View Full Version : girls and paintball

02-18-2003, 05:32 PM
i was talking to a retarded "acquaintance" of mine, i can't really call him a friend, cause i really don't hand out w/ him much, but we're on good terms, well we were, not sure now. but i was telling him about a girl i know who want to play more paintball, she's only played like twice, and really likes it. but his responce was that he didn't know that they let girls play paintball, and that kinda pissed me off. yes, it is mainly a male domninent sport, but i love a girl who plays, i wish more played, i think a girls+paintball=hot. i think girls that play are cool, addes a little more to a game, if a girl is at the field it makes it seem less of a game of just a bunch of guys shooting the hell out of eachother just to find out who's the 1 holding the big dick of the circle jerk.(mod's, girl's...sorry for the saying, but isn't that what we're doing when it's just us guys, see who's bigger and better) and makes it seem more like a sport. so yea, i wish there were more girls that played, i would love to have a girlfriend that played, like get hooked up w/ a girl from the feild, like if there were indentical twins standing side by side, 1 was all dolled up for prom, and the other was in a jersey, just off the feild covered in paint, i would take the paint covered 1.
or at least get a girlfriend to play

i realize i may be starting a real hell storm of battel of the sexes, but to you other guys, what do you think about the few girls that actually play?

and girls, what's your opinion on this?

so even though it's up there, i think a girl playing paintball is cool

02-18-2003, 05:33 PM
I say... a shot to the head sends you to the dead box, whether a guy or girl sent it.

02-18-2003, 05:35 PM
I think that people need to grow up and realize that girls can play sports just as well as guys ... and anyone who doesn't needs to dig their head out of *The place* and grow up.

If ya need proof, I have a 5'0 friend who will bunker you when she plays ... and she's "hot" by stereotypical standards as well (ya know, societies version) ... so how'd ya like to be a big guy bunkered by a 5'0 modelesque girl ya never saw coming?


Dave K

02-18-2003, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by digitard
I think that people need to grow up and realize that girls can play sports just as well as guys ... and anyone who doesn't needs to dig their head out of *The place* and grow up.

If ya need proof, I have a 5'0 friend who will bunker you when she plays ... and she's "hot" by stereotypical standards as well (ya know, societies version) ... so how'd ya like to be a big guy bunkered by a 5'0 modelesque girl ya never saw coming?


Dave K

Being in the same bunker along with a hot chick... are you sure the guys just let her bunker them to try and get her number? ;)

02-18-2003, 05:55 PM
I have always found that the girls are more aggressive that the guys that I have reffed weither they have something to prove or not ( being a mostly male dominated sport). I personally think it is great to see girls playing nad almost laugh out loud when I see a girl bunker a guy who has been trash talking in the staging area.

02-18-2003, 07:53 PM
dude, girls tht play rawk, I agree, id love to have a girlfriend that played, and well havoc is one luckey guy! but still, some men are pompus freaks, and they thing they are the ultra male and canot accept that females can do the same if not better things as males

02-18-2003, 08:47 PM
My take on the "girls who play" thing is this:

I see 2 types of girl players.

1 type is the one that comes out with her boyfriend, not really interested in playing, just there to be doing something together. Usually she is not playing particularly well, just shooting occasionally. Not really much of a factor.

The other type is just like any other guy playing. As fast and aggressive (sometimes more than) their male counter parts. They are interested in playing, not just because their boyfriends do it.

I have 2 teenage nieces that fall into the second catagory. One of them has just started to ref at her local field.

02-18-2003, 08:49 PM
My mom plays

02-18-2003, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Blennidae
My take on the "girls who play" thing is this:

I see 2 types of girl players.

1 type is the one that comes out with her boyfriend, not really interested in playing, just there to be doing something together. Usually she is not playing particularly well, just shooting occasionally. Not really much of a factor.

The other type is just like any other guy playing. As fast and aggressive (sometimes more than) their male counter parts. They are interested in playing, not just because their boyfriends do it.

I have 2 teenage nieces that fall into the second catagory. One of them has just started to ref at her local field.

how old are your nieces? and are either of them on the east coast?;) no i'm just picking, that's wrong to do.

i have yet to meet a "type 1" girl, but those types would actually prolly annoy me, just cause i was never much for the i'll do anything for my bf type. or the i'll follow him just to make him happy type. i like girls how are independent, and will follow their own set of morals no matter what

02-18-2003, 09:59 PM
As a disclaimer yes im an egotistical male ******* but I do support women playing paintball. Played with em before and will again.

Paintball is a niche sport for a few reasons. Its considered an extreme sport, the locations for play are becoming more and more common but they still dont exactly dot the landscape, its pretty damn expensive, and you have to have a certian degree of physical and mental toughness to play.

this is one of the reasons girls are going to be a minority in a sport like paintball.

