View Full Version : Advice: X Mag vs. 2003 SHocker, how to spend $1200

Bubonic Plauge
02-19-2003, 02:01 AM
I thought I would ask avid mag users, such as you fine people for your input. I have been playing for years and have finally the money for an upper end gun. I hear hype about low pressure, closed bolt guns (Nerve, 2003 Shocker). Though SOME testing has been done to show no difference in closed vs. open bolt, I still wonder why the imense prefernece among many players. Is low pressure more accurate and easier on paint? But if you have a level 10 bolt, who cares about breaks right? Any thoughts on the comparison would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

02-19-2003, 02:05 AM
The 03 shocker doesn't have a fully functioning prototype last I heard... I would stick w/ the Xmag since it is a finished product.

Bubonic Plauge
02-19-2003, 02:49 AM
Well, there is something to be said about 1st generation guns and manufact. defects. However the 2003 shocker is supposed to be released in late spring of this year. Considering the the best you can do right now (unless you live in Europe) is get on a Pre-order list for an X mag, it looks like they availability will be similar, barring Smart Parts pushes back the release date /shrug


02-19-2003, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by Bubonic Plauge
Well, there is something to be said about 1st generation guns and manufact. defects. However the 2003 shocker is supposed to be released in late spring of this year. Considering the the best you can do right now (unless you live in Europe) is get on a Pre-order list for an X mag, it looks like they availability will be similar, barring Smart Parts pushes back the release date /shrug


True, BUT... as I said, the xmag is already past it's first production run. If you pick up a shocker it'll be out of the first production run, more bugs. If there are bugs within the first couple of production runs AGD would pick up on theirs before sp since they're already making and selling them.

02-19-2003, 02:59 AM
Originally posted by FooTemps

True, BUT... as I said, the xmag is already past it's first production run. If you pick up a shocker it'll be out of the first production run, more bugs. If there are bugs within the first couple of production runs AGD would pick up on theirs before sp since they're already making and selling them.

it also doesn't help that your a little bias..... and the kind of answer you would get on a website devoted to mostly one brand of marker.

From a biased view I would say xmag because they are in production, they have/are being proven on the field and AGD is great.

My unbiased view is to wait on the release of the 2003 shocker so you can at least see if/how it works, weight, see if you can hold one or shoot one. Personally I am waiting to see how they operate because I am in the market for a 2nd marker and the xmag is just not what i'm looking for (already will ahve a light emag w/custom body etc...) The 03 shocker is pretty nice looking and its all up to the working final production model. It looks promising.

02-19-2003, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by LaW

it also doesn't help that your a little bias..... and the kind of answer you would get on a website devoted to mostly one brand of marker.

From a biased view I would say xmag because they are in production, they have/are being proven on the field and AGD is great.

My unbiased view is to wait on the release of the 2003 shocker so you can at least see if/how it works, weight, see if you can hold one or shoot one. Personally I am waiting to see how they operate because I am in the market for a 2nd marker and the xmag is just not what i'm looking for (already will ahve a light emag w/custom body etc...) The 03 shocker is pretty nice looking and its all up to the working final production model. It looks promising.

hah, yeah, that's true. I am being bias towards the xmag.

BUT, if you look at it from a safe point of view, the xmag is still the best choice because it has been produced longer. That means that the bugs could have already been worked out. I mean, I'd rather buy a product that is on it's 2nd or 3rd run instead of a brand new product that is on it's 1st run.

Bubonic Plauge
02-19-2003, 03:15 AM
That was what I tried to say about 1st gen guns, they are not a good idea. What I am really wondering here though is the difference between low pressure closed bolt vs high pressure open bolts. Flatter trajectories? Less ball/breach integrity strains? Why are people STILL so into closed bolts if they have been proven no more accurate, or have they? Cocker players, though they may switch guns later, always seem to say their cockers shot the most accurate...whats going on?>

02-19-2003, 07:22 AM
people are all into low pressure and closed bolt because of all the hype about them.

in all truth, low-pressure guns are often not very efficient. and closed/open bolt makes no difference on accuracy at all.

its all paint/barrel match and consistancy in velocity.

