View Full Version : What to do, what to do?

02-19-2003, 11:48 AM
Well I'm having thoughts again!! I'm not sure if I should sell my Vision Rat and get a 2k3 LCD or not!! Please give me your feedback on 2k3 LCDs and please vote in the poll!

For some reason the trigger on this is not for me. I want that short little click of an angel trigger with a soft return (this magnetic trigger has too stiff of a return for me.) With a freak or boomer the angel should be pretty accurate, right? Anyway, please give me your advice.

02-19-2003, 01:01 PM
if alls u want do to is change your trigger feel, and u really like the angels go with it. They are cheap right now and have pretty nice milling, they are also smaller then the imp. But u will lose your antichop, so u might need a faster loader or u can just take it easy on the trigger.
With a good barrel you prolly wont suffer from any accuracy loss.

02-19-2003, 04:36 PM
Dude, you havent even had the the Dimpy over a month- - - -and the feed neck was broken until just last week (or two- however long it's been)

Give yourself some time to get used to it. You're coming from a MAG, remember??? Additionally, If you really decide that you don't like your magnet trigger, put the stock one back in... that will change the way it feels.

Remember that book I wrote about your and your gear, and Jeff's story about the gun of the month club?? It takes MORE than 2 or 3 times playing with a totally different gun than you've ever used before to get used to it, and max out your potential on that marker.

Besides, the Dimpy is really sweet- - - and you got such a good deal on it, i think I would have to beat you over the head if you chunked it for somthing else- - Unless of course you want to sell the whole package to ME for $100 more than you paid for it. . heheheheh

Catch ya later,


EDIT. . and- - -Dont' get an angel just because 3 of the other guys on your team shoots them. Just because chris, michael and ryan got angels in the past couple months. . .Although I KNOW you wouldnt' do it just to follow suit (but there are others that will.

02-19-2003, 05:02 PM
Doc, the only reason I posted this thread was to see what other people thought so a couple months in the future I could look back on this. I love the impy but the trigger just doesn't appeal to me like it is. I'll try putting the stock one back in. If that doesn't achieve the desired results then what's the use in keeping it? I'm a newly kindled tourney ball player and I need a gun that I'm comfortable with. I gave my mag 7-8 months and it wasn't for me. The Imp will have it's chance, don't worry I'm not going to run off and sell it .. just yet :).

And NO, there is no way I would ever sell a gun just to fit in. Mike, Ryan, and Chris can shoot whatever they want as long as they do their job I don't care and they shouldn't either. Yeah I'm well aware that a lot of other people follow trend at XPB but hopefully you know I'm not like that and the only reason I'd get an angel was bcause of a performance increase over the Impy.

02-19-2003, 05:17 PM

02-19-2003, 06:08 PM
doooooooooooood!! keep the imp.. that thing is soooooooooo nice! nicer than a 2k3 lcd anyway :) .. just get rid of the magno trig and buy a blade.. 24 bucks man!

02-19-2003, 07:22 PM
WDP said they are only making 500 2k3's=) Might be hard to get one. BTW imps+timmys r freaking tall, thats what I dont like about them.

02-19-2003, 08:00 PM
The LCD's are nice but the only thing I don't like about them is that they come with no antichop option. To me this is a really big factor in gun performance, especially now with the other CHEAPER guns having eyes or other antichop devices. I would probably never own a LCD because of this (now an IR3 might be a differend story ;))

With that being said stick with the IMP.

I don't know if you can do this anymore but didn't people used to put Angel frames on Impulses? If you can still do this it seems like it would be the ideal mod for you.

02-19-2003, 08:39 PM
keep the impulse!! It is much better

02-19-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by AcemanPB
The LCD's are nice but the only thing I don't like about them is that they come with no antichop option. To me this is a really big factor in gun performance, especially now with the other CHEAPER guns having eyes or other antichop devices. I would probably never own a LCD because of this (now an IR3 might be a differend story ;))

With that being said stick with the IMP.

I don't know if you can do this anymore but didn't people used to put Angel frames on Impulses? If you can still do this it seems like it would be the ideal mod for you.

No, but www.wermmods.com has some impy trigger frames that are nearly identical to the LCD's.

02-19-2003, 11:04 PM
paul i got dibs on ur trigger if u dont need it anymore b/c i wouldn't mind having a magnetic blade instead of the boboist trigger in the world...(its the spring)... but paul how long are you talking about before you would sell your impy, would it be after night league? oh and cya thursday at practice...


EDIT: This is lee for the record... tyler logged in at my house and well i forgot to change users... now it shouldn't sound as weird that i want your trigger

02-19-2003, 11:20 PM
*cough* ANGELS SUCK *cough* Paul keep your impy man, that thing is sweet, and they CnC 2k3 doesn't have COPS, and yer impy isnt only vision, but a Rat, come on man, the best one out there, and it has a triple color fade! not to mention the fact a full freak, max-flo, LPR, etc. keep the impy man, its jsut as fast, roughly same size as an Angel (if you drop the tank w/ a CP micro or somethin), just as loud/quiet, and VERY low pressure. Man, even I liked yer impy and you know how much I hate them... and for the record, Lee's impy still sucks! hehe

(that is Tyler)

02-20-2003, 05:00 AM
if you have the eclipse magno-blade, just take out the magnet, put in a ball point pen spring, or the stock one, and it should be realy nice if you dont like the stiff magnet feel.

02-20-2003, 07:13 AM
Aceman, I've had people offer me CnC IR3's too ... that is the dilemma now. I thought about the whole antichop issue and you're right, going from a gun with vision to one without would probably be disastrous. Then again ... the IR3 does have COPS ... lol decisions decisions. I'm going to put in the stock trigger today to see how I like it but if it doesn't shoot the way I want then it'll be gone after night league.

Feurfri: You can't just take out the magnet, it's drilled into the grip frame. Yes it's supposed to be that way :). I could take out the magnetic trigger and just slap the stock one in and the magnet wouldn't have an polarity with the trigger so it would be like normal.

Minimag187: I could get a 2k3 LCD fairly easy. I've had 2 people tell me they were willing to trade if I decide to.

02-20-2003, 05:36 PM
I've shot both, If I were you I would go with the IR3, but thats just me. If you do decide on the IR3 make sure you upgrade the board to cops2, I know the orginal cops system was a little bugy.

02-20-2003, 05:48 PM
Keep the Imp.The "stock" trigger in a Rat should be a blade,most likely a ND blade.With that trigger,you can easily equal an angel trigger or better.I've had mine at <1mm and 1 quarter(.25oz) or anywhere above that.If it's an actual stock trigger,get a blade.Either NewDesignz or v2 werm and you won't be disapointed.


own or owned Rat,LCD,IR3 FYI

02-20-2003, 09:51 PM
Yeah the stock trigger is an NDZ. I haven't gotten it in there yet but tomorrow I should have it in. With any luck I should have it set nice like an angel. I was messing around with my trigger today and I could only hit 8 or 9 bps (I recorded the sound on my comp.) That wasn't walking though. *Sigh* so many options available. Anyone else have any more input on IR3s?

02-20-2003, 09:58 PM
They Rock.

I love the grip frame.There is a company that makes an identical copy for the Imp though.

It's just a preferance thing.Somedays feel like one and some feel like the other.Spice of life I guess.

If I take just one it's usually the Rat though.Just like it more I guess.


02-22-2003, 07:52 PM
I played with it today and I acually like the trigger now ... all I need is a freak insert set now (all I have is .689 and the paint I'm shooting is about .683). Even with paint that didn't fit it was a very tight pattern even from across the field.

02-23-2003, 12:14 PM
Get a Matrix and be happy :p