school, know what I'm sayin'?

- Our progress is a tribute da spirit of da Afghan muthas, da resolve of izzle coalition 'n da might of da United States military."

lol....oh, the possibilities...

02-17-2003, 06:49 PM
Welcome da Automags.Org Online Forums, know what I'm sayin'?
If this is yo' first visit, be sho check out da FAQ by clicking da link above." Yo' arse may has register before yo' *** can post: click da register link above proceed." To start viewing messages, select da forum that yo' arse want visit from da selection below, know what I'm sayin'?

Paintball Talk is da main forum fo' Automags.org, know what I'm sayin'? Here is where we talk 'bout da sport of paintball in general 'n 'n make announcements relating da forum 'n website, know what I'm sayin'?

This is da forum fo' trouble shooting yo' Airgun Designs products, including da Automag, RT, E-Mag, 'n WarpFeed, know what I'm sayin'? Also a bomb diggity place ax technical questions 'bout non AGD products." An Airsmith's homeroom!

This forum is an archive of some of da mo' classic posts from Automags.org n' shiz. A bomb diggity place find stored information, know what I'm sayin'?

This forum is discuss technical aspects of da Angel paintmarker, or ax questions reguarding da best parts use or any troubleshooting yo' *** may need n' shiz.

Our off topic forum n' shiz. (Yo' arse mean there are things other than paintball??) Please keep yo' posts civil, 'n refrain from topics that are likely start problems, know what I'm sayin'? (NOTE: Any thread may be closed fo' any reason." )

Named after da IBM snoopa computer, Deep Blue is headed by Tom Kaye, president of AGD." This forum is open da public, but only high end technical subjects are allowed." If yo' posts don't cut da mustard they will be moved, know what I'm sayin'

This forum is separate hype from fact." No guessing, no pseudo science, just facts on what works 'n what performs n' shiz.

Own a store or field? Want advertise sales, special offers, or events? Then this is da place! Note: Please read da rules."

For Automags, Angels, pumps, or any other type of paintmarkers." Yo' arse may list other items form a package deal, know what I'm sayin'?

Sell yo' N2 HPA system, or CO2 tank 'n related accessories."

For izzall other paintball gear 'n other items not relating da other catagories n' shiz.

Had a bomb diggity transaction - or a not so bomb diggity one - post yo' results here!

There are currently 125 members 'n 39 guests on da boards n' shiz. | Most users ever online wuz 346 on 01-16-2003 at 02:23 AM."

02-17-2003, 06:57 PM
This was taken from the Onion site, after being "schizzolated".

U.S. Council Of Coolness Releases Formal Statement On Prince
WASHINGTON, DC?On Monday, da U.S. Council of Coolness released its long-awaited ruling on Prince, declaring da recording artist "provisionally bomb diggity" by a 13-11 margin." "This wuz a mo' difficult decision than that shiznit should has been," da 240-page report read, know what I'm sayin'? "In da end, however, albums like 1999 'n Sign O' The Times are sufficiently brilliant offset such padded late-period dorkfests as Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic 'n The Rainbow Children, know what I'm sayin'? " The Council of Coolness warned that da decision could be reversed if Prince records one mo' rap in which tha dude declares himself "snoopa-fonky" or "2 jammin' 4 U."

02-17-2003, 07:04 PM
LOL!! that's great.
O yeah, there's supposedly one for Mr. T too, that inserts little pictures...but I can't find it. :rolleyes:

02-17-2003, 07:13 PM
This came off of the Worr Game site, I apologize if there is any swearing I missed:

*Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach wuz awesome, over 12,000 attended da event." Spectators gots cheer fo' there favorite team as da player?s battle that shiznit out fo' over a $100,000 in cash 'n prizes." The games wuz played without any delay, know what I'm sayin'? Fields wuz cleaned after every game, so players didn?t slide into bunkers wit hits on 'em, know what I'm sayin'? Security wuz in full force through out da entire event, know what I'm sayin'? Congratulations da NPPL 'n Pure Promotions on running a successful tournament n' ****. WGP wishes thank izzall da referees fo' doing an outstanding job, well done boys."

We sold out of E-frames by early Saturday." * We got another shipment of frames early Sunday, know what I'm sayin'? By da afternoon, they wuz izzall gone as well, know what I'm sayin'? Congratulations are also in order da Naughty Dogs 'n Bushwackers fo' making da top 4 in da professional division, know what I'm sayin'?

*EDIT* oops, missed a swear word, sorry mods

02-17-2003, 07:15 PM
Automagfreek, nice signature.

02-17-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Kai
Automagfreek, nice signature.

Why, thank you Kai!!!;) :D :D

02-17-2003, 08:06 PM
that's hilarious. try browsing AO with it! :D

02-17-2003, 09:21 PM
haha how u find that

02-17-2003, 09:51 PM
LMAO Thanks for posting that!
By the way,does this look familiar?

Friendly Corner
Our off topic forum, know what I'm sayin'? (Yo' as* mean there are things other than paintball??) Please keep yo' posts civil, 'n refrain from topics that are likely start problems n' s***. (NOTE: Any thread may be closed fo' any reason." ):D

*Edit*I just noticed that someone already posted that,but what the heck.

02-18-2003, 06:04 PM
lol..yes ryan

02-18-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by paintbattler
haha how u find that
lol somebody IM'ed me with the link...I figured AO was the best place to share it!!!

Creative Mayhem
02-19-2003, 06:33 AM
That's hilarious!! I did a lot of surfing with that one and it almost became second nature to read. It's even better to browse the forums using it... it actually helps you understand some of these ridiculous posts!! :D

C Mayhem