View Full Version : Helpful Tips For Skyball!?

02-21-2003, 01:26 AM
Well with skyball around the corner, any helpful tips out there to make the trip easier?

Any tips can go here, from 5 man tips, buying paint early, buying stuff ect ect ect, anything goes.

I've heard that food and drinks are really expensive, like a bottle of coke can be up to $4 ... so I plan on bringing my own food and drink for the weekend.

02-21-2003, 02:56 AM
dont get shot and you could win


02-21-2003, 03:07 AM
LOL, thank you. I'll keep that in mind while playing. :D

02-21-2003, 03:48 AM
Games go really fast, don't bring a lot of paint on the field.
If you aren't one of the players that is supposed to be laneing on the break, make sure you wear bouncy stuff on your head and keep your hand in front of your goggles while running.
Practice sliding while walking the fields.
Watch as many games as you can of your opponents and your field and make notes.
If you are looking for a REALLY fun time outside of the dome, ask the doorman at the Renaissance Hotel. (must be 18) :)
MOST IMPORTANT!!!!! Hit a grocery store so you don't have to pay their OUTRAGEOUS prices for food/drinks at the dome.
Have a BALL!

02-21-2003, 07:29 AM
dont forget to hit the money exchange :)

02-21-2003, 08:43 AM
a good pair of shoes is very important
u cant wear cleats so dont bother bringing em
i wore vans avalance shoes last year and they where very good

02-21-2003, 11:10 AM
if your asking kids online how to play a tourny, which most of which I think honestly are not at that level, you yourself are not ready ;).

But here's some tips anways. Off the break, ALWAYS have someone burning a key bunker. Ususally it's a bunker that is close to the start location or a snake or diamond if there is one. On a normal format, i would have 3 people shooting off the break while the other two superman dive somewhere up front with good angles. While playing against a team u know that have a good reputation of handing their opponent's asses to them, I would play more defensive. I would probaby have everyone shoot off the break. Two guys burrning from the start bunker, two move off to the sides while shooting and front guy move up to a bunker that isn't too far. Always TALK TALK TALK. If you want to play more aggressive and fast, i would recommend 3 guys running, 2 guys shooting. One guy burning from the start bunker, 1 guy move somewhere whie shooting. Key is talking and getting into good bunkers. Good luck.

02-21-2003, 12:08 PM
Get sleep. As much as your looking to get the most out of the weekend, don't underestimate good rest time. :)

02-21-2003, 03:00 PM
"if your asking kids online how to play a tourny, which most of which I think honestly are not at that level, you yourself are not ready "

Ouch that hurt! I was just trying to make a helpful post for myself and others. This will be my first Skyball.

Anyways, up, hope to see some of you there.

02-21-2003, 03:40 PM
What I think FeelTheRT was meaning that in general the average age of the people on here is rather low and when you translate that into tournament exp. you will "in general" find that good info will be lacking. (FeelTheRT
If I was wrong post up)

Basically walk the fields, decide secondary moves and ensure your support players know their job and if you are that support player listen to what is being asked of you. The shouting is needed and you will feel isolated more so than an outdoor field, so scream your head off...the advice of a hand in front of your face, I see it happen a lot...waste of time! you are not balanced in the form of your body to run smoothly. If your scared of being hit then don't play paintball. Cover your face and you will miss that guy running to the barricade from hell on your 40!

BTW this will be my 4th Skyball...I missed SB4 and SB5.

02-21-2003, 03:42 PM
He was just asking basic advice for the Skyball event, not how to play a tourney.

He wants to know where to get food, any tips on where to go, hotels, whatever..

02-21-2003, 03:51 PM
Irb pretty much summed it up :D
But anything is welcome guys.

02-21-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by omni
Well with skyball around the corner, any helpful tips out there to make the trip easier?

Any tips can go here, from 5 man tips, buying paint early, buying stuff ect ect ect, anything goes.

I've heard that food and drinks are really expensive, like a bottle of coke can be up to $4 ... so I plan on bringing my own food and drink for the weekend.

Just to refresh your memory....The food/drinks bit was covered on the very first post, so other than tips on how to play the game (see above) You can only buy the paint when the trucks are opened to let you buy it so that doesn't apply. You can't advise someone on what paintball gear to buy when you don't know who is gonna be there.

But to play along...food, Hardrock if you can afford it, where to go..well unless a vacation is being made of the trip....Hardrock. Hotels...bit late to advise that one, though I wouldn't believe the prices for the "special rate" as advertised on the Skyball site as at least one of the hotels listed advertises on their own website rates below the "special rate for Skyball" and yes they are for the dates covered by the event..and you have various choices of room size and type. There are a couple of Clubs to go to but unless you are of a certain age you can't get in and they are very expensive..but clothes are removed ;) but then picking up the city paper is the best way to find that info.

But then you could always do a search about the city @ http://www.toronto.ca