View Full Version : Let me see if I can get this right...

Duke Henry
02-21-2003, 10:00 AM
Differences between my RTP's ReTro Valve and the new X-Valve:

X-Valve is much lighter
X-Valve should allow for a slight increase in rate of fire - and overall cycline speed.
X-Valve comes stock with an LX kit installed.

I have an LX kit for my RTP, sitting in its box.

So, is there a significant reason for me to get an X-Valve? I never have had chopping issues (my Warp+Halo-B/Evolution 2 work just dandy) and so the LX thing is not crucial, in my eyes. However, I (along with others) have tried to get an LX kit to work in my RTP - but have failed with every attempt. I don't feel safe enough sending in my whole gun across the border to get AGD to look at it. So, my hopes are not high in the LX working with any gun I touch... :-)

My gun is already a heavy beast with the Warp, HALO-B (or Evo 2) and I don't honestly see a major difference in weight with this new valve. Of course, I have never used one so I am basically just running with the numbers from the tech specs.

To reiterate: in my case, is an X-Valve worth it?

Right now, I am thinking no.

02-21-2003, 10:44 AM
There is NO operational difference between a Level 10 equipped ReTro Valve and an X-Valve.

Originally posted by Duke Henry
Differences between my RTP's ReTro Valve and the new X-Valve:
X-Valve should allow for a slight increase in rate of fire - and overall cycline speed.

02-21-2003, 11:02 AM
the only thing on a semi trigger that can increase your speed is practice

02-21-2003, 11:15 AM
the X-valve is 3oz lighter than your valve right now if you install the LX your valve looses weight due to the lighter LX bolt.

If you like the way your markers works then don't change it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Is the X-valve worth it?
It's in the eye of the Beholder, and in your pocket. To some people it is and others it's not.

If your worried about sending your marker to AGD to have LX installed perhaps you could find someone in our area that could help you out. Or you could try your local shop to see if they will install it properly.

Duke Henry
02-21-2003, 11:20 AM
Thanks for the info, I don't see myself getting an X-Valve.

As far as the LX goes, I did take it to a local shop who had successfully installed numerous LX's in other mags. For whatever reason, they could not get mine to chrony under 300.

I wasn't too hurt though, my gun works fine as is.

Thanks again

02-21-2003, 12:31 PM
hmmm...so are you looking to get rid of the lvl 10? : )

Duke Henry
02-21-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by cheetah256
hmmm...so are you looking to get rid of the lvl 10? : )

Possibly. I will see what goes down at our next team meeting in the beginning of March, and make my decision then.


02-21-2003, 03:00 PM
if you can't get the velocity down/up you may need a new spring pack

02-21-2003, 04:46 PM

i take it that the shop you're referring to is Alter Ego? if it ISN'T run your mag by there...i've seen them work wonders on automags

i think Alter Ego is like 16 hundo something on Pembina highway


Duke Henry
02-21-2003, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by kotch

i take it that the shop you're referring to is Alter Ego? if it ISN'T run your mag by there...i've seen them work wonders on automags

i think Alter Ego is like 16 hundo something on Pembina highway


Yup, 1605 Pembina. Frank is a great tech, and I may get him to look at the gun again - but since I don't chop anyway, I don't see a real need for me to get it in ASAP. Once it warms up here I will get back in the groove, and if I get chopping problems, I will think about getting the Lx installed again. For now, I will appreciate the increased gas efficiency.

BTW, how did you know about Alter Ego Sports?