When you get shot with a paintball it hurts. Not much but it hurts. The real thing that can hold people back is the mental toughness. Having a ****load of people sending volleys in your direction, that can be intimidating. Now you can either roll to your back or you can snap-shot back, its your choice. But most girls (call me sexist) arent going to have a background that a guys going to have involving sports like this. Most girls didnt play pop-warner football. Most girls didnt get shot buy their older brothers with a BB gun. Most girls dont go out, get drunk, (well they do that part) then get into brawls at Ghillies in Portsmouth (ghillies plug) at 2am. Thats not sexist, thats just the truth.

Paintball is a sport that appeals to guys. A bunch of dudes drinking beer and shooting at each other with guns. Thats a guy sport. Woman arent shunned, and shouldnt be, but most will not be drawn in by the general image of the sport of paintball.

02-18-2003, 10:00 PM
hey, read the latest issue of APG...theres a woman advocating every team must have 20% women on it.....interesting...affirmative action his paintball

disugusting idea if you ask me

02-18-2003, 10:04 PM
Hot girl + paintball = OWNAGE

02-18-2003, 10:13 PM
That idea of 20% woman on teams...

I dont support affirmative action.

I dont support Title IX

Both are untrue to classic american values. Hardwork, Natural Talent, and a little bit of luck you can beat anyone / do anything no matter what sex/race you are, because when your the best, your the best.

02-18-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Blennidae
1 type is the one that comes out with her boyfriend, not really interested in playing, just there to be doing something together. Usually she is not playing particularly well, just shooting occasionally. Not really much of a factor.

Hmmm...kinda sounds like Clare.... :p

/me runs away and hides in the deep deep forest! :D

02-18-2003, 10:24 PM
Hmmm...kinda sounds like Clare....

you wish, pal!

I don't show up at a paintball field to make anyone happy but myself.

02-18-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

you wish, pal!

I don't show up at a paintball field to make anyone happy but myself.

yea, just cause you know you could beat gunga

02-18-2003, 10:27 PM
yea, just cause you know you could beat gunga

ain't that the truth!


02-18-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by TheJester
yea, just cause you know you could beat gunga

Pfff! I'll have you know that I lead the Gunga-CaPoEiRa Showdown Series by a score of 1 to 0!!

02-18-2003, 10:35 PM
you shot me once.. woopadeedooda, break out the champagne!!
Who did most of the work on HK? Rhymes with Sill and Dare and not with sunga..

02-18-2003, 10:35 PM
1-0 huh, is it considered a series if there's only 1???? you won all 1 of them? wow, that's alot.

but capo, if you check this back again what would you do if a guy came up to you and said that you shouldn't play cause you're a girl? i know what i would do, 1 of 2 things, show him up w/ that e-kitty of yours. either that or just shoot him in the foot right there and then

02-18-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Gunga

Pfff! I'll have you know that I lead the Gunga-CaPoEiRa Showdown Series by a score of 1 to 0!!

What did you do? Shoot your own player in the back of the head while she ran in front of you? :p

You didn't even last long enough in the games to shoot people out. haha! :p

02-18-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
you shot me once.. woopadeedooda, break out the champagne!!

Who did most of the work on HK? Rhymes with Sill and Dare and not with sunga..

Just because I had you run up with the flag a few times doesn't mean I didn't do anything on Team Hello Kitty. I just wanted to see if you would do as you were told. And you did!! :D

Originally posted by TheJester
1-0 huh, is it considered a series if there's only 1????

It's an ongoing series. :p

Originally posted by Riotz
What did you do? Shoot your own player in the back of the head while she ran in front of you? :p

You didn't even last long enough in the games to shoot people out. haha! :p

No, smarty pants, I didn't shoot her in the back of the head. But since you brought it up, that must've been the tactic that let you beat Bea!! Shot her when she wasn't lookin!! :D

As for me not lasting long in games...lasted long enough for Team Hello Kitty to take 3rd @ NJAO II. :p

02-18-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Gunga
As for me not lasting long in games...lasted long enough for Team Hello Kitty to take 3rd @ NJAO II. :p
I heard Bill and Clare had to pick up your slack... :D hehe, don't blame me. Came right from Mr. Mills himself! =X

02-18-2003, 10:48 PM
I just wanted to see if you would do as you were told. And you did!! Rrrright, you keep that thinking that, princess. :p

but capo, if you check this back again what would you do if a guy came up to you and said that you shouldn't play cause you're a girl?

Well, I'd laugh at their idiocy. I've always been involved in "manly" sports but never had someone come up to me and say that I don't belong.

