View Full Version : RT users with Centerflag tanks...

02-21-2003, 12:00 AM
Well, I got my Dynaflow system a while ago, and I'm pretty dern happy with it. Haven't gotten a chance to fill it and test it out, but so far, so good. Hopefully it'll stay that way.

Anyway, I was thinking about how Centerflag tanks have that "creep-up" as the tank pressure decreases. I like 950 psi in my gun, and it's fun and all, but I'd like to keep my gun as tournie legal as possible. I want to play tournies as soon as I get the chance.

If I have 800-850 going into my gun, do I have to worry about too much reactivity, or possible run-away when my tank starts to empty out? I have lvl 10, so my gun quits shooting at like 800-900 psi anyway, but I would 'still rather not have to worry about that.

Is it even an issue? or does it not creep that much?

02-21-2003, 03:39 AM
The Centerflag bottles only creep up slowly.
The trigger wouldn't run away due to creeping because after you fire a shot the bottle will reset to it's set pressure THEN start the slow rise. I've used Centerflag regs for quite a while now and never a illegal trigger problem.

02-22-2003, 11:06 AM
yeh, the creap is slow when it happens, and my Dynaflow has never done it that ive noticed. Besides, from what i hear, it doesnt start till you have less than 1200 in the tank....and so it cant get too, too high since theres only 1200 in the tank