View Full Version : Help with polishing up my mag

02-17-2003, 08:10 PM
How can i make my gun all polished or looking the same at the one metal peice on the back of my mag (regulator i think?) I shined up that one metal peice real good and it looks so good, is there a way I can make the whole gun looking the same way? Like sand it or something? Please help thanks

02-17-2003, 09:35 PM
I polished my minimag body by using a wire wheel on a grinder,use a fine one,then wet sand it with emery paper,
followed by steel wool,then buff it with rubbing compound for the final finish it will look great.
Problem keep it clean it will rust.:D

02-18-2003, 12:42 PM
There's lots of info on the forums here.

Basically you have to sand the bead blasting so that it is smooth. Then polish the metal.

A grey body is just bead blasted stainless steel. Sand the bead blasted surface smooth with a 300 grit sandpaper. Then sand with 600 grit paper. Next, finish sanding with 1500 grit. Do a final polish with a good crome polish. It will be a mirror.

Good luck.

02-18-2003, 02:47 PM
all of that is alot of work, maybe over kill...

got to an auto parts store and get some metal polish. i used Mother's Mag & Aluminum Polish. very easy to use and it comes out nice.

02-18-2003, 06:58 PM
depends on how shiney you want it.
if you want a very smooth chrome like shine
use the following steps
wet sand throughly witht he following sand paper in order from top to bottom
-380 grit
-600 grit
-800 grit
-1200 grit
-2000 grit
be sure to sand the body/part thoroughly (like 10-15 minutes each grade of paper) and keep the body/part and paper wet. When the paper is when you are acutally polishing, and when it is dry you are just digging in the metal

After all that is completed take and rinse and dry good.
Then get what is called "NEVER DULL" (get the wadding) And rub the never dull onoto the part/body using moderate pressure for 20-30 minutes *NOTE* only use a small piece of wadding at a time, and when the wadding gets black, start with a fresh piece /*NOTE*

After polishing with the wadding you can take a soft terry cloth and rub to a high shine.

*NOTE* To get a very high and bright shine use a buffing wheel on a bench grinder to polish off NEVER DULL POLISH /*NOTE*

I will polish your *BODIES ONLY* for $30, and they will look like chrome when they are finished, If i have to strip old paint and such it will cost and extra $5 and i will pay to ship back to you