02-18-2003, 10:59 PM
For those who enjoy women playing paintball:

(click for a larger version)

http://www.hxxl.com/albums/album11/aai.sized.jpg (http://www.hxxl.com/albums/album11/aai.jpg)

I disagree with those who think anyone should be disqualified from playing paintball. I have played a few times with one of my little brother's friends that is in a wheelchair. Woodsball even. One of the coolest sights ever.

02-18-2003, 11:06 PM
.... They let girls paintball? That's almost as bad as letting them buy hats with out permition or voting.

02-18-2003, 11:18 PM
That's almost as bad as letting them buy hats with out permition or voting.
not quite as bad as the inability to spell "permission" correctly. :p

02-18-2003, 11:24 PM
I think -Carnifex- further reinforces the statement:

The only thing more abundant than hydrogen in the universe is stupidity.

02-18-2003, 11:38 PM
pretty damn expensive, and you have to have a certian degree of physical and mental toughness to play.

i have to disagree with the later. The only time mental toughness is needed to play is the first game. After that its just like, bah i got hit. Id have to say the worst place to get hit is the fingers without gloves and possibly balls. Though i have never been shot there. As for physical tougness, depends on what you are comparing it to. Personally i think there is not much physical activity in paintball. Although it is a highly uniqe game with the markers and such thus the expensiveness, not to mention the paintballs.

To touch on the point of woman playing. Woman can kick butt at this sport, like all sports. The reason i think most woman don't play is because like men, woman don't have the primal touch we do. But when they do touch the primitivness they like it cause we all have it. Woman just seem to not be in touch with their primitive side (enjoying shooting people).

I hope someone got the point im trying to make.

edit: sorry i don't know what degree he is talking aboot my bad ;)

02-19-2003, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by MCollier
you have to have a certian degree of physical and mental toughness to play.

what mental toughness are you refering to? paintball isn't really a psycological game unless you're talking tourney's then you have to phase out all the intimidation from the other teams, and that's not really a factor when it comes to rec ball. physical toughness well you only need to be strong enough to with stand a snap from a rubber band, that's about how much getting hit hurts....not much

02-19-2003, 10:10 AM
From a scentific stand point women are more suited for speedball then men. The average woman can track three targets symotaniously, while the average guy can only track one. I am a big supporter of women in paintball, and in Vernal, Utah it is nearly equil( about the same number of girls play as boys).

Bryce Eden

02-19-2003, 10:27 AM
Not to mention, it seems like women in the sport right now get sponsorships a lot easier than males. I guess because they draw a lot of attention and they are a minority so they are setting an example for other women that might one day come into the sport.

02-19-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
.... They let girls paintball? That's almost as bad as letting them buy hats with out permition or voting.

Considering the rampant stupidity of the above statement, I choose to beleive that -Carnifex- was trying to be amusing, but failed to use a smiley to show it.


02-19-2003, 01:00 PM
i was referring the the mental toughness of having a gun pointed at you, and shot.

Staring down the barrel of a gun, even if its a paintball gun, its not something thats easy for everyone.

One of my friends I play with, hes the type of kid who could be a solid player, he shows bursts of it, but he doesnt even snap shoot. He just sits behind his bunker doing nothing.

Once you break into the sport the mental thing isnt an issue, but the first couple times you play thats something that takes getting used to.

02-19-2003, 01:04 PM
er as for physical toughness, well on your average day its not gunna be that bad.

I remember one day last summer, well we mix speedball with woods because the course we play at has a few acres of some nasty woods courses.

It was about 100 degrees outside which is pretty damn hot in New Hampshire.

Paintball gives a huge adrenaline rush, but a full day of playing in that heat. Well after lunch a bunch of people started puking and stuff. This wouldnt be as much an issue in tournements but in the woods course for us it was like a bunch of all out sprints (we would sprint down one path, take a few kids out, see a spot where we could give some good cover, only to have to sprint about 1000 yards around a bunch of heavy cover to get there. Fun as hell, I like it alot better then speedball, but you can get worn out after awhile.)

02-19-2003, 01:27 PM
speed ball and tourney ball are far from physically tough.
Maybe 30 seconds of dead sprint tops, the rest of the time your snap shooting either on your back, knees, or feet, being still and trying not to get hit. The average game is only about 5 minutes. So i would have to say its more mental, because you must steady comunicate with your team while playing, and u must always be mentally ready and thinking on your feet, so u know when to run, peak, snap, or lay some cover. U must have a sharp mind to have a quick reaction time. U must also be able to block out any distrations while playing, and not be afraid or intimidated by the other team. Woods ball on the other hand is far more physical, and can last up to 30 minutes. Running, jumping, and climbing up and down hills, but still requires the same amount of mental toughness.
O and i like girls that play paintball, they r dead sexy.