View Full Version : Shocktech bushy or rat impulse

02-20-2003, 02:13 PM
What do you reccomend. I need pros and cons of both please help.

02-20-2003, 03:40 PM
There is a movie on pbstar.com that has a section on the shocktech bushy, looks pretty sweet to me. YOu outa go check it out.

02-20-2003, 03:57 PM
i would personaly buy a eclipse impulse


02-20-2003, 04:52 PM
I'm not sure on this but I believe the Shocktech Bushy comes without a foregrip/reg or a bottom line/drop. Be sure to check on this and factor it into your expected costs.

Performance wise they should both be very close and mostly a matter of personal preferance. For the money you will end up putting into either of those you might also want to consider one of the 2K3 Angel LCD's. Those are going for around $850 now.

02-20-2003, 05:05 PM
Between the two I would get the bushie, it is an amazing piece of equipment. However, it is spendy as hell once you buy a reg and barrel for it, so I would also recommend the 2k3 LCD angel, if you want to follow the crowd, that is.

02-20-2003, 05:30 PM
rat impulse i own one and love it its cheaper then getting an impulse and doing all the same upgrades and epbo is awesome

02-20-2003, 06:00 PM
i almost bought a shocteck bushy and the total price would be $1150 (this includes a boomstick, decent reg, bottomline, drop forward and asa adapter, and also includes tax)
so this would probably be more than the ratpulse

02-20-2003, 08:27 PM
knowing shocktechs reliability, i would go for the bushy

plus it the lightest electro out there

Mr. T!
02-20-2003, 08:31 PM
Get the bushie. If you cannot aford the shocktech, get the 2k3 bushie from ICD, under 600 with a reg, barrel, and the PDS system. Out of the box, no upgrades are nessecary, unlike the imp (fore grip, lpr, bolt and trigger. Comfort, no FSDO, less kick, and higher rof's), so you will be able to save more money and be able to play. Although i am sure that the imp is nice, save your cash and get a bushie, they are the best for t he money, and, IMO, they beat the pants off of imps.

02-20-2003, 08:43 PM
congrats! you just picked the two tallest guns on the market!! ;):)

02-20-2003, 09:15 PM
bah espo, dont talk.....he wanted a opinion..not someone dissing the markers he likes

i say GO WITH THE RAT!! i shoot a EPBO impulse and it absolutely RIPS! you wont find a better impulse out there (except for the drenny imp but that is in a league of it's own)

also the guys at EPBO are really nice and willing to talk to you for hours on end to help you find out exactly what you want!

you can get ur Rat imp set up HOWEVER YOU WANT, whatever setup u want, they will make it

plus u cant beat the sexy lines of the rat impulse!

02-20-2003, 11:54 PM
Im going to have to agree with espo about the tallest guns...

I have a personal hatred for impulses, for several reasons.
1.I owned 1 and i hated it... (blew the damn solenoid everyweek with a constant input under 150)
2. tall
3.POPULAR... 90% of my field is impulses
4.i think their ugly
5.Smart Parts Customer support sucks (i had to send my gun in 7 times, i know how bad it is)

Goldie D Pimp
02-21-2003, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by EsPo
congrats! you just picked the two tallest guns on the market!! ;):)

How many people have actually compared bushies/imps side by side with other guns?

Granted they ARE a lot taller than a mag, but there really isn't that much difference between other guns.

My classic timmy is as tall if not taller than my bushies. My angel is about 1/2" shorter, which IS shorter but not that much shorter.

I think the narrow profile makes them look taller than the actually are.

I'd go with a standard bushy if it were up to me.

02-21-2003, 09:53 AM
there is a pic on here somewhere, cant remember the name of the thread, but it puts an emag, rtp, angel, and an imp side by side.. and the imp is by very far the tallest.

02-21-2003, 10:09 AM
Get the bushy. It has a board in it that limits at 66.6 bps. MAN thats fast. And its the lightest electro on the market. Go bushy.

02-21-2003, 12:02 PM

1. ok you didnt like it, no way the noid blew every weekend..that's insane and if it did u should've stopped replacing it and sent it in to SP and asked them to figure it out
2.ok, it's tall, but u can work around that by getting a low rise, and a vertical reg, which takes off a lot of the height
3. what's so bad about having a popular gun? just because lots of people shot them and love them doesnt mean u should hate it....
4. Good for u....lots of people love the look of the impulse, and bawitheba obviously likes it too if he was chosing between a bushy and a imp
5. If he bought a RAT IMPULSE he wouldnt be dealing with SP most of the time, EPBO has a lifetime warranty on all their impulses and they are great guys that are always willling to help you outwith whatever you need!

agdemagman, you may have gotten a lemon, every gun has a few lemons that get out...and u seemed to have gotten one, but i think u overexagerrated just a little bit there

plus he isnt talking about buying a stock impy or a stock upgraded, he wants to get a Rat impulse, THE BEST upgraded imp IMO (besides the AI). I've had my impulse for about 7 months and it has gone thru 7 tourneys, and countless practices with me and i've never had any problems with it \\

I hope people start explaining themselves more and provide factual information to people looking for help, instead of " HATE THEM! THEY SUCK ImP5 L00z3Rz!!!!"

Cris Polilli

02-21-2003, 04:45 PM
go with the bushy, shocktech is THE best company in paintball imo..

02-21-2003, 05:01 PM
get a rat
they are great guns affordable and they shoot reallllly fast nice short trigger pull u can get different frames for them they run at low pressure u can also get vision;)

paint magnet
02-21-2003, 05:14 PM
Rat Imp with Vision and I frame, Evil lpr kit/nose cap, low rise, vert reg, and whatever else you want. Oh yeah and Eggo 2