View Full Version : Leaking down barrel

02-18-2003, 09:55 PM
Ok just to fill everybody in i am new to auto mags and this is the first one i have owned. now that i got that off my chest i just got grimms automag. the pic of the gun is in the fourm some where but here is my question.

when i first got it and it had a small leak but i figured i was short stroking it. so i though no biggie Right??
but no i keep playing with it and after an hour or so of playing around with it. i put a fresh tank on it and screwed it on and it started to leak out the barrel hardcore ( you could see "snow" come out the barrel) so i toke it apart and i cant figure out the problem. any suggestions and i dont know to much about automags either.

02-18-2003, 09:57 PM
level 10?
AND c02 can freeze your o-rings, hold it upright and shoot until it shoots normal

02-18-2003, 09:58 PM
i dont know dont know what level it is and i cant pull the trigger when it is leaking

02-18-2003, 10:18 PM
yea sound like bolt stick,
to tell the difference if it is a level 10 or level 7 is to
pull the valve out
pull the bolt off of the valve
on the tip of the valve there should be a brass piece, also known as the POWER TUBE TIP,
Now is that brass piece it slotted it is level 7
If it is hex headed like a bolt then it is level 10

02-18-2003, 10:22 PM
yeah it is a leval 7 then what is a "bolt stick" hwo can i fix this and it doesnt leak if i hold the trigger in but if i let go then it leaks

02-18-2003, 10:30 PM
NOT HOLDING THE TRIGGER, take a squeedgie or a stick or something to push the bolt back, until it clicks

02-18-2003, 10:31 PM
You holding the trigger down when u gas up? And if that doesnt work push a squeggie against the botl. It also soudns liek you need a new reg assembly. The reg assemlby should take care of the leak during play and holding the trigger should fix your gassing up problem. Hope that helps

02-18-2003, 10:37 PM
Ahh u beat me 2 it :(

02-18-2003, 10:43 PM
ok i have a spacers kit and i tried all of them and it still doesnt work and i tryed the spring and i dont think it is teh stuck bolt becasue my bolt moves when i shot it but the problem is that it leaks hardcore so i think i am in need of a parts kit. what do yous think???

02-18-2003, 10:47 PM
-DEMOB- Why would he need a new regulator assembly? I don't see where you are coming from on that.

-Twinky-Replace all the o-rings in the valve. and try to get an HPA tank (which i have a maxflow i could sell you) and you should be set. Whats is happening is that liquid c02 get to your o-rings and freeze them and they shrink. HPA will cure your problem and keepint the marker well oiled will help also

let us know if you need any more help

02-18-2003, 10:51 PM
the thing aboot nitro is that there is no place to get it filled but i migth be interesed emial me rttjndell@penn.com and i did order a new parts kit and as soon as that comes in i will put new seals in it and i am getting anti spihon in my tank so that shouldnt hurt it so i am hopeing but i migth buy the tank if i can get a good deal on wink wink so hit me up with a email

02-18-2003, 11:16 PM
I must of misread the post. I read "a leak coming out of the back of the valve" and for me thats always be a reg assembly problem. My bad and thanks for catching my mistake

02-21-2003, 04:13 PM
ok got parts kit in but still the bolt isn't move but only like a 1/8" and it is still leakign out the barrel any sugestion

02-21-2003, 09:26 PM
would you people think that the sear pin would have any effect on the gun whatsoever if it isnt the right size it would make teh sear go up all the way

02-21-2003, 09:48 PM
hey twink.

ok guys heres exactly what happened. i stripped the mag down to take a couple pics and when i went to re-assemble the sear pin was missing. so i fabricated a new one, but it was slightly smaller in diameter than the original. the leak stoped while trigger is held, so i figured power tube o-ring, but twink just rebilt it so no go there. also the smallest powertube spacer was in, and the reg is freshly oiled. the only thing that has changed on the marker is the sear pin. so does anyone have any explinations which my explain the problem? twinkys theory of the sear not full ingaging the on/off pin because of the smaller diameter of the sear pin, is along the lines of what i was thinking.

needless to say, a couple hours after i shipped my mag, i found the sear pin. so it will be sent out asap. do you think this will rectafy the problem? cuz thats all i can think of.

02-21-2003, 10:51 PM
That is my problem and thanks for explaining that grimm

02-22-2003, 04:52 PM
i am so happy now i got my amg working properly and just in time i can use it tommorow i am happy