nuclear zombie
02-19-2003, 07:45 AM
I talked to a smart parts dealer last week , there is a really long list for the shocker. There hasn't been a production run , not really much testing that I know of (no pro team using them yet ). If you want a reliable gun to play with this summer go ahead and put a preorder in for a x-mag . Also remember that the shocker doesn't have a manual mode in case your battery goes dead , doesn't have interchangeable breaches, doesn't take autococker threads (the most common barrel on the market) , and I can't think of a positive thing of the shocker over an x-mag .

good luck

02-19-2003, 04:21 PM
How can you compare an X-mag to a gun that no one has even shot yet? If you are that worried about it just wait till the Shocker come out THEN see which one YOU like better. But if you are really that anxious about getting a new gun then go with the X-mag, simply because I know nothing about the 03 Shocker.

02-19-2003, 05:20 PM
get a rt pro, and an impulse, bam best of both worlds, and your left with proly 200bucks left for paint and parts!
but if you must get one of the two, x-mag or shocker, think, you have ungodly realiablity, preformance and quite possably the best customer service you can get when you buy the mag. the new shocker has not had a first peoduction run because they can't get it to work, and dosn't have the hybrid capablity.

02-19-2003, 06:35 PM
Omg, quit saying people are too much of idiots to charge their battery even when there is a low battery indicator. Give me a break about that manual mode-running out of batteries thing. Yes if your electronics go down the manual mode has its uses, but dont tell me this battery crap.

02-19-2003, 07:14 PM
Where can you get an X-Mag for $1200???

That is what he said he was spending

02-19-2003, 07:53 PM
What about a Timmy?? 2k2 Timmy?? Common folks! Go shoot a Timmy vrs a X mag or E mag. From those 2 buy which one you thin feels and shoots better. The new shocker could have alot of problems like others have said... I'd choose between a Timmy and a x-mag.

02-19-2003, 08:11 PM
Well, there is something to be said about 1st generation guns and manufact. defects. However the 2003 shocker is supposed to be released in late spring of this year. Considering the the best you can do right now (unless you live in Europe) is get on a Pre-order list for an X mag, it looks like they availability will be similar, barring Smart Parts pushes back the release date /shrug

So it is true that the Europeans have immediate access to the Xmags? Won't AGD Europe ship to the U.S. ? If not, I have all kinds of family in the UK, and it seems that they AGDE site isn't so hung up on unbelievably bright anno, they actually sell an all black! So what's the drawback from ordering from AGD E?

02-19-2003, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by soaklord

So it is true that the Europeans have immediate access to the Xmags? Won't AGD Europe ship to the U.S. ? If not, I have all kinds of family in the UK, and it seems that they AGDE site isn't so hung up on unbelievably bright anno, they actually sell an all black! So what's the drawback from ordering from AGD E?

last i heard they just wont ship to the us.. but if u have family.. then Get one! lol

02-19-2003, 10:31 PM
I've seen the patents for the new Shocker, and it's basically a Mayhem inside. A couple little changes, yes, but it's a Mayhem at heart. You could pick up a used mayhem for a helluva lot cheaper than a new shocker... just my 2c. Go Xmag.


02-20-2003, 01:54 AM
has anyone seen anything on the smart parts nerve?

02-20-2003, 02:27 AM
as far i understand, the nerve is gunna be the love child of a shocker and impulse.

or you can get a super nice cocker if you dont need an electro

Bubonic Plauge
02-20-2003, 02:31 AM
Seems that I am most likely going X-Mag. The reason I am in unrest is that the Pre-order list for X-mags are long as hell. If I miss this order, It will be another 4 months to get a mag. So, its kinda crunch time and I need to decide. Once I buy, thats it. Come on now people, Paintball guns are all about the instant gratification. Gratify today, and buy something new tomorrow =). It is clear to me from the research I have seen that closed bolt guns do not shoot any better than opens. But again, why is there such an empahsis placed on low pressure guns these days? Are the low pressures less likely to break in the barrel as the velocity is a slow, increasing impact?


nuclear zombie
02-20-2003, 07:39 AM
one word